The Yellow Sheet

The Yellow Sheet -- December 13, 2024
1 – 4pm Into the Woods - Show 8;Concert Hall
5 - 8:00pm. Semi-Annual Fine Art Show
7 – 10pm. Into the Woods - Show 9; Concert Hall
3:35 - 4:30 PM. Parent Association School Merchandise Sale; Main Lobby
2 – 5pm Into the Woods - Show 10; Concert Hall
SPIRIT WEEK DRESS UP: Cozy Cuddles (wear PJs and carry stuffed animals)
Faculty Meeting
Clubs Do Not Meet
SPIRIT WEEK DRESS UP: Winter Wonderland
3:00 - 4:00pm. PA School Merchandise Sale; Main Lobby
4:30 – 6pm SLT Meeting; Room 205
SPIRIT WEEK DRESS UP: (Ugly) Holiday Sweater Day
6 – 8pm Senior One Acts – Drama; Little Flower Theater
9:30am – 11:30am. Sophomore Scenes; Black Box Theater
SPIRIT WEEK DRESS UP: LaGMas (wear holiday fabulousness)
Building Closes at 4:00 PM, or after last class
Clubs Do Not Meet
23 DEC, MON -- 1 JAN, WED
Winter Recess (Schools Closed)
School Resumes
6 – 9pm. Winter Gospel Concert; Concert Hall
Information and News
News and Updates
December 13 7:00 PM - SOLD OUT
December 14 1:00 PM - ALMOST GONE
December 14 7:00 PM - ALMOST GONE
December 15 2:00 PM - SOLD OUT
Please consider donating unneeded tickets back to the school.
Hand tickets to Box Office if you have last minute cancellations.
Tickets may be available on line (credit card payment)
Do you need a last minute ticket? Try the Cancellation Line.
- The cue for Cancellations forms at the Box Office one hour prior to performance.
- Tickets that become available at the last minute, as well as unused tickets donated back to the school, are sold for cash – no cards are accepted.
Clubs: Remember the Yearbook deadline has been extended to January 6. And Seniors, upload your Spirit Day pics, too.
Spirit Week
12/16 - Cozy Cuddles Day 😴🧸
12/17 - Winter Wonderland - 🌲⭐️❄️☕️
12/18 - (Ugly) Holiday Sweater 🧤🧣
12/19 - Snow White Lies ⚪️
12/20 - Holiday Party 🎅🕺
The Daffodil Project
Students were invited to join the Daffodil Planting Project. This project will beautify our outdoor planters with 275 daffodils bulbs through the Daffodils program. This program is a living memorial to the victims of 9/11 and Covid-19, a celebration of the New Yorkers championing parks equity in their communities.
The Attendance Team and the Deans Office are spearheading this project. We know that planting these daffodil bulbs -- just like gardening -- enables participants to understand the value of work, of showing up, and being patient; in return, we all get to enjoy blooming flowers in the Spring.
The daffodils planting day will be on Tuesday November 19th, 2024:
Please submit a permission slip by Monday November 18th to me.
We will meet in the lobby at the beginning of period 8.
We will work in teams until we plant all 275 bulbs.
Gloves, tools, and bulbs will be given.
If you have any questions, please feel free to come talk to me.
Ms. Regnier
PS. the front of the building will be in full bloom in spring 2025 if we do this and you will have been part of making it happen!
NYSSMA Information and Sign Up 9-11 Grade 2025
Register by January 24, 2025
Students in Grades 9-11 who would like to register for the 2025 NYSSMA Solo Adjudication (New York State School Music Association) at Talent Unlimited High School on March 21 and 22 must complete the Web Form by January 24, 2025. (Non All State solos only)
NYSSMA provides students with an opportunity to be assessed by a NYSSMA certified adjudicator on solo or ensemble music they have prepared. This is not a school requirement.
