Community Wildcat Weekly
24-25 Students & Parents Vol. 3 Edition 29
Spring Break March 17th - March 21st
Monday, March 24th
2:50pm - 4:00pm Jazz Band Rehearsal (Rm 310)
3:00pm - 4:30pm Legally Blonde Jr. Rehearsals (Rm 533)
Tuesday, March 25th
2:50pm - 4:30pm Band Rehearsal (Rm 310)
2:50pm - 5:15pm Brass Band Rehearsal (Rm 310)
3:00pm - 4:30pm Extended School Day (Media)
3:00pm - 9:30pm Spring Musical Dress Rehearsal (PAC)
5:00pm - 6:15pm TOOLS (Media)
7:00pm - 8:00pm PTSA General Assembly Meeting (Virtual)
Wednesday, March 26th
Pasco Students Speak Showcase (Media)
7:30am - 8:00am Student Government Meeting (Rm 602)
2:40pm - 4:00pm FFA Meeting (Rm 725)
6:30pm - 9:30pm Spring Musical (PAC)
Thursday, March 27th
3:00pm - 4:30pm Extended School Day (Media)
6:30pm - 9:30pm Spring Musical (PAC)
Friday, March 28th
6:30pm - 9:30pm Spring Musical (PAC)
Pasco Students Speak Showcase
Congratulations to our students who were selected by their ELA teacher to represent their teams at the upcoming Pasco Students Speak Showcase. Invitation letters have been sent home with the selected students through their ELA teacher. We look forward to seeing your presentations on March 26th!
PTSA General Assembly Meeting
We will be hosting a zoom general assembly meeting on March 25. We are discussing budget and plans to support the school. We are especially discussing 8th grade events at the end of the year and how we can help. Join us to see what we have going on.
TEWMS Legally Blonde Jr.
OMG you guys! Come see Legally Blonde Jr. March 26-28th at 6:30pm at the Wesley Chapel Center for the Arts. Watch as Elle, an ambitious sorority girl begins a new chapter of her career as a Harvard Law Student. Come support our Wildcat Theatre students as they sing, dance, and act in this fabulous musical! Scan the QR code or click the link for tickets!
34th Annual TEWMS Talen Show - We Had a Groovy Time!
Tuesday, March 11, featured 11 very talented acts in the 70’s themed school talent show which helped culminate our One School-One Book Initiative. Singing, dancing, playing instruments, and acting filled the stage at the Center for the Performing Arts at Wesley Chapel High School. Weightman Middle School is home to some very talented students. A panel of 11 faculty members judged each act according to audience appeal, appearance, preparation, and of course, talent. A creative and hardworking committee of nine sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students worked for months to plan, organize, and run the show. All proceeds from the hit show benefit the creative problem-solving activities of our Center for Gifted Studies.
Spring Glow Party
Our last school dance of the school year for all grade levels will be on Thursday, April 24th immediately after school. Students will get glow sticks and will also be able to purchase cool glow accessories! We will have a live DJ and snacks/beverages for sale. Tickets will be on sale staring Monday, March 24th thru Rycor for $12. Students with disciplinary referrals from March 24th to April 24th will not be eligible to attend the dance and refunds will not be issued. Lastly, as a reminder, only TEWMS students are allowed to attend our dances.
Any parents wishing to assist with chaperoning the dance, please reach out to Ms. Santos-Mira at amira@pasco.k12.fl.us for more information!
Congratulations to our Special Olympians
Please join us in congratulating our wonderful Special Olympians! They have been practicing hard and it all paid off on Saturday.
Emmanuel Valentine-1st and 2nd place-cycling
Aidan McCallum-2nd and 3rd place-cycling
Saachi Hebsur-2, 2nd places-cycling
TJ Murphy-1st place-basketball skills
David Bauer-3rd place-basketball skills
Also thank you to the team for all their help!!!
Ms. Sabrina, Mr. Luna, Ms. Gia, Ms. Joanna and Mr. Fowler
National History Day School Level Competition
The Social Studies department would like to take a moment to celebrate our students' achievements. The following students were chosen to go on to the District Level Competition for National History Day. Their projects reflected creativity, research skills, and a deep understanding of historical events.
- Aarti Varma
- Sophie Himmelberger
- Vaiga Rabin
- Anchana Saran
- Jaycee Watkins
- Jennifer Le
Please join us in celebrating their hard work and dedication.
TEWMS Theatre Students
Calling all theatre students! Come attend April 3rd from 3-3:45pm for information on becoming an inducted thespian for next year and end of year information! See Ms. Foto in room 533 with any questions. See you there!
TEWMS Jazz Cat Band Performance Assessment
The dynamic TEWMS Jazz Cat band, renowned for their exceptional musical talents and innovative performances, is set to take the stage at Hernando High on April 10th for the prestigious Jazz Music Performance Assessment. Come out and support these young musicians as they try to go for back to back Superior ratings.
