Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Best things found here...
"The shortest distance between two points may be a straight line, but it's in the curving paths that the best things are found." Lygia Fagundes Telles, writer, lawyer. Hmmm, she must be talking about Excelsior Springs, where there are very few straight streets. Slow down, & enjoy the best things found here.
Week of June 6th
Tuesday, 4:30PM - Municipal Court
Wednesday, 8-Noon - Farmer's Market @ ESCC; 1:30PM - Fishing River Downtown Progress; 3-7pm - Farmer's Market @ GSC; 5PM - Historic Preservation Commission
Thursday, 2PM - ESCC Bids Due
Saturday, 2-8PM - Wine Festival @ Lover's Lane
To Enhance the Quality for All...
- Brent Bishop, Assistant Public Works Director - 28 years
- Bill Tuck, PT Park Laborer - 17 years
- Peter Schloss, Prosecutor - 7 years
- Starla Yarbrough, PT Group Fitness Instructor & Kari King, PT Aquatic Program Assistant - 4 years
Highlighting community leaders serving on Housing Authority - Barbara Bluebaugh, Marcus Champion, Sandra Clay, Pam Grubbs, Pat Owens. The Housing Authority is the local administrative agency for housing assistance programs funded by HUD. Thank you for ensuring people have safe & sanitary shelter to live in.
Community Foundation is collecting donations to provide ESCC classes and personalized help for our seniors. Give an annual membership to a youth or senior for only $300 or donate $25 per month @esgives.org
Upcoming Agendas
- Public Hearings, 353 Redevelopment Agreements for 410 Concourse & 514 Elms Blvd. The Redevelopment Plan grants tax abatement in exchange for the elimination of blight
- Rezoning 941 N. Jesse James from C3 to R1, property was constructed as a residential house, but is surrounded by commercial uses.
- DEP report on Pacer.ai & Park/Recreation Annual Report
- Agreement with Methodist Church will enable Parks to maintain property which is only accessible from the Splash Park & discourage animals away from the Splash Park (PR>Church: $10), Purchase Detention Video to improve monitoring of detainees (ARPA: $18,362), Demolition of Wyman Power plant (CIP: $24,400), Eastern Clay County Ambulance District contract to compensate the ESFD for services provided within their district located south & west of ES (ECCAD: $100,000)
- Liquor license renewals will extend licenses for 35 businesses (GF: $16,750), Liquor License for new Dollar General
- Resolution for DNR ARPA applications for water, sewer, & lead investigation, to seek $5M to replace smaller water lines; seek $1.2M to reline sewer lines; & seek $200K to complete mandatory inventory of lead service lines
- Title VI Plan adoption, presented in compliance with Transportation funding assistance
- amend bond requirements for fireworks tents & appropriations
Historic Preservation: Consider COA for 522 Elms Blvd. (balcony railing),
- 301 S. Main (roof), 215 Spring St. (various exterior alterations),
- 100 E. Broadway (Awning), 216 Spring St. (outdoor stair rails/storm windows), &
- 449-451 S. Thompson Ave. (front window replacement)
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752