NYSSMA is the New York State School Music Association. It is a professional association of music teachers from throughout New York State. NYSSMA’s parent organization is The National Association for Music Education (NAfME).
NYSSMA is best known for sponsoring festivals each spring in which students have the opportunity to perform solos for an impartial adjudication. This process has long been held up as one of the finest examples of authentic assessment and is designed to help students to improve their musical abilities. Participation in NYSSMA is voluntary and provides students an opportunity to evaluate their own level of achievement and to set goals for making progress.
Judges hear each student play a graded selection from the NYSSMA Manual, prescribed scales (see requirements for your instrument/voice) and a short sight reading selection (8 measures). Students are then given a written report with comments on their performance and a grade. Grades range from Outstanding, Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Fair and Needs Improvement for Levels I-IV, and A+ through D- in Levels V, VI and All State. In some cases, students may receive “Comments Only.” Students who feel that they are not well prepared and would not like a score can request “Comments Only” (Also known as a Festival Rating). If a judge feels that a low score may make the experience a less positive one for the student, they may suggest “Comments Only.” This is also given if a student’s solo is not listed in the current NYSSMA Manual.
Additional Information
1. All solos must be listed in the current NYSSMA Manual, and be sure to check publisher information. Private teachers do not always have a current manual. You should always double check with your child’s music teacher at school to make sure your solo is listed and that the publisher is correct.
2. Before NYSSMA, you must purchase an original copy of your solo. No photocopies allowed! If it is public domain, you will need to show that it is not on the site illegally. If you have an ePrint solo, please print the receipt and have it with you when you arrive to play. You will need to have a copy for yourself and for the judge (accompaniment/piano part is accepted). If your solo is unaccompanied, then purchase two copies of the solo.
Please see NYSSMA Manual for Leveled Repertoire
NYSSMA Fees are as follows:
Levels I - IV except piano - $20.00 + $.88 processing fee = $20.88 (10 minute adjudication)
Levels V - VI except piano - $30.00 + $1.17 processing fee = $31.17 (15 minute adjudication)
Piano* Levels II - IV - $26.00 + $1.06 processing fee = $27.06
Piano* Levels V - VI - $36.00 + $1.35 processing fee = $37.35
*The additional cost for piano is to cover the expense of renting instruments for the festivals.
Payment fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Fees include a 2.9% processing fee and a $0.30 transaction fee per order. All fees are collected by our credit card processor.
Music Students Wishing to Apply to All-State
If you are interested in applying for NYSSMA All-State you must be in the Music Studio and be a 10th or 11th grader. If you are interested please contact Ms. Roof (kroof@schools.nyc.gov) or Mr. Blumenthal (dblumenthal@schools.nyc.gov) for instrumental and Ms. Ballard (jballard@schools.nyc.gov) vocal. A teacher recommendation is required. Those who are approved to apply submit the NYSSMA Form and pay the fee.
Each registration requires a separate form submission.
In addition to using this NYSSMA Registration Link, the link is also available on the school's website. On the main, red navigation bar, select "School Store/Purchase". The use the dropdown and select "NYSSMA Registration."
LaGuardia's Own Student Equity Leaders
The Student Equity Leaders had a wonderful day at this year's first Manhattan conference on December 10, 2024. This was an all-day event where students from Manhattan high schools came together. Ayira Jackdavis, Law Watford, Milani Katan, and Kila Nunez represented LaGuardia at this event. At this event, our Student Equity Leaders participated in small group discussions on race, culture, and self-awareness. Our students read excerpts from several books that were intended to connect to aspects of students’ individual identity. They participated in different breakout rooms, where Ayira was one of the presenters, where she talked about her summer experience in D.C. with Running Start.
Shout out to Ayira and Law who joined the Student Equity Leaders' virtual Think Tank on November 26, 2024, to help finalize planning for the conference. In addition, On Wednesday, December 4, Ayira, Law and Milani were invited to the Superintendent's Office for a dry run of the conference. Our students were integral this year’s first Manhattan Student Equity Leaders’ conference.
