Preschool Principal Newsletter

August, 2024
Welcome to our MVSD Preschool Programs for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Principal's Message
Dear MVSD Preschool Families and Community,
As we approach the start of the new school year, I extend a heartfelt welcome to all our returning parents and families, and a special greeting to those who are joining our preschool community for the first time. We are thrilled to have you and your child as part of our preschool family and are dedicated to ensuring that your child's first experience in preschool is safe, positive, and enriching so they can thrive socially, emotionally, and academically on future school years.
On my second year as Principal of Preschool Programs, it is my honor to continue the work we started last year regarding increased parent-school communication and increased opportunities for parents to support our preschool programs not only as parent volunteers but also as parent leaders.
The safety of all of our young learners is of utmost importance to us. On behalf of our staff, I want to thank our families for entrusting their precious children to us. We encourage you to be involved in your child's education and to partner with us to make reality the hopes and dreams you have for your young children.
On behalf of our dedicated preschool programs staff, I wish you a memorable 2024-2025 preschool year!
Glenda Giron, Principal of Preschool Programs
Staff Highlights
Meet our Team of Administrators and Managers
This year, we have gained two additional preschool managers to our existing administrative team to better support and coach our preschool teachers.
Pictured below from left to right is our team of administrators and managers: Jennifer Camargo - Early Childhood Program Manager, Alma Gonzales - Director of Preschool Programs, Tommy Velazquez, New Early Childhood Program Manager, Glenda Giron - Principal of Preschool Programs, Claudia Casillas, New Early Childhood Program Manager, and Samara Baker - Early Childhood Program Manager.
Meet Our 2024-2025 Staff Members of the Year
Yearly, our MVSD Board of Education recognizes a few individuals chosen by their peers to represent our Preschool Program staff. This year's board recognition will take place at the September 5th Board of Education meeting to recognize our Classified Employee of the Year: Sonia Saenz, Secretary II, and our Certificated Employees of the Year: Sagrario Torres, Head Start Teacher. Parents, staff, and community members are invited to join us to congratulate and recognize their accomplishments and dedication to our Preschool Community.
Pictured below from left to right are Sonia Saenz and Sagrario Torres.
Classified Employee of the Year
Certificated Employee of the Year
Parents and Families' Corner
Parent Leadership Opportunities
We strongly believe that parents and families are their child's first and most important teacher. We invite you to seriously consider becoming a preschool parent or community leader, representing your child's class in our Policy Committee or Parent Advisory Group, both decision-making bodies of our Preschool Programs.
If interested in taking a parent leadership role, please reach out to us for more details or be on the lookout for an upcoming parent organization meeting at every preschool program class to elect this year's parent classroom representatives for the 2024-2025 Mountain View Head Start Policy Committee group.
2024-2025 Preschool Enrollments - We still have a few slots available!
Did you know that our preschool programs range from ages 0 to 4 and even before birth? Yes, in our Early Head Start Home-based programs at Baker and Monte Vista we support expectant mothers and children 0-2.9 years of age. In the Early Head Start Center-based programs at Cogswell and Baker we support children 18 month- 2.9 years. In the Head Start and State Preschool Programs at Baker, Cogswell, Children's Center/Kranz, Maxson, Miramonte, Monte Vista, and Parkview, we support children 3-4 years of age. By now we only a few enrollment slots to fill so hurry!
To access the online student enrollment process for all preschool programs described above, click the links below.
Connect with us!
In addition to connecting with us in person or by phone, we encourage you to connect with our programs via Facebook page, our new website, and our Schoology Page. It is very important that you provide us with your updated contact information (email and phone number) so you will not miss important family-school communication messages. Please contact our Preschool Programs main office at (626) 652-4250 to update your email and cell phone number as needed.
Preschool Programs Facebook Page
Schoology Page
Calendar of Events
- August 15 - First Day of School for 10-month preschool programs
- September 2 - Labor Day Holiday - Schools and District Offices closed
- September 5 – Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
News from the District Office
ParentSquare - A New Communication Tool Coming Soon
We are excited to announce that we have adopted a new form of school-to-home communication that will be coming in the near future called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
- Send and receive school and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Sign up to volunteer
- Schedule parent-teacher conferences
- and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
All district and school, grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. More information coming soon. In the meantime, please update your email and cellphone number on the AERIES Parent Portal.
Keep Your AERIES Parent Portal Updated
It's crucial that you keep your child's information up to date through the AERIES Parent Portal in order to keep the lines of communication open between home and school. Updates can be made beginning now and throughout the year. Should you have any questions contact the school. Click here or on the graphic to the left to access the AERIES Parent Portal.
Enrollment for 2024-2025 School Year
Serving students in preschool through 8th grade, Mountain View School District is dedicated to preparing today’s students and tomorrow’s leaders for success. Following our mission to inspire
each student to succeed every day, we are strongly committed to supporting the academic, social and emotional growth and achievement of all students. MVSD is proud to have school
counselors and mental health partners at every school supporting the development of the whole child.
We are proud to provide innovative learning experiences that prepare students to become problem solvers, critical thinkers, effective communicators and positive contributors to their
community with programs like STEAM, Spanish Dual Language Immersion, AVID, Mandarin Enrichment, Visual and Performing Arts, Band, a strong college bound culture, no cost after school
enrichment, care and instructional support, and comprehensive summer enrichment. MVSD is also proud to be one of four Los Angeles County Disney Imagination Campus Districts.
Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is underway for all grade levels Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Children who will be 5-years-old on or before September 1, 2024, are eligible to register for Kindergarten and children turning 5-years-old between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025 are invited to register in Transitional Kindergarten (TK), which is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten and gives young learners a head start, providing them with an opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that is tailored to meet their academic and social needs.
To access the online student enrollment process for all grades, click this link https://mountainviewesd.asp.aeries.net/air/
Christian Diaz - President
Jacqueline Saldaña - Vice President
Adam Carranza - Clerk
Veronica Sifuentes - Member
Cindy Wu - Member
Raymond Andry, Ed.D. - Superintendent
Darin De Knikker, Ed.D. - Associate Superintendent of Business Services and Strategic Planning
Mercedes Gomez, Ed.D. - Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Roberto López-Mena - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources