End-of-the-week Recap September 11, 2020
Schoology and Quarantine
In this unique and trying time, it seems like more is being asked of educators every day.
As we are in a period of time where students can be quarantined at a moment's notice, we need to be using Schoology as our leanring management system and updating/providing lessons there.
Additionally, students who may be healthy enough to complete assignments may not be able or allowed to come to school.
Friendly reminders:
September 25, 2020 – End of first six weeks. First official grade check for students participating in extracurricular.
October 2, 2020 – End of 7‐day grace period. Students gain/lose eligibility at the end of the
school day.
October 16, 2020 – End of 1st nine weeks. Grade check for all students. If passing, they are
eligible for the next 9 weeks.