Spring Testing Schedule
The month of May is our spring testing season. Attached is the schedule of when we will administer our state assessments and district finals. We wanted to send this schedule out to families early so that family vacations can be planned accordingly. It is very important that students are at school daily, especially on testing days as these assessments are critical in student placement of classes for next year and some assessments are also calculated in the student’s final grade. More information regarding these assessments will be provided in the upcoming weeks. If you have any questions, you may contact our Administrator who oversees testing, Ms. Santos-Mira at amira@pasco.k12.fl.us
BEST Writes Assessment Dates
April 3rd – 6th Grade
April 4th – 7th Grade
April 7th – 8th Grade
Important Information for 8th Grade Parents
As we approach the end of the school year, we have exciting promotional activities and events planned for our 8th graders. Key dates include:
- May 9th: Gradventure at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Cost: $200.
- May 17th: 8th Grade Dance, 6-8pm. Cost: $25.
- May 28th: 8th Grade Breakfast and Field Day.
- May 30th: 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony.
A letter with this detailed information will be coming home with your student today. Payments options will be available through Rycor in your myStudent Parent Portal. We look forward to celebrating these milestones with your child!
If you have any questions please email Mrs. Neale at tneale@pasco.k12.fl.us
Did a staff member go above and beyond or help out in a time of need. We have a way for you to recognize them for being Respectful, Open-minded, Achievers, Rising Together. Click on the button below to submit a ROAR Shout-Out for a staff member you feel deserves recognition.
Student of the Week
Peyton Sealy
Mackenzie Michelson
Taylor Michelson
Emmanuel Valentine
Aidan McCallum
David Bauer
Sacchi Hebsur
TJ Murphy
Issac Garcia
Be the ROAR!
Staff of the Week
Mrs. Bodon
Mrs. Masser
Mrs. Hurlstone
Mrs. Juarez
Mrs. Cassel
Mrs. Roy
Mrs. LaSala
Mr. Luna
Mrs. Chavez
Mrs. Lopez
Mr. Wolf
Mrs. Ore
Mr. Schweigert
Mrs. Da La Hoz
Mrs. Knapp
Mr. Fowler
Mrs. Lombardi
Mrs. Jones
Wildcat Bucks (PBIS)
Wildcat Bucks (PBIS) continues to be rewarded to our students for following our ROAR expectations. The Kat Shack is open before school and students have been purchasing items or entry into our Hangout Room. This room has various interactive games that students can play with their friends during lunches. We are excited to announce that students can now order items online for students who are not able to visit the Kat Shack in the mornings. Attached is the menu of items they can purchase, to include an entry ticket to the Hangout Room. We will be updating our merchandise periodically.
Lastly, we would love to partner with any community members or businesses to support our Kat Shack. We are also in need of one school approved volunteer to help us fulfill online orders each Thursday. Please email Ms. Andressa Santos-Mira at amira@pasco.k12.fl.us if you would more information as to how you can support this student incentive program.
Theme Thursday
Some of our students asked if they could be a part of our Theme Thursday Shirt Day that teachers participate in here at TEWMS. This is not a dress up day but a day to wear a t-shirt that goes with a theme. Below is the Theme Thursday's shirt for March, if your student would like to join in. This is not required, it's just for fun!
All Things Athletics!
All Things Athletics
ALL FHSAA/PASCO ATHLETIC FORMS MUST BE UPLOADED TO: www.athleticclearance.com before your student is allowed to participate in tryouts or off-season conditioning. Please reach out to your school's Athletic Director if you have issues uploading forms.
Parents & Students: Athletic Clearance instructions and FAQs
MIDDLE SCHOOL Athletic Participation Forms:
- 2024-25 Middle School Athletic Fee Breakdown
- Pasco Athletic Participation Form
- Pasco General Information Form for Parents and Students
- PCS - Code of Conduct at Sporting Events (Upload into Athletic Clearance)
- FHSAA Physical Form - EL2 (PAGE 4 and 5 - Upload into Athletic Clearance) Updated 04/2024
- FHSAA Consent Release from EL3 (Upload heat, concussion, and sudden cardiac arrest NFHS certificates on Athletic Clearance only, you do not need to upload the actual EL3 form) EL3 form will be an online acknowledgment (signatures) on Athletic Clearance.
Helpful Links
- Student Online Registration: https://pasco.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/
- How to pay for school items/fees: https://www.studentquickpay.com/pasco/
- To access the calendar for the school year, please visit
- Ways to keep up to date with Pasco County Schools: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/news
- TEWMS Website: tewms.pasco.k12.fl.us
- How to become a TEWMS volunteer:
- Navigating Middle School: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/oll/page/navigating-middle-school
- Student Code of Conduct https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/student_services/conduct/csc_eng.pdf
- Pasco County Sheriff News Link
https://news.pascosheriff.com/community-news/pasco-sheriffs-office-news-community-alerts/ - FortifyFL: https://getfortifyfl.com/
Thomas E. Weightman Middle School
Website: tewms.pasco.k12.fl.us
Location: 30649 Wells Road, Wesley Chapel, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-0200
Facebook: facebook.com/TEWMSPrincipal
Twitter: @TEWMSPrincipal
Pasco County public school located in Wesley Chapel, Florida; serving students in grades six through eight. TEWMS was built in 1991 and is a Magnet School for Gifted Studies.