Stingray News

Excellence is the Expectation
Ocean Bay Middle School creates a culture where students come
to discover and experience learning by collaborating with
teachers and peers. We strive to build a strong foundation and to
understand and appreciate the wealth we see in each other.
Furthermore, we believe in ourselves and our abilities to do great
things individually, but even greater things together.
Meet Our Administration
Mr. Marcus Timmons
Mrs. Jennifer Mundy
Assistant Principal
7th Grade and 6th Grade Girls
Mr. Robert Hamby
Assistant Principal
8th Grade and 6th Grade Boys
About Us
The mission of Ocean Bay Middle School, a diverse student-centered learning community, is to guarantee that all students are fully prepared, successful contributors in a rapidly changing global society through relevant, rigorous, standards-driven personalized learning provided in a safe, nurturing environment.
Contact Us
Email: Secretary Tamicka Norfleet tnorfleet@horrycountyschools.net
Website: Ocean Bay Middle School Website
Address: 905 International Dr. Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
Phone: (843) 903-8420
Fax: (843)903-8421
Facebook: Ocean Bay Middle School Facebook
Twitter: Ocean Bay Middle School Twitter
Bell Schedule
Important Events
3 -7 ~ Heart Gram Fundraiser
7 ~ PTO Annual Souper Bowl for Teachers and Staff
7 ~ School Wide "Unity" Dance (3:45pm - 6pm)
13-14 ~ All County Band Clinic (MBHS)
14 ~ Security Resource Officer Appreciation Day
17 ~ No School
18 ~ School Closed, Staff Development/Teacher Workday
21 ~ 23 ~ All State Orchestra Clinic ( Boiling Springs)
21 ~ 23 ~ Region Band Clinic ( MBHS)
25 ~ Interims Reports issued
27~28: All- County Orchestra (MBHS)
5 ~ Band Clinic ( OBMS)
PTO's Annual "Souper Bowl" for Teachers and Staff
The PTO is asking that you come help us show our appreciation to our teachers and staff by taking part in our Annual Souper Bowl Luncheon on Friday, February 7th!
Each year around the Super Bowl, we set up an assortment of soups and all the fixings for our teachers and offer them a duty-free lunch period to enjoy it.
Please help us by offering to make a crockpot of soup and/or volunteer to monitor students in the cafeteria/recess. Only parents approved by HCS would be able to volunteer as a monitor for the students during this event.
All soups should be dropped off in the morning by 9am in the front lobby in a crockpot with a ladle and any sides that accompany it (such as cilantro, cheese, sour cream, etc.). Be sure to put your name on everything! Pick up your items that same afternoon anytime between 2-3:30pm. Many thanks for helping us love on our teachers!
Electronic Device Policy Effective January 22, 2025
24 - 25 OBMS Support Staff of the Year - Ms. Tamicka Norfleet
Congratulations to Ms. Tamicka Norfleet on her selection as the 2024-25 OBMS Support Staff of the Year!
Teacher of the Month for January - Ms. Lori Ann Phelan
Employee of the Month for January - Dr. Sarah Walling
Student of the Week - Ryder Pope
Ryder was nominated by Mrs. Katherine Perry who says, “Ryder Pope because he is an excellent example of the term ‘student athlete.’ While being successful on the field or mat, Ryder continuously strives for excellence in the classroom. He is a role model to his peers, participates in class discussions, helps out whenever he sees that there is need from another person, and delivers the grades in PowerSchool!” Congratulations Ryder on a job well done!
Student of the Week - Oakley Kennedy
Oakley was nominated by Mrs. Brittany Horne who says, "Oakley is a stand out Stingray! In everything he does, he puts his best foot forward, demonstrates hard work and dedication, and rises to every challenge with positivity. Oakley also sets a good example to his peers and he is a kind student. He represents wonderfully what it means to be an Ocean Bay Stingray." Congrats again Oakley!
Honor Roll - 2nd Marking Period - 6th Grade
Honor Roll - 2nd Marking Period - 7th Grade
Honor Roll - 2nd Marking Period - 8th Grade
Beta Club Induction Ceremony - Congrats to All!
Congrats OBMS Band Students!
OBMS Unity Dance February 7th
Student Council selling Heart Grams
Polar Plunge - This Weekend 2/1/25
The 2025 Myrtle Beach Polar Plunge is right around the corner. Please consider joining our OBM team or donating to help us reach our goal. All are welcome to join (students, staff, family members, etc.).
Date: Saturday, February 1st 2025
Time: Meet no later than 10:00 AM, Plunge at 10:30 AM
Location: Sands Ocean Club 9550 Shore Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Sports Bus to Carolina Forest High School
Students wishing to ride the sports bus must pick up a form from Coach Morris and return it to Coach Morris by THIS coming Monday morning (2/3/25)! To be clear this is only transportation TO the high school. Parents are responsible for getting their kids from the high school after practices since they end at different times.
