December 2, 2024 - December 6, 2024
St. Sofia Byzantine Catholic School
3540 Havenwood Dr. Mississauga, Ontario L4X2M9
(905) 625-0823
E-mail: stsofiainfo@dpcdsb.org
X (twitter): @StSofia_DPCDSB
S. Donaghue
Vice Principal
S. Rossi
Head Secretary
O. Tkaczyk
Assistant Secretary
R. Park
D.P.C.D.S.B Catholic Education Centre
Website: www.dpcdsb.org/SOFIA
Superintendent Mississauga East
D. Belchior
Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 3)
People of hope….
Expect the best to happen for everyone
Hold on to their dreams
Always count on God to help them in tough situations
Trust that things will work out in God’s way
Look for something good to come out of problems
Are looking forward to life’s blessings Set and stick to their own goals.
Community Christmas Calendar
Important Dates to Remember
Dec. 2 - Dec 6 Library is closed for Inventory please return all books
Dec 2 - 10:30am: St. Nicholas Concert Rehearsal
- Candy Cane Candy Gram Sales BEGIN
Dec. 3 - Father Jaroslaw visit
Dec. 4 - Last day to buy St. Nicholas photos
- Father Bohdan visit
Dec. 5 - Father Tom visit
- 6:00pm Doors Open for St. Nicholas Concert at John Cabot Secondary School
- 6:30pm St. Nicholas Concert begins
- Admission: Non-perishable food item /Donations for Dzerelo
Dec 6 - Feast of St Nicholas
- St Nicholas visits St Sofia /St. Nicholas Photos (School Cash Online)
Dec. 9 - Dec. 13 Scholastic Book Fair / Candy Cane CandyGram Sales / Peace Light
Peace Light from Bethlehem, Families are invited daily from 11:00-2:00 to light their family candle
Dec 9 - Bus Safety Presentations at St. Sofia
- AM Philip Pocock Guidance Visit
Dec 10 - Pizza
Dec. 11 -Father Michael Goetz Shadow Day
- 10:00 am Pre-Christmas Confessions
- 3:00 pm - 6:00pm Scholastic Book Fair
- 3:00 pm - 6:00pm Peace Light from Bethlehem (all families are invited to come & light a candle)
Dec 12 - Subway
Dec 13 - Wrap Day
- 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Final Scholastic Shopping
- Final Day for Candy Cane Candy Gram Sales
Dec.16 - Dec. 20: JINGLE all the Way to CHRISTMAS Spirit Week
Dec 16 - Wear your Comfy Cozies or Christmas Pajamas
- St. Sofia goes to the movies
Dec 17 - Christmas Sweater Day/ School Christmas Games
- Distribution of Candy Cane Candy Grams
- Christmas BINGO
- Classroom Christmas Wreath Decorating begins
Dec 18 - Holiday Headwear Day
- School-Wide Christmas Retreat Day
- Final day of Candy Cane CandyGram delivery
Dec. 19 -Represent your Super Hero Day! Wear your favourite Jersey
- SPECIAL Hero Burger LUNCH DAY (School Cash Online)
- Staff vs Student hockey game
- Christmas Wreath Judging
Dec. 20 - Christmas Colours Day! Wear Christmas Colours today
- Svichechka
- Christmas Karokee
- Last day before Christmas Holidays
The Peace Light of Bethlehem on Christmas Eve
You are invited to St. Sofia School to light your family candle during the week of December 9, 2024 - December 13, 2024 between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. You can also come by on December 13, 2024 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Looking forward to seeing all familes.
Pizza Day, Sub Orders and "Wrap it up Fridays"
Pizza and sub orders are now posted on School Cash Online. Pizza days are on Tuesdays, sub days are on Thursdays, and we have no wraps this week.
Catholic School Council
The purpose of Catholic School Council is, through the active participation of parents, to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. A Catholic School Council's primary means of achieving its purpose is by making recommendations in accordance with this policy and regulation to the principal of the school and to the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board.
Council members shall maintain a school-wide focus on all issues. Each member shall:
- Attend regularly and participate in council meetings;
- Participate in faith development, information and training programs;
- Act as a link between the Catholic school council and the school community;
- Encourage the participations of parents from all groups and of other people within the community
Catholic School Council Members:
Co Chairs - Eva Chalupa & Oksana Shavel
Secretary - Olga M. Doubinska
Treasurer - Nataliya Ryabchun
OAPCE - Ulyana Polovka
Parish Rep for St. Elias - Michael Bagan
Parish Rep for St. Mary - Oksana Volchuk
Oksana Didkovsky
Mariana Doubas
Katerina Downard
Stan Hankowski
Tania Iwaniura
Liliya Leheta
Marianna Pankiw
Yulia Yarema
Non Teaching Rep: Oksana Tkaczyk
Teaching Rep: Ola Holyk
Principal: Sandra Donaghue
Vice Principal: Susan Rossi
Catholic School Council Information
The next Catholic School Council meeting will be on Thurs. Jan. 16, 2025 at 6:30 pm. We strongly encourage all parents to come and be part of the discussions at our meetings.
If you have any agenda topic requests that you would like to be considered, please email them to our email address at: stsofiacsc@gmail.com no later than Tues. Jan. 14
Please be aware, that any issues related to Staff or students must be addressed with the school directly.
We look forward to our next meeting:
Thursday January 16, 2025 at 6:30 pm. All are welcome!
Meeting Dates for 2024-2025
February 20, 2025
April 10, 2025
June 5, 2025
Important Information regarding Inclement Weather and Buses
Kindergarten Registration Information
Pick Up During the Day and Students not taking Bus
When picking up your child(ren) throughout the school day PLEASE try to avoid the LUNCH HOUR & RECESS TIMES.
