CISD Tech Weekly Update
Week of Monday, May 6th - Friday, May 10th, 2024
Cinco de Mayo Resources!
Cinco de Mayo Celebrations
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo at school? Here is a Cinco de Mayo Choice Board for you. STAAR testing is over and it is time to celebrate, so dance, eat some spicy food and have some fiesta fun!
Children's Book Week - May 3-10, 2024
Children’s Book Week, established in 1919, is a celebration of books and the connection they bring. This beloved program continues to grow and adapt each year with new resources and ideas for joining in. Read on for everything you need to celebrate with us May 3-10! Here is a Book Week Choice Board:
Back in January, Mrs. Rhoden was awarded a Stick Together Poster by Shannon Miller. Mrs. Rhoden used the poster as an incentive for her students by allowing them to put a sticker on for making 100 on AR tests and meeting Exact Path goals. What a great idea, Mrs. Rhoden! Her classes finally placed the last sticker on the poster to complete the image this week!
📅 Coming up! Summer Resources
Support Summer Learning
We want to shout out to everyone for supporting us with all the technology preparations prior to STAAR testing. To our knowledge, online testing seemed to go smoothly, so we will definitely celebrate that! Be the 5th person to email dillardj@celesteisd.org to win a prize! Good luck to all!
Up next, we will be focusing on resources to keep your students learning during the summer months.
Have a great, restful weekend.