Principal's December Newsletter
December 13, 2024
Hi, this is a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have a student at, or have expressed an interest in, Glenbard East High School. Communication between Glenbard East and our families and community is very important to us. Don't forget to add ge_news@glenbard.org to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! Please email any questions directly to Glenbard Staff, we are happy to respond.
December 17
FREE Hot Chocolate & Candy Canes
7:30AM – 8AM Auditorium Foyer
December 18 - 20
Special Schedule
December 23 – January 5
Winter Break
January 6
Institute Day
January 16
All That Jazz Concert
7PM – Marquardt Performing Arts Center
January 20
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
As we approach the end of the semester and winter break, it is my hope that the holiday season is kind to all of our families. I am grateful to be able to serve our students and this community. Like always, December has been a busy month and it has been great seeing our students putting some of their talents on display in athletics, music, and the arts.
And while the winter break signals the halfway mark of this school year, it also signals that it is time for us to begin preparing for the next school year. Immediately after the break, we will be welcoming our future Rams to East during our Future Rams Academic and Activity Night on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025. We look forward to showcasing all that East has to offer to next year’s freshman class.
Additionally, our current students will begin choosing their courses for the 2025-26 school year soon after our return from break. We encourage our students to find an area of interest and consider enrolling in at least one Advanced Placement or Dual Credit course prior to graduating from high school. Students that take AP and/or Dual Credit courses are more likely to be prepared for coursework at the collegiate level. In addition, students can earn college credit and save on tuition costs. Glenbard East High School offers a wide-range of Advanced Placement and Dual Credit courses in multiple subject areas. I encourage you to take a look at our Academic Program Guide, linked later in this publication, to view all of the courses we offer.
Not to get too far ahead of ourselves, I want to bring the focus back to what’s immediately in front of us. As we move into the final week of the semester, students are encouraged to finish strong. Know that our staff is here to support and provide students with the assistance they need. It’s important for students to be self advocates and seek out the necessary help. There is still time. Please click here for important information that was shared with families earlier this week.
We remain committed to serve every student, every day in their quest to be a Glenbard East graduate that is self-empowered, thinks critically, embraces diversity, communicates, creates, and collaborates.
I wish all of our Glenbard East families a wonderful and safe holiday and a prosperous and Happy New Year!
Thank you for your continued support! We Are East!!!
1. CAFETERIA SERVICE – There will be limited food service on exam days. The Cafeteria lines will be open to serve our students during the following times: 7:30AM - 8AM for breakfast.
2. EXAM MAKE-UP – Students who have an excused absence from an exam may make arrangements with their teacher to make up the exam during the Exam Make-up Sessions. Students may also arrange with teachers to make up exams during Resource Periods.
3. TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF DUPAGE – There will be no TCD classes for students on exam days.
4. QUIET STUDY AREAS – Supervised quiet study areas will be available for those students who wish to study during the exams, when they have a free period. All Physical Education and Driver Education classes WILL MEET ON EXAM DAYS. There are to be no students in the halls without a pass during the exam periods. All students are to remain in their classes during the entire period.
5. RESCHEDULED EXAMS – Students who feel they have a heavy load of exams on Day 1 or Day 2 may elect to change or move one of their exams to the Make-up time slot on Day 3. This request must be made with the teacher at least one week prior to their scheduled exam.
6. SCHOOL CODE – School Code requires that Districts schedule a minimum of 300-minutes of instruction and student support during the last day of each academic semester. Passing periods do not count toward the 300-minute requirement.
7. ATHLETICS – Practices may begin after 2:00PM. Students should check with their coach for actual start time.
Beginning in January students will be meeting with their counselors to select classes for next school year. The Glenbard East Academic Program Guidebook can help students and parents better understand the wealth of courses offered at East, as well as which courses fulfill high school graduation requirements. We encourage families to discuss students’ educational interests and post-secondary goals during the registration process.
Should you or your student have any questions, please reach out to your school counselor.