If you are planning on picking up your child(ren) during the lunch hour - please inform the school BEFORE 12:24 PM and we will have them in the office ready for you. If you are coming closer to 1:00PM your child(ren) will be in the office by 1:05PM. During the LUNCH HOUR the students are OUTSIDE from 12:24-1:04 - so please note that calling for your child while they are out on the yard - means a little more waiting on your end.
If we know they are being picked up early - we will have them ready for you in the office.
Please inform the office by 3:30 pm if you are picking up before end of day dismissal. Regular routines for dismissal will be followed if we are not informed in advance.
We appreciate your support on this process.
Morning Drop Off
Please drop your students off at the entrance to the yard - we have staff on duty and we cannot allow parents on the yard - it is for the safety of all that we follow this rule.
No Pets allowed on School Property
Please refrain from bringing pets onto school property during school hours. Thank you.
Solemn Holy Communion for Grade 2 Students
The Solemn Holy Communion for Grade 2 students will take place on Saturday May 3rd, 2025 at St. Mary's Ukranian Catholic Church.
May 1 - Grade 2 First Confessions and Retreat at St. Elias Church in Brampton.
DPCDSB messaging around the use of Discriminatory Language
Updated Messaging:
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) continues to be dedicated to establishing a culture of respect and belonging that fosters safe and inclusive learning environments. Recognition of the human dignity of each person, created in the image of God, forms the foundation of equity and inclusive education. As a faith community we have a duty to examine all language and we must always be attentive and responsive to times when harmful or offensive words enter our learning spaces.
The collective goal is to create spaces that are safe and free of words that are rooted in racism and hatred. This messaging is in direct response to an increase in usage of the n-word within our schools. The DPCDSB is reminding all community members of the standing expectation on discriminatory language.
The DPCDSB expectation is that the n-word or any of its derivatives is never to be said or written within learning spaces and any instances of its use will be appropriately and immediately addressed in order to prioritize student, staff and community safety.
In our efforts to maintain safe and inclusive educational learning spaces we are sharing this information with parents/caregivers. As such we would ask that you enter into age appropriate conversations with your children surrounding the expectation that the n-word is not to be said or written within learning spaces. Together, we can continue our collective work in strengthening a community that models kindness, values compassion, and fosters educational spaces rooted in our Catholic Social Teachings.
Items to Review:
A Reminder to not send food for Birthdays or Special Occasions
Allergies in the Classroom
As we continue the school year, we would like to remind you that St. Sofia is an allergen aware school. There are pupils and staff in attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening allergies to certain foods, such as dairy, peanut and nut products. Exposure to even the smallest quantities can cause severe life threatening reactions. Anaphylaxis is a severe and life threatening allergic reaction. The most common allergen triggers are food, insect stings, medications, and latex. An anaphylactic reaction involves symptoms from two or more body systems. We at St. Sofia School would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school community by NOT sending any lunches or snacks that contain nut or nut byproducts which could potentially harm a pupil. Please make sure that all of your children’s caregivers are aware of the food restrictions. Please do not send food for birthdays or special occasions. We look forward to your co-operation in making this a safe year for all of our pupils.
School Hours
9:00: Supervision begins
9:15: School day begins
12:04: Lunch Begins: Nutrition Break in classrooms
12:24: Outdoor Recess
1:04: Afternoon classes begin
2:27: Recess Begins
2:42: Recess Ends
4:00: Dismissal
Get Registered for School Messenger
DPCDSB uses School Messenger to deliver text messages to your mobile phone with important information about school closings, safety alerts and more.
You can subscribe to this free service by sending a message of Y or Yes to DPCDSB's number: 978338 (for Canada-based numbers).
Absence Reporting
Whether it’s a medical appointment, an illness or other important event, there are times when students may need to be away from school. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District school board is introducing a new method for parents to report their child(ren)’s absences. Using the SafeArrival system, parents will be able to report daily or future absences in one of three ways:
- Go to the SafeArrival website at go.schoolmessenger.ca
- Select Sign Up to create your account. (Only needed for the initial setup, after that you will click on login).
- Select Attendance.
- Select Report an Absence.
Child Safety
The Child and Family Services Act compel educators to report any issues that may compromise a child’s welfare. If a staff member suspects any issue that may affect a child’s safety, then the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) must be contacted. It is not the role of the educator to investigate. That is CAS’s role.
If your child has a medical condition, please ensure that the school is aware of it by submitting the proper forms and medication as soon as possible.
Head Injuries
When a student receives an injury/bump to the head (however minor), it is a Board Policy that we inform parents. You will be contacted by phone, a phone message will be left at one of your contact numbers or a note will be left in your child’s agenda if you are unavailable. This is precautionary only and we ask that you check your child when they get home for any signs of a concussion or illness. Agenda’s should be checked by parents daily for this reason, as well as to check for any notes from the teacher or office. A copy of the concussion brochure is always available on our school website.
Curriculum Corner
School Cash Online
Don't Forget to Get yourself set up on School CashOnline
You will need your child’s name and date of birth. Use of student number is optional.
Should you encounter any difficulties, you can use the parent help desk at 1 (866) 961-1803 or the support link on the school cash online website.
PAY WITH: Credit Card or Debit Card
1. Create Your Profile:
Go to https://dpcdsb.schoolcashonline.com/ and click on "Get Started Today".
2. Confirm Your Email:
Check your inbox for the email confirmation and click on the link inside. Sign in with your new login details.
3. Add a Student
Click "Add Student" and fill in the required fields with your child’s details:
1. School Board name
2. Select a school
3. Legal First Name
4. Legal Last Name
5. Birth Date (Month/Day/Year)