Buckeye Bulletin
Quarter 4
Educational Office Professionals of Ohio
President's Message
Happy Summer! I would like to take a moment and introduce myself, I am Lisa Zuk, your 2023-2024 EOPO President. I have worked for Westlake City Schools for 20 years as an Administrative Assistant to the Director of Business Affairs.I am grateful to have this opportunity to serve as your new President. I know with the help of our membership we will continue to have another successful year.
I would like to take a moment and thank Mrs. Dana
Hoffman, CEOE, for grooming me over the past year for this position. I especially want to thank her for continuing to complete President’s duties during my family’s difficult times these past 4 months. Thank you, Dana!
Communication is incredibly important for connections, whether it is in the form of newsletters, virtual meetings, or the old fashion way, in-person. Some of the communications that have occurred over the last few months were Fall Conference, Upcoming Board Meetings, Finance, Open Board Positions, and future scholarships.
• Fall Conference – This year’s conference will be held on Friday, October 6, 2023, at Baldwin Wallace College in Cleveland. Our Vice President, Veronica Drdek, has done a fantastic job organizing and leading her committee. The committee has begun organizing venues, menus and gathering information for speakers in order to make this conference a success. Once we finalize the conference details, we will email all members. The committee is hoping to have everything finalized by the end of July so registration can be emailed starting in August. Please share the information with friends and colleagues, and welcome them
to attend the conference.
• Upcoming Board Meetings – Any member of EOPO can join our quarterly board meetings. All board meetings will be conducted either through Google Meets or Zoom at 3:30 pm, with the exception of October’s meeting. Meeting dates are to be announced.
• Open Board of Director Position - We need a President-Elect, if you know of anyone interested please have them contact Karen Sever, Nominations & Elections Chairperson and myself. Job duties for this position are in our Bylaws. If anyone needs a copy of the Bylaws, please email me at zuk@mywlake.org or visit our website.
I would like to introduce a new President’s Logo for the upcoming year.
“EOPO...We’re Stronger Together”
What is EOPO?
Educational Office Professionals of Ohio is dedicated to promoting professionalism through developing skills, enhancing knowledge, and encouraging growth.
The Educational Office Professionals of Ohio (EOPO) is a professional organization for all educational office personnel in Ohio. It is not a bargaining unit and does not enter into negotiations with any educational system.
The purpose of the Educational Office Professionals of Ohio is to promote professional growth to all persons employed as office personnel in an educational organization in the State of Ohio.
Any person employed in an educational office in the State of Ohio or anyone retired from an educational office position is invited to join EOPO.
A nucleus of interested educational office personnel from all over Ohio, spearheaded by Martha Leach and Lila Van Sweringen, met in Cuyahoga Falls on May 13, 1978. A name and purpose for the organization were chosen, and EOPO became a reality.
All board meetings are open to the membership.
Check the website for specific dates and places.
Interested in an EOPO membership?☆☆
• Marketing & Social Media - The Buckeye Bulletin, a quarterly publication to members
• Martha L. Leach Member Scholarship - a $500 scholarship awarded annually to a qualifying member pursuing higher education
• Peer Recognition - Jacquelyn S. Myers Office Professional of the Year Award presented to a member nominated by his/her peers based on personal and professional accomplishments
• Administrator Recognition - Educational Administrator of the Year Award presented to a currently employed educational administrator nominated based on his/her personal and professional achievements and contributions to education.
EOPO Budget Committee
Do you love math and have a knack for numbers? Are you looking for an opportunity to get to know some fellow EOPO members and get involved in the organization? Then the EOPO Budget Committee is for you!
As a committee under the treasurer’s position, some of the functions of the Budget Committee include monitoring expenses and revenues to provide accountability, identifying and discussing potential issues that affect the budget, and providing input toward creating the budget for the following fiscal year. Meetings would be virtual – probably via Zoom - twice a month with about one hour of outside homework monthly. The one-year term goes from November to October. Sign-ups will be available at our upcoming conference on October 6, 2023.
Interested? Please contact Jeanette Jordan, Treasurer, by emailing her at
Make checks payable to Educational Office Professionals of Ohio, and mail both check and application to Jeanette Jordan, Treasurer, at 825 Waycross Road, Cincinnati, OH 45240. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Jeanette at jordan.jeanette@wintonwoods.org or by phone at 513-619-2311.