Enrolling in Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Credit courses can significantly save time and money for parents by reducing future college expenses. AP courses offer students the chance to earn college credit by scoring a 3 or higher on AP exams, allowing them to skip equivalent college courses. Similarly, Dual Credit courses enable students to earn both high school and college credits simultaneously by completing approved courses through partnerships with institutions like the College of Dupage. These early college credits can shorten the time required to complete a degree, lowering tuition costs and potentially reducing the need for student loans. To learn more about AP and Dual Credit opportunities at East, click here.
Students from all four Glenbard high schools will select their courses for the 2025-26 school year online through their PowerSchool accounts. This online process encourages parents to actively participate in course selection and helps students prepare for similar processes they may encounter in college. Please review the 25-26 Enrollment Resources and Timeline that were shared with your student.
Key Dates to Remember:
· December 2 - January 6: Students select their courses online in PowerSchool.
· After January 6: Students can view their course choices in PowerSchool, but any changes must be made through their school counselor.
· January 13 - February 3: Counselors will meet individually with students to ensure their course selections meet graduation requirements.
We encourage parents to monitor their student’s PowerSchool account during this time to review course requests and note any updates. After students finalize their course requests with their counselor, changes will only be made by completing a Google form (starting June 1). These changes will be permitted based on course availability and alignment with the student’s post-secondary pathway.
Thank you for supporting your student through this important process!
Please join us to meet our fine teachers, department chairs, and administrators.
5:30 P.M.-6:00 P.M. Principal Welcome and Enrollment Information
6:00 P.M.-7:45 P.M. Department visits
We are very excited to welcome the class of 2029!
April 9, 2025: All 9th grade students will take the PreACT 9 Secure and 10th grade students will take the PreACT Secure. This exam will be administered digitally, on student iPads. This is a non-attendance day for 11th, and 12th grade students. (All public-school students in grade 9 will participate in the PreACT 9 Secure unless they take DLM-AA, the state's alternate assessment, instead. All public-school students in grade 10 will participate in the PreACT Secure unless they take DLM-AA, the state's alternate assessment, instead.)
April 10, 2025: All Juniors at Glenbard East will take the School-day ACT with Essay. This exam will be administered digitally, on student iPads. This is a non-attendance day for 9th, 10th, and 12th grade students. (All public-school students in grade 11, and grade 12 as required, will participate in The ACT with Writing in spring 2025 unless they take DLM-AA, the state's alternate assessment, instead.)
May 5–9 and May 12–16: AP Exams administered at Glenbard East Click here for more details from College Board.
Access Testing will take place in February. This annual assessment measures students’ English language proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, helping determine course placement and eligibility for English Learner (EL) services. The test is mandatory for eligible students, including seniors, and tracks their English growth over a one-year period. More detailed information will be shared in January with those students required to test.
Seniors, each year over forty local scholarships are awarded to Glenbard East Seniors who are planning to further their education. Last year over $50,000 was awarded to Glenbard East Seniors. You will find information about the application process and the application here and on our website by clicking Students, then School Counseling, then Scholarships & Financial Aid. The application is due the evening of February 3rd. Good luck!
Additionally, Please click here for the Glenbard East Scholarship List for scholarship information that is sent to Glenbard East. Scholarship search engines and financial aid resources are included also.
As the holiday break approaches and you may be thinking about traveling plans, we want to stress the importance of sending your student to school every day possible. Every year, absences spike in the weeks before and after the winter holiday as families squeeze in a few more vacation days. It’s time to break that cycle. We know that just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and put your student behind in school. This is as true in high school as it is in kindergarten. Put simply, too many absences at any age can affect a student’s chances for academic success and eventually for graduation. With final exams quickly approaching, it is critical that students are in attendance so that they have the best chance of being successful.
We recognize that holidays are an important time for reconnecting with families far away. We understand traveling costs influence when families decide to get away. But keep in mind the costs to your student’s education if they miss too much school— and the message you will be sending about the importance of attendance. Even if you have assignments from the teacher, it doesn’t make up for the interaction and learning that happens in the classroom. Our teachers will be teaching, and our students will be learning, right up until vacation starts after school on Friday, December 20, and the first day back is on Tuesday, January 7. This holiday season, give your student the priceless gift of an education and the habit of attendance.
