The Buzz
Summer Term - 13th July 2023

Message From the Executive Headteacher
I really don't know where the year has gone we are so close to the end of term, I know that the staff and children are all looking forward to a well deserved break.
I hope you have received your child's report for this year and have taken the time to share it with your child, we welcome feedback via the eform provided which will be shared with the class teachers. On Monday 17th there is a post report drop in session for parents if you wish to speak to your class teacher, this is also an opportunity to visit the classes and teachers for the coming year so please do say hello, this will run from 3pm until 4pm.
On the final day of term, Friday 21st July, we will be having a mufti day, this is to allow you to donate any unwanted school uniform which can then be redistributed in the popular HISNA pre loved uniform sale - please drop off the uniform in the morning in the playground on 21st; thank you to Louise and Mark for organising this additional event.
Thursday 20th is the final day for the nursery children and on Friday 21st we will finish at 1.20pm.
This weekend is the FOHJS Circus, I am looking forward to seeing many of you there.
This will be the final Buzz of the academic year I'd like to thank Mrs Harris and the admin team who all work hard to ensure that all admin communication is timely and helpful.
Finally, HISN wish you a relaxing summer break and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 6th September for a new school year.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
Please ensure all bikes and scooters are removed from the storage racks. Any left over will be donated to charity.
We would really appreciate as many of you as possible complete the governors survey to ensure we get feedback from our whole community. Click the link above to access the survey. Thank You.
1H had the best attendance last week with 99%
RK had 0 lates last week
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of EXCELLENCE
RDC Laurie
RC Seth
RK Harry
1B Eddie
1C Mason
1H Whole Class
2A Harmony
2D Adam Collacott
2J George
2T Whole Class
Click on above link to access the art gallery
In case you missed our wonderful Arts Week exhibition, our online viewing gallery is now live on our website.
Please take a look at all the brilliant creativity that has taken place and celebrate all the wonderful imaginations and ideas the children have shown. We hope you enjoy it.
In PE we have been enjoying our dance unit over the past few weeks. We have been learning to express ourselves through movement and keep in time with a beat.
In maths we have been learning about length and how to measure and compare objects according to their length. The children were set a challenge by the Smartest Giant in town and had to measure different footprints using cubes and record their findings. We also explored length using sticks and ribbons and developing our mathematical vocabulary with words such as long and short.
In phonics we have continued to focus on developing our segmenting and blending skills. We played a game called Cross the River which involved segmenting a word and guessing which object could then cross the river.
Other highlights this week include We're Going on a Bear Hunt storytelling, building with different construction materials and playing Top Trumps.
Wow what a brilliant penultimate week here in Reception! We have been spending time in our Year 1 classes. We met all our new friends and played so brilliantly together. We also visited the Year 1 playground to practise our year group playtime. We saw two really big climbing frames and a rock wall. There was also a basketball net and lots of trees for us to play hide and seek. It was so much fun and we are very much looking forward to Year 1!
Other fun things we have done this week included our trip to Carlisle Park. Before we went we all learnt about road safety to make sure that we are safe as we walk down the road to the park. We learnt that it was important to stay with our walking buddy and to make sure we both had our looking eyes and listening ears on so we can watch out for road traffic. It was so lovely to see all the excited faces as we got to the park and all the children very enthusiastically showed off their skills on the climbing frame and showed wonderful team spirit as they cheered their friends on as they took part in the mini sports day. And to end our exciting morning, we all had a lovely and very scrumptious picnic too!
We can't believe that next week is our last week in Reception! The time has flown by so fast! We have lots of fun in store for our learning next week and we can't wait for a few surprises...
Year 1
This week, we have been looking at position, direction and movement in maths. We have been learning that position is where something is, whilst direction refers to the instructions used to get from one place to another. We looked at the various movements we can take on a journey, including going up, down, left, right, forwards, backward, turning clockwise (the same way the hands on a clock move) or anti-clockwise (the opposite way to a clock's hands). We then built on this directional language to look at ‘above’ and ‘below’, and used this to describe the position of objects in relation to each other.
In English, the children have enjoyed finishing off their diary entry from the perspective of Rapunzel. They have been using lots of their expanded noun phrases to make their writing as interesting as possible. We have also spent some time recapping our learning on the suffixes ‘er’ and ‘est’ and learning the difference between singular and plural.
In art, the children have been continuing their learning on African printing and focussing on the artist Yinka Shonibare. The children have used their research of different African fabrics as inspiration and have spent some time creating their own designs of fabric.
In science, the children have learnt about the butterfly lifecycle and different parts of a fully-grown adult butterfly. They have observed how this insect changes from a caterpillar into a butterfly describing each stage. They have then labelled the features of a butterfly.
In geography, we are consolidating the children’s learning on human and physical features, the five oceans and urban and rural environments. We have completed an interactive quiz to recap these topics.
In computing we have been using Scratch Jr to change the background and add blocks to make our character move and do different actions. We tried to join 5 movement blocks along with a start and ending block. The children enjoyed using different moving blocks such as disappear and grow blocks.
Year 2
English: We have used our focus text 'Meerkat Mail' and completed research all about meerkats to create our own information leaflets. We learnt all about meerkats' appearance, diets, habitats and even some amazing facts. Did you know that a female meerkat can have up to 7 babies, three times a year?
Maths: This week we have spent time recapping our knowledge of fractions using shapes and amounts. We thought about how we can work out fractions in different ways including halving and using sharing hoops. The children looked carefully at half, quarter and thirds.
Geography: Continuing our study of 'Contrasting Localities' where we have been exploring the water village of Kampong Ayer, this week we thought about the similarities and differences between Hampton Infants School and a school in Brunei.
Design Technology: We have started a new design and technology project, where the children have been challenged to design, make and evaluate a new piece of playground equipment for Hampton Junior School. We looked carefully at the equipment on the playground and how these are joined together securely and what makes them stable for children to use. The children had a go at making a three-prong joint and how these can be used to join materials together.
Job Vacancy
We are looking to appoint a lunchtime supervisor.
For more information and to apply please click the link below.
Information for Parents
How to start the conversations about 'difficult' subjects that you need to have if you want to keep your child safe. Please click the link below for further information.
National Play Day at Marble Hill House
On Wednesday 2nd August 2023 it is national play day!
Celebrate the day at Marble Hill - details below.
Learn to Swim this Summer
Children can learn to swim this summer with our wide range of crash courses and workshops available at Teddington Pools & Fitness Centre and Pools on the Park.
Bookings can be made by calling us on 020 37722999 or at the in person at the centre reception.
Please see our website for more information:
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815