Davisburg Dateline
Kott's Korner
Happy New Year!
It was so wonderful to see everyone’s smiling faces back at school.
Just a reminder, although the temperature can get quite cold, we still play outdoors during recess. Outdoor play is beneficial for the body and the brain. Unstructured or imaginative play encourages creativity, and physical activity is vital for healthy development. This outdoor time is also a great way to ensure students are playing with friends, an important piece of social/emotional development. Of course, to safely play in colder weather, appropriate outerwear is needed. Please talk to your child’s teacher or call the office if your family needs assistance with boots, jacket, hat, gloves, or any other items. If your child had winter gear and it is now missing, it might be in Davisburg’s Lost and Found. Encourage your child to look.
I am fortunate to work with such amazing children everyday! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of their education!
Denise Kott
- 1/20 No school - MLK Day
- 1/29 Noon dismissal
- 1/29 Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30-7 (times may vary per teacher)
- 1/31 Popcorn Day
Bus Cancellation Schedule
Our lost & found is HUGE! Please check it when you come in for conferences.
Reminders regarding illnesses & school
The Holly Area Schools Elementary Handbook states:
Families are encouraged to screen their child daily for symptoms of possible illness. Please help us by keeping children at home if there is an elevated temperature, vomiting and/or diarrhea or a physician’s diagnosed communicable disease.
There are times when a student will need to be excluded from school until they are feeling better. A student with a fever above 100.4 degrees needs to be fever free, without any fever-reducing medication, for 24 hours prior to returning to school. If the student has more than two loose or watery stools, they will need to have no loose stools for 24 hours prior to returning to school. The exception to this rule is if a physician has determined that the student is not infectious, and a note is provided to the front office. Abdominal pain that is intermittent and associated with other symptoms or is persistant without improvement. Exclusion will occur for vomiting once, with other symptoms present or twice with no other symptoms present. Student should have no vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school. This list is not a comprehensive list of what may case a student to be excluded from school, please contact the main office or the district nurse if you have any questions.
Should children become ill at school or should staff suspect illness, we will request the student be picked up from school. We are not able to accommodate sick children for extended periods of time. All students must have a minimum of two phone contacts on their emergency contact list. Please help us by having an established plan in place to pick your child up from school within one hour of receiving a call. If a medical manor is urgent but does not necessarily require emergency medical services (EMS), the school will first contact the parent or guardian. If no one is available to take the student to the appropriate medical service, EMS be called to take the student to been seen by a medical professional.
The school follows current public health practices, rules and regulations governing the control and prevention of communicable disease that are set up by the State and County Health Departments. For further information or guidelines visit the website for Oakland County: www.oakgov.com/health or call 248-858-1280 for more information. ** Please call the office to arrange for homebound services if your child will be absent for more than five consecutive school days due to a serious illness, accident, injury, surgery, etc. Homebound services require a physician’s request.
Students go outside if the temperature is 10 or above with the windchill.
Parent Outreach Program
Good afternoon Holly Area Schools families,
Happy New Year!
Today, we want to share with you our January Newsletter. This month we discuss practicing self-compassion as a parent, strategies for mental health wellness in the New Year, how to talk with your kids about internet safety, and more!
We would love to connect with you at our January events: Vaping 101 Presentation from the Adolescent Addiction and Recovery Center (AARC) and FAFSA Workshop from the Financial Aid Office of the University of Michigan-Flint. For more information, please see the event section of our newsletter.
Thank you for being such an important part of our school community - we hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your families!
Trisha Crotteau, Cheryl Price, and Sydney Sinclair
The Holly Area Schools Parent Outreach Team
Leader in Me & Core Competencies
The Leader in Me Section: Revisiting Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Think Win-Win is the belief that everyone can win. It’s not you or me, but both of us. It’s a belief that there are enough good things for everyone. It’s being able to be happy when good things happen to other people.
At Davisburg, a big part of thinking win-win is being a kind, caring and considerate person. When we do things for others, we both win. I feel proud that I helped you, and you are grateful that I cared.
When family members argue it is a great time to talk about thinking win-win. Have a discussion about what each person is seeking and come to a compromise where everyone wins. Another way to bring Think Win-Win into your home is to do something kind for another person. Talk as a family about how it made you feel, and how you think it made the other person feel.