As we progress through this winter season, here are a few reminders to ensure your student is optimally equipped for success. If you have any questions or concerns related to student services, please contact Mr. Broderick L. Booth, Assistant Principal for Student Services at 630-424-6603 (broderick_booth@glenbard.org). Thank you in advance for making student health, attendance, and engagement a priority with your student.
Glenbard East Student Support Services
Does your child need extra help? Check out this link: Student Support Services
Student Helpline
Encourage your child to call our student helpline 630-424-6670 anytime they need to make reports about student safety. Anonymous reporting is available. We are here to help!
Student Activities
School engagement does not just mean involvement in academics. It also includes getting involved in one of our Extracurricular activities. Encourage your student to participate in one of our 50+ clubs or activities and become more connected with fellow peers and teachers.
Live Life Well Week
Glenbard District 87 students and staff will celebrate Live Life Well Week 2025 from 2/17-2/21. The week is an opportunity to bring focus to the skills necessary to persevere, moving forward in positive healthful ways, developing the resilience and healthy habits to “Live Life Well.”
At Glenbard East High School, we have a “Students for Students” club which aims to amplify student voices and enhance our students' experience during their four years at East. As part of this club, a group of students shared their vision of Glenbard East hosting a Relay For Life event, including a cancer charity walk, annually each spring. Many students have expressed that they have friends, family, or loved ones close to them who have been affected by cancer. Additionally, many students have peers who have participated in Relay for Life, and found it an impactful and life-changing experience. This event requires a significant amount of planning and assistance from adults including supervision. If you are interested in contributing to our community by becoming involved though volunteering, chaperoning, or helping with set-up, we would welcome your assistance.
The event is tentatively scheduled for April 26th, 2025.
Please reach out to rebecca_wagner@glenbard.org with your name if you are interested.
Details to follow in the coming weeks.
Please contact Keisha Edwards (kiesha_edwards@glenbard.org), Rebecca Wagner (rebecca_wagner@glenbard.org), or Nicolette Rinaldi (nicolette_rinaldi@glenbard.org) with any questions.
Musicians qualify for All-State by having the top rankings in their ILMEA district. Composition winners were chosen from over 300 entries in 21 categories. The following students have been selected to the All-State level and will travel to Peoria to participate in the 2024 Illinois Music Educators Conference (IMEC) in January:
Grace Boddy: Honors Vocal Jazz, soprano. Honors Vocal Jazz is an ensemble of 12 musicians from across Illinois. This is Grace’s second year with these high honors!
Serge Dulang: All-State Honors Chorus, tenor 1
Grace Boddy: Composition: 1st Place, Jazz Improvisation. off my chest
Eric Brown: Composition: Honorable Mention, Commercial Instrumental. SUPERMANTRAP
Dean Dominowski: Composition: 3rd Place, Rap/Hip Hop. Ten Toes Pt 2
Dean Dominowski: Composition: Honorable Mention, Remix. failed relationship (rnb remix)
Serge Dulang: Composition: Honorable Mention, Jazz Improvisation. Jazz Improv
Malachi Essex: Composition: Honorable Mention, Rock Band. STAY AWAY
Maddie Bernard, Jillian Gorvett & Allie Piña: Selected to participate in the Future Musical Educator Seminars.
The Glenbard East Staffulty of the Month Award has been established to recognize outstanding people for their dedication, professionalism, and work. Those receiving this award are nominated by administrators, colleagues, and students for exhibiting our D87 Profile of an Educator tenants.
Each month, we recognize two staff members based on their advocacy for students, empathy for others, critical thinking, embracing diversity, innovation, and collaboration.
Congratulations to this month's honorees!!!
Caris Zeller was nominated by 4 students for exhibiting the following Profile of an Educator competencies: Advocates, Empathizes, Thinks Critically, Embraces Diversity, Innovates, Collaborates. Below is what they had to say:
"Mrs. Zeller is a SUPER kind teacher to all students, and I see her try everyday to make class/learning fun for us."