Annual PPRA Notification for School Year 2024-25
PPRA grants you and your child the following protections:
1). The right to provide written consent before students participate in any survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning the following (“Protected Areas”):
- political affiliations or beliefs of the student or their parent;
- mental or psychological problems of the student or their family;
- sex behavior or attitudes;
- illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
- critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
- legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers;
- religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or their parent; or
- income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
2) The right to receive notice and an opportunity to opt out of having your child participate in optional surveys, analyses, or evaluations that reveal information concerning Protected Areas.
3). The right to receive notice and an opportunity to opt out of having your child participate in any nonemergency, invasive physical examination or screening that is required as a condition of attendance, administered and scheduled by the school in advance, and is not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student or other students.
4). The right to inspect, upon request, the following prior to their administration or use:
- Any survey that solicits information concerning the Protected Areas listed above; and
- Any instructional materials used as part of the Student’s educational curriculum.
Additional resources on student privacy under PPRA are available on the U.S. Department of Education’s Student Privacy Policy Office website at https://studentprivacy.ed.gov.
Parents who believe their PPRA rights have been violated may file a complaint online by selecting the PPRA complaint form option at https://studentprivacy.ed.gov/file-a-complaint or by mailing the form to the following address:
Student Privacy Policy Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue
S.W. Washington, D.C. 20202
Verifying Identity for NYSCA and Access to Student Records
This section explains the rights of parent/guardians and students age 18 or older to access educational records. The most common examples of this include grades, attendance, and transcript information. The most common way this happens is through New York City Schools Accounts (NYCSA). This also applies to verbal or written communications.
Verifying Identity
First, school staff must make sure we are communicating with a person who has a right to that information. That means school staff must:
Verify the identity of the person with whom they are communicating
Make sure that the individual is not prohibited from receiving education records. Important considerations include:
- Is the student over the age of 18?
- Is the person identified as a parent/guardian of the student?
- Is the parent a custodial guardian?
- Is the individual potentially prohibited from receiving education records (i.e. is there an alert that a court order exists)?
What Information Do Users Have Access To in NYCSA?
Custodial, Noncustodial, or Additional Parents/Users
Each adult associated with your child's record is assigned the role of either a Custodial, Non-custodial, or Additional user. These roles determine how much of your child’s information they can see. All user roles have access to Parent University and the Bullying Portal.
- As a Custodial user, you can see all information available in your child’s NYC Schools Account. Also, you can invite other adults to view your child's information. In addition, custodial users can update the emergency contact information of adults on the student’s record in the application to be contacted directly about emergencies.
- As a Noncustodiall user, you can see most information in your child’s NYC Schools Account. Non-custodial users can also update their cell phone numbers in the application in cases of emergencies.
- As an Additional user, you can see information the child’s custodial parent shares with you.
Summary of Applicable Law
The school/NYCPS is required to provide any student education records, as requested by a parent or adult student, within a reasonable period, but no later than 45 calendar days from the request.
NYCSA for Non Custodial Users
When a Noncustodial parent creates an account, they have 45 days until they can view all information. The Custodial parent has 45 days from the date of the Noncustodial parent’s request to provide legal documentation (for example, a court order) saying the Noncustodial parent cannot have access to the student’s record. If the school does not receive this legal documentation, the Noncustodial parent will automatically receive access to the student’s record in NYC Schools Account no later than 45 days after their request.
Bypassing the 45-Day Rule
The Custodial user can also bypass the 45-day rule and grant access immediately by selecting "Give Access Now" to the user. The Custodial user can also elect to grant Noncustodial user access to the student's schedule and transportation information, in addition to the other sections they permanently have access to.
If a parent does not want the other parent to access the child, that decision has to be determined in Family Court. There has to be a court order stating the decision. The school does not interfere with another parent's rights or abilities to have contact with their child. If there is no standing order, the other parent has the right to see the child.