OBMS Read Bowl
Read Bowl began on Monday, January 13th. OBMS students will record their reading for the next 4 weeks. Ocean Bay Middle School won the National Conference Championship for Middle Schools in 2023. We are looking to be on that leaderboard again in 2025. The weather in Myrtle Beach this month is perfect for cozying up with a blanket and a great book. Let's go Stingrays!
OBMS Basketball Schedule 2024 - 2025
Carolina Forest HS Preseason Baseball
CFHS Softball - January Preseason
Clemson Summer Camp
Hungry Howie's OBMS Spirit Night
Rent the Spirit Rock!
Rent the Spirit Rock Now Available on My Payments Plus!
This is a great way to celebrate your child's birthday or accomplishment.
1st semester dates are now available.
2nd semester dates will be added in December.
Cost is $15.
Low Country Food Bank
If you are in need of food please use the links below to find the nearest food bank and distribution calendar.
Tutoring at the Bay
Ocean Bay Middle School is proud to offer every student the opportunity to participate in our Extended Learning Program for additional academic support outside of the regular school day. Your student is invited to participate in our Rays Extended Learning Program.
In the Rays Extended Learning Program, sessions will be held in the afternoons on Tuesday and Thursday from after school until 4:45 PM, beginning on September 10, 2024.
Students will receive assistance on content area assignments, homework, and any missing assignments reflected from PowerSchool. Students will have the opportunity to work on digital content as well.
A permission form is required. Students are not required to attend every session offered. They may attend as needed.
Bus transportation will NOT be provided. All students are to be picked up by 4:45 PM. If your student is not picked up by 5:00 PM, it is possible that your child will be unable to participate in the afternoon Extended Learning Program.
Clubs at Ocean Bay Middle School
Art Club
First Meeting Thursday October 17th at 3:45 - 4:30
ASL Club
American Sign Language Club
Tuesdays 3:30pm-4:30pm
Room 602
Advisor(s): Mr. Del Castillo & Dr. Medina
Battle of the Books
Meeting Times: Start Sept. 9, 2024
Battle of the Books Room In Library
Advisors: Mrs.Lovette & Mrs. Williams
FCA Club
Drama Club
OBMS Sewing Club
Sewing Club meets every Wednesday from 3:30 - 4:45 pm in Mrs. Baran's Room 812
Ocean Bay Middle School Science Club
Meeting Times: First & Third Tuesday of each month 3:30-4:45pm
Meets in Room 713
Sponsor(s): Mrs. Lilly, Mr. Del Castillo & Mr. Woodson
Student Council
Student council is open to all 6th-8th grade students. Student council is a group of student leaders who work with adult advisors to collaborate with others to impact their school community. These students will participate in school fundraisers, create student events, work on school improvement projects, and participate in community outreach.
Beta Club
OBM Tech Club
Dungeons and Dragons Club
Meets every Wednesday from 3:45 - 4:45
- Meeting Times: Every other Wednesday
Sponsor: Mrs. Green-Johnson
Notice for Parents of Walkers and Bike Riders
Notice from Bus Office
Per Carolina Forest transportation bus office, due to our buses being at capacity; students can not ride home with a friend. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to contact the bus office at 843-236-0705 if you have any questions or concerns.
Visitor's Notice
Morning Car Rider Drop-off
HCS Attendance Policy
If your child is going to be absent, please email OBMattendance@horrycountyschools.net regarding any attendance matters (i.e. absences, illnesses, medical notes, questions, etc). If your child is out sick you must have a medical excuse note from a doctor. Notify your child's teacher via the Parent PowerSchool account if you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the class assignments.
HCS Clear Bag Protocol
School safety is everyone’s responsibility! The single most effective preventative tool regarding school safety and security is the “If you see something, say something ®” protocol. It is critically important that if students see or hear something that is concerning, they say something to a trusted adult or report it below.
Reminder from the Nurse
The Tdap vaccine is required before entering the 7th grade. The Tdap vaccine is (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis/Whooping Cough), which your child has had as a toddler.
For your child to be compliant with the SC Immunization Law Requirements you must provide proof of vaccine on a valid SC Certificate of Immunization.
Please make an appointment with your child’s health care provider. Other providers such as Urgent Care and Minute Clinic, administer Tdap vaccines as well.
If your child has already had the Tdap vaccine, please submit it to the school nurse. You can also email it to mireland@horrycountyschools.net or Fax to 843-903-8421
Thank you,
Marylou Ireland, BSN RN NCSN
OBM School Nurse
All students in Horry County Schools will receive free breakfast and lunch during the 2024-2025 school year as part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program.
Click photo for more information.
South Carolina Dental Screening Associates
South Carolina Dental Screening Associates (SCDSA) are licensed dentists, dental hygienists and assistants that go into schools and other facilities throughout SC to provide dental services to children ages 1 - 19.
Parents do not have to miss work and students do not have to leave school, so routine dental care is easily managed by our program. We provide dental services and oral health education at on-site locations as needed or when requested.