"Mrs.Zeller has been a really great teacher since I’ve started AP chemistry. Even tho I do struggle in that class at times, the opportunities she gives us to better our grade makes me really happy. She cares for her students and shows it through her actions by listening to us. She talks to us about our lives and tries to relate. Her teaching style helps all of us and helping her students out with any questions they have has advocated for her as a teacher. If I ever to become a teacher, I would be wanna like her. She has a good genuine soul that everyone could be around of and never get bored."
"Mrs. Zeller celebrates diversity by teaching us about people of different backgrounds everyday that I otherwise would not have been aware of. She is kind, passionate, and understanding every day. She helps everyone feel prepared for tests and lets us discuss topics other than the class material."
"Ms. Zeller never fails to turn a difficult class like AP Chemistry into a fun opportunity to learn. She welcomes each and every student everyday and has a question of the day to go with attendance, revealing an effort to connect with her students. She establishes that she is here to help us every single day and her initiative to teach us and get us further help has shown our class that she genuinely cares about our success as students. Beyond just being very friendly and likeable, Ms.Zeller is a great instructor and has efficient means of teaching while always considering how we as students are holding up on the other end. I am very happy to be enrolled in her class and I speak for many when I say Ms.Zeller is a fantastic teacher!"
Marissa McLean was nominated by a staff member and one student for exhibiting the following Profile of an Educator competencies: Advocates, Empathizes, Thinks Critically, Embraces Diversity, Innovates, Collaborates. Below is what they had to say:
"I had the pleasure of accompanying the fine arts/music department on their trip to NYC this past October to support with students' mental health needs. I was able to see firsthand, the time, dedication, and selflessness Marissa McLean put forward into making the trip a life-changing, educational, and memorable experience for the students. By allowing students the opportunity to become their own independent, autonomous selves by providing the stage for their musical performances, I am certain almost every one of 180 students who attended now have more confidence in themselves and their musical abilities than they did before the trip. Students were given the opportunity to perform at one of three major NYC landmarks -- grand central station, St. Paul the Apostle Church, and on the deck of the USS Intrepid. Every adult I shared the itinerary with (both in and out of GBE) were beyond impressed. Some people even shared they wanted their kids to go to East! The countless behind the scenes hours Marissa put into this trip are unfathomable to me. Students explored time square, saw broadway shows, learned about Immigration at Ellis Island, learned about U.S. History at the Statue of Liberty and the 9/11 memorial, economics at the Rockefeller Center.... the list goes on and on. She thought about the "innovates" strand in ways many others might not have dreamed of accomplishing. For instance, our school had a one on one private Q&A session with the music director of the nationally acclaimed broadway musical, Wicked. This is practically unheard of, and Marissa thought to pursue this opportunity. I felt like MY horizons were expanded as a staff member.
Marissa truly does embody all 6 factions of the GBE PoG. The students she interacts with feel seen and understood by her kind and approachable nature. She is able to challenge opinions and problem solve in an effective, timely, and professional manner. Equity was a major consideration in the planning of this trip. Fundraising efforts were prioritized, and I certainly observed the benefits. I had many students share that they had never been on a plane before or had never even dreamed they would see a broadway show. Due to the fundraising efforts and the intentional choice to keep costs low, many students were able to attend who might not have been able to otherwise. Her involvement at Glenbard East through her efforts in organizing activities is greatly appreciated by students and staff. Her presence at Glenbard East truly makes the school a more positive, connected community. I hope she knows that her efforts do not go unrecognized!"
"She supports and respects everyone in our school!"
Exciting news from the Fine Arts Department! Our booster organization has expanded from music to include all of the Fine Arts at Glenbard East!
Joining GEFAB helps to support all of the activities in music, art, theatre, and film production. Your membership helps fund the “extras” that make the Fine Arts Experience at East so special to our students. Through membership and fundraising GEFAB provides lesson scholarships, college scholarships, field trip assistance, and support for events throughout the year. GEFAB volunteers help with marching band and concert uniforms, theatre production build and performances and hospitality at events.
Please consider joining GEFAB for $25. Go to gefinearts.org for more information.
Who: All Ages! No experience necessary!