Our Alliances
Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators
Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators
Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools
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2023-2024 EOPO Board of Directors
Past President
Dana Hoffman, CEOE
Westlake City School District
Administrative Assistant to Superintendent
Vice President
Baldwin Wallace University
Marketing & Social Media Chair
Sunshine Chair
Nominations & Elections
ESC of Northeast Ohio
Lee Burneson Middle School
Winton Woods City Schools
Ways & Means Chair
Retiree Committee Chair
Professional Standards Program Chair
Otterbein University
Webmaster Chair
Awards Chair
Cleveland Hts.-University Hts. C.S.D.
Scholarship Chair
Membership Director
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EOPO Calendar of Events
EOPO Newsletter Deadlines
- Quarter 1 - December 15, 2023
- Quarter 2 - March 14, 2024
- Quarter 3 - June 15, 2024
- Quarter 4 - September 15, 2024
Send submissions to treed@southernohioesc.org
Join our EOPO Facebook group!
When you join, be sure to post and share your name and why you decided to join EOPO.
We will be sharing our speakers and conference details!
NAEOP - National Assocation of Educational Office Professionals
National Association of Educational Office Professionals (NAEOP)
The mission of NAEOP is to provide professional growth through leadership, education,
achievement, recognition, and networking opportunities for educational office professionals. If you are looking to grow in any of these areas in the coming year, you need to consider joining NAEOP (https://www.naeop.org/membership). Membership multiplies the number of
occasions where you can learn and grow. Stay informed about professional development
opportunities at https://www.naeop.org/pd-opportunities.
Annual NAEOP Conference
Sunday, Jul 16, 2023, 08:00 AM
Omaha, NE, USA
2023 NAEOP Northeast Area Conference - Came to Ohio
EOPO helped to host the Northeast Area of NAEOP professional development conference at the ESC of Northeast Ohio. First, let me say a big Thank You to everyone who helped make this a successful conference. We had 25 people attend this two-day event which included people from Delaware, New York, and Pennsylvania. Below are some conference highlights.
Conference Highlights:
- We heard how schools can play an important role in identifying, reporting, and ending human trafficking from a survivor. Alicia Ley from the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking [https://collabtoendht.org/] wove her story throughout her presentation. See their website if you want to learn more or contribute to their work.
- We listened to music while learning how it can heal and encourage everyone. Singing along with Kira Seaton from Cuyahoga Community College, we experienced how different types of music impact our mood and can improve even our work.
- The session on addressing microaggressions with Nicole Fennel and Devin Patterson from Cleveland Clinic had us discussing our personal experiences and determining where we can adjust our actions and words to be more aware of others' situations.
- In addition to Lisa Ryan reminding us about the importance of gratitude, she gave us tools to better understand different personalities and generations to improve our work environment and social settings. We were encouraged to write a thank you letter to someone.
- Other sessions included how we L.E.A.R.N. with NAEOP, the importance of responsible communication in our schools, and goals and dreams being part of our everyday life. We look forward to the next Northeast Area of NAEOP Conference, which will be hosted in conjunction with the New Hampshire AEOP on May 1-3, 2024. Save the Date information is in this newsletter.
NAEOP Professional Standards Program (PSP)
Congratulations to Ohio’s Newest PSP Recertification:
Lori Bulkoski, CEOE, Advanced III, May 2023
If you meet the following minimum criteria, you may also be eligible for PSP certification. And, if you are eligible, I would love to work with you to gain that certification. Please contact me at kreichley@otterbein.edu to get started. We can also strategize about how to get more points or hours.
- Member of the National Association of Educational Office Professionals (NAEOP)
- Four years of work experience, two must be in an educational institution or educational affiliated institution
- Education and in-service training measured either in clock hours or by degrees; if you have 210 hours, you can apply – no college courses required
- Association responsibility or participation points which are based on professional memberships, committee participation, and leadership roles
Check out the PSP program information on the NAEOP website:
EOPO - Educational Office Professionals of Ohio
Created by Taylor Reed
Marketing & Social Media Chair
Email: eopo.ohio@gmail.com
Website: www.eopo-oh.org
Phone: 440.653.3874