Ferson Creek eNews
November 15, 2019
From the Principal...Kristy McKnight
Our Veterans Day assembly was wonderful! Thank you so much to those who attended, sent in photographs, and helped get your children dressed in their red, white and blue to show their support for our veterans. Your children did an amazing job honoring the veterans with their songs!
D303 participates in the annual 5Essentials Survey, which collects feedback from parents, students, and teachers on elements related to school effectiveness. Your confidential participation is helps guide our improvement efforts. The survey window is open now through February 14, 2020. Please visit https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ and select the appropriate survey. Attached is a letter providing additional information regarding 5Essentials. Your feedback is appreciated!
Have a great weekend,
Kristy McKnight
Big Hearts of Fox Valley
There are two ways for Ferson Families to help this meaningful charity:
- A general donation box is located in the main lobby for new, unwrapped gifts for children ages newborn to 18 years. Please drop off items before the end of conferences on November 26th.
- Classroom wish list for a specific child, that is 24 children we are helping! Please see the links below for the wish lists. Wish list items should be brought to the classroom, unwrapped, before November 22nd. In lieu of wish list items, a small monetary donation or gift cards may be sent for the PTO to complete the list. Please label the envelope with the class room teacher and BHFV.
If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Holdsworth via email at aholdswo@gmail.com. This is a wonderful chance to help brighten the lives of others in our community and show students the magic of giving. Happy Holidays!
Ferson Creek PTO
Meals for Staff during Parent/Teacher Conferences
Pre-Arranged Absences
Please submit the pre-arranged absence form at least two days prior to your requested absence.
Conferences are Nov. 25th and 26th
Upcoming Dates
- Mon. Nov. 25 - Conferences
- Tues. Nov. 26 - Half Day Conferences
- Wed. Nov. 27-Fri. Nov. 29 - No School, Happy Thanksgiving!
- Wed. Dec. 4 - Frosty Fest
- Tues. Dec. 17 - Band / Orchestra Concert
- Thurs. Jan 16 - 5th Grade Choir Concert
- Wed. Feb. 26 - 1st Grade Sing (more info to come)
- Thurs. March 19 - 3rd Grade Sing (more info to come)
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/