What: Learn a song in 3-part harmony in less than 90 minutes! Admission includes beverage and dessert.
Why: Raise funds for our Fine Arts Students
When: Friday, January 24th, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Tickets are $30/adult and $20/student
Purchase your tickets here.
We continue to build and live by our athletic motto: Students First: VICTORY Will Happen…as victory is way more important than just simply winning. We continue to implement Glenbard Profile of a Graduate transferable life skills and its six competencies: self-empowered, communicates, thinks critically, embraces diversity, creates, and collaborates. We feel these skills will afford our students post-secondary opportunities including college, jobs/careers, military, or wherever their life takes them.
Please click here for our 2024 December Edition GBE Athletic Booster Club Newsletter
Basketball Boys: Eric Kelly (eric_kelly@glenbard.org), Social Media: X @GEastHoops
Basketball Girls: Nicole Miller (nicole_miller@glenbard.org), Social Media: X @GE_Girls_BBALL, Instagram @ GBEGirlsHoops
Bowling Boys: Steve Bair (steve_bair@glenbard.org), Social Media: Instagram @ glenbard_bowling
Bowling Girls: Dawn Chantos (dawn_chantos@glenbard.org), X @ GEGirlsBowling, Instagram @ glenbard_girls_bowling
Cheer CoEd: Kelly Dolan (kelly_dolan@glenbard.org), Social Media: X @ gehs_cheer, Instagram @ gehs_cheer, X @ JVCheerRams, Instagram @ gehs_jvcheer
Dance (Poms): Courtney Clay (courtney_clay@glenbard.org), Social Media: X @ GBE_Dance, Instagram @ gberamettes
Gymnastics Girls: Jessica Bugajsky (jessica_bugajsky@glenbard.org), Social Media: Instagram @ @GBERampage
Swimming Boys Co-op with Glenbard North: Tyler Buss (tyler_buss@glenbard.org), Social Media: X @ gbne_boysswim Instagram @ gbne_boysswim
Wrestling Boys: Donald Pool (donald_pool@glenbard.org), Social Media: X @ ge_wrestling
Wrestling Girls: Matthew Nelson (matthew_nelson@glenbard.org), Social Media: X @ ge_wrestling
Glenbard East Athletics keeps players, parents, and fans up to date with team news, pictures, schedules, rosters and more. For the most up to date team schedules and announcements, please visit our athletic website: https://schools.snap.app/glenbardeast
Follow us on (X) or Instagram: @GEHS_Athletics
YouTube Livestream: If you cannot attend in-person, please view our Rams teams that compete in the East Gym-Main Gym and in the Stadium: https://www.youtube.com/, and then please follow GE_Events
Athletic Wall-of-Achievement: https://glenbardeast.touchpros.com/Home2.aspx
WHY should Rams families/parents become members and volunteer for the Glenbard East Athletic Booster Club?
- #1 RELATIONSHIPS…an opportunity to meet and work with very diverse parents/families that make up our Glenbard East Rams Community
- Be members of planning committees and contribute to the overall success of the booster club
- Purchase an Individual ($60)/Family Pass ($75); save admission money during regular season contests at any of the Glenbard High Schools
- Participate and contribute to fundraising, including our annual Craft Fair (occurred on October 26, 2024), Red & Black Trivia Night (February 28, 2025) and our Golf Outing (August 2025 still TBD) with a goal of fundraising up to or more than $30,000
- Work concessions (contributes about 25% to the overall boosters budget), and assure our fans are well fed and earn funding for your child’s team
- Shop and wear the Red & Black gear: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/illinois/lombard/glenbard-east-high-school
- Be one of the athletic families to earn a $1,000 booster scholarship towards college tuition, room & board, etc.
Any further inquiries, please reach out to our current Athletic Booster Club president, Jerri Gapastione, jgw8@comcast.net or visit the booster website: https://www.geramsboosters.org/
Glenbard East High School
Email: ge_news@glenbard.org
Website: glenbardeasths.org
Location: 1014 South Main Street, Lombard, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 627-9250
Twitter: @GE_Rams