Hillside News Brief
August 21, 2020
Message from the Principal
Let us know how we may be of assistance in the days to come.
News from Hillside's Reading Team for Extended Campus Learners
All elementary children in the Westside Community Schools district participate in academic screenings in the fall, winter and spring of each school year as part of the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) process. These screenings are brief, requiring about 5-10 minutes, and allow us to adapt our instruction to best meet student needs.
We have a small window to collect this information and to make instructional decisions. Best testing practices say that a teacher should administer these tests in person. This can be accomplished one- on-one on a Wednesday "flex day." We would have all district safety mandates in place (plexiglass barrier, masks worn, sanitized surfaces) for students who might be able to come to Hillside to be assessed.
It would be best for our testing results if you could bring your child to Hillside for the assessment. Children should enter Door 11 (by the cafeteria) while parents wait in the parking lot. Each student’s assessments should take 5-10 minutes to complete. Students will then be escorted back to the parent/guardian's vehicle.
Your Grade 2-6 child(ren) will also be given written directions for an online assessment to be scheduled by the classroom teacher(s). The online assessment will take place in the next two weeks.
On Wednesday, August 26, if your family’s last name starts with A-L, please come to Hillside for assessments from 9:00-11:00. If your family’s last name starts with M-Z, come between 12:00-2:00. For families unable to attend these times make up times will be 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Please contact Mrs. Bailey or Mrs. McGuire if you have any questions.
Information about Online Learning Platforms: a Resource for You
Assistance Available
Mr. Maloley, Hillside's counselor, would like you to know about some assistance that is available to you:
- Westside Clothing Closet is a resource to help families (adult and children) with clothing needs year-round
- Operation School Bell is a resource in the community that offers clothing and other items to children as needed. The clothing is new, and the service is confidential and free to families that meet qualifications. There is a cap on the number of students that can be referred from each school. Please call or email me as soon as possible if you are interested in this program
- Westside Coat Closet is another resource that can provide a professionally cleaned, gently used jacket or coat to children. Some coats are also available for adults. The Coat Closet is open year-round.
- The Omaha Food Bank offers The Backpack Program to students at our school. The Backpack Program provides healthy meals for children for the weekend. The food is delivered to the school for children to bring home in a bag on Fridays.
- District Food Pantry is a resource for families in need of food during the school year and summer
- Holiday Assistance During the winter holiday season there will be more opportunities for assistance. We have several churches and organizations that help our Hillside families with gifts during the Holiday season.
Please feel free to reach out to Mr. Maloley with any questions or concerns.
Zach Maloley l maloley.zachary@westside66.net I 402-408-8462
Does your child need health coverage?
What does CHIP cover?
CHIP provides well care for your child in helping prevent diseases, finding and treating problems early, and maintaining good health and development.
Regular check-ups include:
- Baby check-ups and baby immunizations
- Yearly check-up for school-age children
- Immunization for school-age children
- Vision and hearing testing
- Dental check-ups and dental sealants
CHIP also provides medical care for injuries and illnesses
Treatment includes:
- Doctor's visits
- Medications
- Hospital care
- Lab tests/x-rays
- Dental treatments
- Eyeglasses
- Counseling
- Specialty services for children with disabilities or chronic health conditions
- Mental health and substance abuse assessment and treatment services
Call toll free: 1-855-632-7633