The Royal Scroll - October

Aronimink Elementary School
fabulous fourth graders
The students in fourth grade are facing the challenge of a new school year head on. Since the start of the school year students have learned and continue to practice all school and classroom expectations. The fourth grade teachers are proud to say that our classes regularly receive positive comments from special area teachers and other teachers we meet throughout the school day. The recognition from other adults in the building only reinforces all the effort students put forth to meet expectations.
In Science, we have completed our Egg Racers unit. During Egg Racers, students learned about energy and how energy is transferred. Students applied their knowledge regarding the transfer of energy to design a safety system to protect a driver, “Egg,” during a crash. Students worked in groups to design and build the safety system before sending “Egg” down a ramp and crashing into a wall.
In English Language Arts, students focused on text focusing on personal identity and what shapes a person’s identity. Students identified and discussed the theme, author’s purpose and point of view. Students started writing personal narratives during this time as well. Students are focusing on an event where they have learned a lesson or grew as a person.
In Math, students are working on place value into the millions. Addition and subtraction of numbers through hundred thousands and multiplying multi-digit numbers. Students have learned and practiced mental math strategies and used partial products to solve multi-digit multiplication equations. At the end of the month, students will take the first Math Benchmark test on the first
four topics or chapters. Teachers will review topics and practice skills prior to the Math
fun in first grade
First grade has had an amazing start to the school year. We are continuing to learn our rules and expectations for all areas of the school. We have started our curriculum with learning letter sounds and formation, adding and subtracting, writing sentences, and discussing how to get along with others. We have many more learning targets ahead of us.
Aronimink students kicked off the school year with an inspiring collaborative art project that showcased their individual talents merging to create a larger piece. The final artwork not only reflects their diverse backgrounds but also the beauty of coming together to achieve something greater. This project sets a positive tone for the year, fostering connection and collaboration among students!
What are we working on in art?
1st Grade: Pattern Pumpkin Drawings/Paintings
2nd Grade: Warm and Cool Colored Fall Leaves
3rd Grade: Color Studies Inspired by the Famous Artist: Kandinsky
4th Grade: Leaf Prints and Analogous Color Study
5th Grade: Designing a Sugar Skull, Butterfly, and/or Marigold Flower Inspired by Dia De Los Muertos
Beverly Hills Middle School
BH Picnic!
Annual Beverly Hills Picnic Event
Photos of staff and families enjoying an afternoon of fun.
Spirit Days
Eagles Day & Crazy Hair Day
Photos of our Staff & Students showing their school pride. Go Royals!
Bywood Elementary School
Student of the Month Assembly
Second Grade Students of the Month
Third Grade Students of the Month
Fourth Grade Students of the Month
Fifth Grade Students of the Month
Specials Students of the Month
One lucky student, Kennedi, was the scholar dollar winner!
Charles Kelly Elementary School
International Day of PEACE
In Library, Mrs. Lee read the book, Can You Say Peace? by Karen Katz to all of the classes. On International Day of Peace, children all over the world wish for peace. The author teaches children how to say peace in many different languages. The International Day of Peace is every September 21.
Exciting things are always happening in Art!
2nd grade became Prehistoric Cave Painters
Students took a virtual tour of Lascaux Cave in France. Classes then discussed the importance that art has had from Prehistoric to modern day. After all, without art there would never have been the development of written language or the documentation of history!
Tour the cave yourself using the link below.
Drexel Hill Middle School
Check Out What the Students are Doing!
Garrettford Elementary School
Garrettford School Families Program Strengthens our Community
Mrs. Thomas, our Guidance Counselor, received a grant from the Upper Darby Arts and Education Foundation to implement a special project at Garrettford entitled “Garrettford Families.” The purpose of the project is to strengthen our community and sense of belonging among our students with the hopes that this will lead to a stronger, more connected Garrettford community.
Our Garrettford Families program gives every student an opportunity to meet with children across grade levels once each month. During the family meetings, students will have a chance to participate in fun (and sometimes silly) activities. Mrs. Thomas hopes the students enjoy family time, and meet some students and staff in our building they may not already know, and relationships will blossom.
This project grew out of the picture book, Our School is a Family by Shannon Olsen and Sandie Sonke. The story celebrates all school staff and students, and helps cultivate a positive school community. It is a book that will help students feel extra safe, loved, and supported in their learning environment.
This month the families got to meet each other and participate in some “ice breaker” type activities. Two upcoming activities will be for each “Family” to create their own special greeting and a flag that represents them. The Garrettford community is really excited about the project and look forward to future meetings and activities.
