Oregon ACTE
Spring Conference Update
Some top reasons to come to the Oregon ACTE Conference....
Networking Opportunities!
Ruby Jewel!
Amazing keynotes and breakouts!
Early Bird Registration Closes January 30!
Call for Presenter Updates
If you have already submitted a proposal to present in April, thank you! You will hear back from Oregon ACTE no later than February 14, Oregon's birthday! (And something else).
We are still accepting more proposals, but please have them submitted no later than February 14.
Highlight: 2024 Keynote Speakers
Kevin J. Fleming
Dr. Kevin J Fleming is an educator, speaker, producer of multiple, viral animation videos including Success in the New Economy, and author of the bestseller, (Re)Defining the Goal. Dissatisfied with the status quo, he has dedicated over two decades advancing career education forward as both a faculty member and administrator. Dr. Fleming serves as the Founder and CEO of Catapult, which delivers the world’s best thought leaders, through hybrid-flexible masterclasses, that truly inform, motivate, and transform our institutions forward faster. Dr. Fleming is a passionate advocate ensuring all students intentionally equip their potential, enter the labor market with a competitive advantage, and find their purpose on purpose.
Erin Jones
Erin Jones has worked in and around schools in different capacities for over 30 years. She has worked and done consultation for non-profits, government agencies and businesses. She has worked and lived in 5 states, from the East Coast to the Midwest to the West Coast, in communities that were predominantly White communities to communities that were predominantly Black communities to those that boasted dozens of languages and cultures. She has been recognized locally and nationally for her work in education and equity. She has also received recognition as and athlete and was invited to try out for two WNBA teams. After 20 years of playing soccer and 35 years of playing basketball, Erin now runs long-distances and is devoted to regular OrangeTheory workouts. Erin and her husband, James, have been married for almost 30 years and have three adult children - two who work in education and one who designs video games.
Pre-Conference Details (Wednesday)
Wednesday, April 10
PLC/CTE Day Pre-Conference ($50 additional fee)
7:30am-5:30pm: Registration Open
8:30am-9:00am: Arrive and Networking
(Lloyd Center Ballroom)
9:00am-11:30am: General Session (Lloyd Center Ballroom)
Professional Learning Communities Kickoff
Panel Discussion Employability Skills and relationships
Building between teachers and Industry partners
9:00am-Noon: Optional “CTE Without Limits” Break-out Room (*see details below)
11:30am-1:00pm: Lunch on your own
1:00pm-4pm: Afternoon Break-out Sessions/PLCs
4pm-5pm: Hosted Happy Hour Networking & Vendor Experience (Lloyd Center Ballroom)
*CTE Without Limits Summit (9am-Noon)
Advance CTE created Without Limits: A Shared Vision for the Future of Career Technical Education (CTE Without Limits) that “puts forth a bold vision for cohesive, flexible, and responsive career preparation ecosystem that will close equity gaps in education outcomes and workforce readiness, and leverage CTE as a catalyst for ensuring each learner can reach success in the career of their choice”.
In this spirit, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) are offering the CTE Without Limits Summit: Access to Opportunity (Promotional Flyer). The Summit will hold space for CTE teachers, coordinators, advisors, administrators, and those who work with/support programs and students from online/virtual, youth corrections, alternative, tribal and small/rural/remote schools, to come together to share best practices and innovative/resourceful strategies, network, and learn about resources and support that may be available to them.
The summit will be held on Wednesday, April 10 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM as one of the pre-conference sessions during the Oregon ACTE conference being held April 10 - 12 in Portland, OR. We hope you will consider joining us for the summit (and the entire conference). We also encourage you to submit program proposals to share the exciting work that is already happening in your areas with conference attendees.
Contact malinda.shell@ode.oregon.gov or daniel.findley@ode.oregon.gov for more information.
Conference Schedule Overview
Thursday, April 11
7:00am: Registration Open
7:00am: Hosted Breakfast (Exhibit Hall)
8:00am-9:00am: Keynote Speaker, Kevin Fleming, “Defining the Goal” (Lloyd Center Ballroom)
9:00am – 9:30am: Vendor/Sponsor Experience (Lloyd Center Ballroom)
9:30am-10:20am: Concurrent Professional Development Sessions I
10:30am-11:20am: Concurrent Professional Development Sessions II
11:30am-12:20pm: Hosted Lunch (Exhibit Hall)
12:30pm-1:20pm: Concurrent Professional Development Sessions III
1:30pm-2:20pm: Concurrent Professional Development Sessions IV
2:30pm-3:20pm: Concurrent Professional Development Sessions V
3:20-3:50pm: Ice Cream Social Networking & Vendor Experience (Lloyd Center Ballroom)
4:00pm-4:50pm: Concurrent Professional Development Sessions VI
Friday, April 12
7:30am: Registration Open
7:00am-8:00am: Hosted Breakfast (Exhibit Hall)
8:00am-9:00am: Keynote Speaker, Erin Jones, “Bridges to Heal US” (Lloyd Center Ballroom)
9:00am-Noon: Sponsor/Network Experience (Lloyd Center Ballroom)
9:10am-10:00am: Concurrent Professional Development Sessions VII
10:10am-11:00am: Concurrent Professional Development Sessions VIII
11:10am-Noon: Concurrent Professional Development Sessions IX
Noon-12:30pm: Hosted Lunch (Exhibit Hall)
12:30pm: Business Meeting and Awards (Exhibit Hall)
1:30pm: Adjourn