2025-2026 Big Apple Award Nominations Are Now Open!
Who: Students, families, administrators, and community members can all nominate any public school DOE teacher for the Big Apple Award. You are encouraged to nominate a teacher!
What: The Big Apple Awards recognize and celebrate New York City teachers who make positive differences for all the students they teach. Has a teacher changed your student's life for the better? We want to hear from you!
When: The nomination window is open until January 21st. After nominations are in, the selection process will begin!
Where/How: You can nominate a teacher by:
- submitting a nomination through the Big Apple Award form
- emailing us at bigappleteachers@schools.nyc.gov with the teacher’s name and school information
- or visiting this website
- tell your school office or your Family Engagement Coordinator at your Superintendent’s office
Class of 2025 News
Order Your Cap and Gown Now!
Members of the Senior Class must order their Cap and Gown from our Vendor, SmoothUSA. The amount is $49.80, and can be paid by credit/debit card on the ordering website. For those would like to pay in cash, there will be two dates in January when cash or money order only will be accepted at school. The link to the Smooth USA LaGuardia Graduation Store will also be included on the school's website.
Senior Quotes for Yearbook
Some things I cannot change/ but 'till I try I'll never know. -- Elphaba, Wicked
Elphaba Thropp, listen to me. You can do this. You can do anything. -- Glinda, Wicked
You've been Galinda-fied. -- Fiyero, Wicked
I never want to change so much that people can't recognize me. -- Taylor Swift
I have been singing randomly, obsessively, obnoxiously for as long as I can remember. -- Taylor Swift
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes -- Taylor Swift
Long live the walls we crashed through -- Taylor Swift
Please complete the linked form to submit your senior quote. The form will be open till Thursday, January 24th, 2025 at 4:00pm. Please read the instructions carefully and be sure to adhere to the rules as they are stated on the form.
Submit Photos of Spirit Week to Yearbook
Do you have pictures of:
- LaG-O-Ween
- LaG Swag Day
- Decades Day
- Twin Day
- Pajama Day
- Mental Health Spirit Week
Help complete the Spirit Week section of our yearbook by uploading pictures right from your phone. Submit Photos Now, Code: LAG2025
Spanish 1 Classes See Muralist Manny Vega's Work Up Close
On Friday, November 15, and Tuesday, November 19, Sra. Rosenstein and students from her Spanish 1 classes took the train to The Museum of the City of New York in “El Barrio (Spanish Harlem).” They saw the exhibit, Art in El Barrio, by Manny Vega, a muralist and mosaicist, whose work can be seen in subway stations and on buildings throughout New York City. Students then made their own mosaics in an art-making workshop. This was followed by a walking tour of Spanish Harlem to see Manny Vega’s murals up close as well as a delicious Puerto Rican meal at La Fonda Restaurant. It was " muy chévere (very cool)!"
In Sports News...
Congratulations to Allegra Advincula on being selected as a “2024 PSAL MVP Scholar-Athlete” award recipient. This is a remarkable accomplishment that reflects her outstanding contributions in both academics and athletics.
Congratulations to Naomi Douglas who placed 74th in the Nike Cross Country National Championships representing New York State and the LaGuardia Lions.
In Girls Track and Field News: the team started off the season in grand style. The 4 by 200 meter Freshman came in 3rd place (River Duerr, Lena James, Carmeleyna Mentor, and Madeleine Melnick). Sunya Ramos placed 2nd in the 55 Meter Hurdles; Gwyneth Shupp finished 1st in the 3000 meter, and River Duerr finished 1st in the 600 meter.
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, recently launched its eighth annual National High School Design Competition, challenging teens across the country with: What would you design to help everyone feel at home in your community?
The competition is free to enter with entries due on February 10, 2025. Prizes include inspiring mentoring opportunities with leading designers and experts in the field. Click for further details.