EMS Weekly Update
November 18, 2024
Important Information
Monday, November 18th will be a B day.
Ms. Abney, our 6th-grade counselor, will be out November 12, 2024 through January 6, 2025. During her absence we will be splitting the 6th-grade by grade-level. Mr. Tompkins, our 7th-grade counselor, will take last names A-K and Ms. Gibb, our 8th-grade counselor, will take last names L-Z. Ms. McKay will remain the Assistant Principal.
Proper Shoe Attire for PE
We have seen an increase in the number of injuries during PE with student wearing Crocs or other footwear that is not appropraite for PE class. Please ensure students are wearing tennis shoes on PE days. Thank you.
After School Activities
All after-school activities end at 3:30 pm. Two or more late pickups will result in removal from after-school activities.
Monday - Jazz Band and Math Counts
Tuesday - All County Rehearsal (3:45 - 5:45 pm, students bused to LHS after school and back to EMS after rehearsal)
Wednesday - Symphonic Band
Thursday - Civil Air Patrol and Jazz Band
Friday - None
Upcoming Events
- We will be closed Wednesday, November 27th through November 29th for Thanksgivng Break. There will be no school for staff or students.
EMS Staff Member of the Month Nomination Form
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card!
If you shop at Harris Teeter, please link your VIC card online or tell your cashier during your checkout that you want to link to the Esperanza Middle School account. The account number is 4621. Once the account number is linked, every time you shop 5% of your Harris Teeter brand purchases will be contributed by Harris Teeter to the Esperanza account. It is that easy!
SMCPS Student Mental Health & Wellness
Student Lunch Accounts
Esperanza Middle School
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/ems/
Location: 22790 Maple Road, Lexington Park, MD, USA
Phone: 301(863)4016
Twitter: @ems_smcps