La Center United News
February 2020
Happy Valentines Day from La Center United
We hope you have an amazing holiday. Keep La Center United in mind as you are celebrating the special people in your life.
Whats New?
Join us! March 13th: La Center United Coalition Meeting: Youth Film Screening
Prevention Policy Day
Community Connections Meeting
The Loft
The Loft is open 3:00-5:30pm every Wednesday that La Center School District is in session.
The Loft is open to Middle school and High school students who are seeking a fun, safe environment to connect and engage after school. Participants can join in a variety of activities from dodge ball, basketball, pool, ping-pong, board games, video games, arts, crafts, and life skills.
Register Now!
Fill out the Youth Registration Form and bring with you on any Wednesday!
Volunteers Needed!
If you love working with young people, or leading skills or an activity please contact lacenterunited@gmail.com for more information.
Website: https://www.lacenterunited.org/the-loft/
Location: La Center Evangelical Free Church, East 5th Street, La Center, WA, USA
If You Can offer Time
Volunteer: We are always in need of volunteers for coalition events and for The Loft teen center. Whether you are able to volunteer one time or ongoing, any volunteer time is immensely appreciated and helps La Center United work towards our goals.
If You Can Offer Your Talent:
Can you cook, draw, paint, present? Do you have a unique job in a career field that growing or a job related to prevention? We could use your specialized skills in connecting with young people, their parents, educators and the community.
If You Have Treasures to Share:
If you are spring cleaning, and looking for a place to donate items you no longer use, The Loft is always in need of supplies.Please consider donating new or used items, checkout our wishlist https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Kd-TflM7j/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
A Meal:
Please consider donating a meal or sponsoring a meal for The Loft after school program or La Center United community meetings.
La Center United is able to provide community resources and prevention opportunities due to generous donations from community members. Please consider donating to the cause https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=JeU9jP2eO7JDEBTk8YV6com6psiqi9qIVKQA3CoSljv3Mqfm1S-A1XU2mV7nt-qHKv0yCG&country.x=US&locale.x=US
Never Miss A Moment: Follow Us On Social Media
La Center United
Our Mission:
Inspiring our community to be safe, healthy and resilient
Preventing destructive behavior through open access to education and environmental strategies
Supporting those in need, sharing ideas, and offering help
Our Vision:
A healthy and resilient community for youth and families
Email: lacenterunited@gmail.com
Website: lacenterunited.org
Phone: 360-952-3488
Facebook: facebook.com/lacenterunited