Learning is Alive at Garrettford
During science class, grade 4-206 made model cars out of tissue boxes to investigate energy and where it comes from. Students learned how energy is transferred and how to make cars safer.
In Miss Albrecht's second grade class, the students learned about arrays and used repeated addition to understand the rows and columns in each array.
In Miss Murphy's first grade class, students are building relationships and learning to work together.
Highland Park Elementary School
our guest olympian: kassidy cook!
For our Student of the Month assembly in September, we had a special guest! US Olympian Kassidy Cook came to Highland Park. She talked to our students about Perseverance, our theme for October's Student of the Month. She also helped hand out our awards to our September winners.
first grade and fifth grade buddies
The Highland Park first and fifth graders have teamed up for Buddies. We are so excited for a year of getting to know each other, activities, and games. For our first meeting, the students used cards to find their buddy, completed a Getting to Know Your Buddy worksheet, and spent some time talking. We are already looking forward to next month's meet-up.
Hillcrest Elementary School
Fourth grade
The Fourth Grade visited the John Heinz Nature Center to learn about ecosystems. We visited a forest, meadow, wetlands, and saw really cool things in the Information Center. It was a great day to be outside and observe living and non-living things in an ecosystem.
Hillcrest 4th graders had a wonderful day at John Heinz Wildlife Refuge learning about ecosystems, decomposition, and animal behaviors. Guides from Riverbend led our classes through activities in the meadow, the forest and the wetlands. We saw lots of turtles, fish and birds, visited the Visitor's Center and learned all about the refuge. The weather was beautiful, and the trip was so much fun!
Super hero and spirit day
Kindergarten Center
In a lively kindergarten classroom, the air is filled with laughter and creativity as a group of eager students gathers around a colorful table adorned with vibrant containers of Play-Doh. Today’s activity is all about using this squishy, moldable material to explore the world of letters. In another class, students use their markers and whiteboards to write the letters they have learned so far, using the sky line 🌞, plane line 🛫, grass line🌱, and worm line🪱!
principal appreciation week
Principal Appreciation Week is a special time dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the vital role that school principals play in shaping the educational experience. These leaders inspire both students and teachers, fostering a positive learning environment and promoting growth and achievement.
We want to thank Principal DiLossi for stepping into the role as Principal of the Upper Darby Kindergarten Center!
Primos Elementary School
kids smiles dental assembly
Primos was lucky enough to have Kids Smiles come back to our school this year to provide a dental health assembly and free teeth check ups for students in need!
mrs. kagen's classroom
Mrs. Kagen's classroom did a measuring and weighing activity using pumpkins! After the activity was over the students were able to decorate and take home their pumpkins!
mrs. cheng's classroom
Mrs. Cheng’s first grade class at Primos Elementary School earned a fun end of the day reward for good behavior, and practiced taking turns, trying again when they missed, and cheering their classmates on as they played!
Stonehurst Hills Elementary School
counselor's corner
October is National Bullying Prevention Month! At Stonehurst, students in all grades have learned the same language surrounding bullying. When students know the definition of bullying, they are better able to identify it and report it!
In addition to learning about bullying, 5th graders learned about something that students often mistake for bullying: conflict! Knowing the difference between bullying and conflict helps promote self-advocacy and problem solving skills.
classroom chronicles
Students have been busy tending to their new school garden! Students in Miss Ferguson-Smalls, Miss Conti, and Ms. Kraiza's class planted a winter vegetable garden including brussel sprouts, herbs, and onions! We can't wait to see how our garden grows along with us this year!
Westbrook Park Elementary
autistic support program
Students in the Multiple Disabilities and Autistic Support classes enjoyed a collaborative cooking activity, using the recipe from their Unique Learning and News-2-You curriculum. They worked as a team to identify all of the ingredients needed, carefully followed each step of the recipe and ultimately enjoyed their tasty treats together!
First graders have been working on writing 5 Star sentences.
- Capital
- Subject/predicate
- Finger spaces
- Punctuation
- Letter Formation
Students in 5th grade made their own "lava lamps" as a part of their science experiment! Students added antiacid tablets to make the "lava" bubble!
Upper Darby High School
The students in Mr. Hudnut's vocational skills program have begun their unit on communication in the workplace. They are concentrating on learning American Sign Language (ASL). So far the students are learning greetings and basic communications.
They have also learned how to count and do basic addition and subtraction in sign language. They are now focusing on the alphabet and choosing nicknames with which to communicate.
Says Mr. Hudnut, "The students are enjoying learning this and I've already seen them communicate with each other when we are in class. This will be a valuable skill for all of our students, especially the ones who are non-verbal or very shy. It has been a rewarding experience, so please feel free to join in when communicating with our wonderful students."