Elementary School of Choice
for the 2025-2026 School Year
At Simi Valley Schools, we value every family passing through our schools and programs. It's so important to us that we've made it Our Promise to our community, that we will inspire each and every student to succeed in school, career and life.
We are excited to inform you that our school district has an open enrollment policy that allows families to enroll at almost any of our schools through the School of Choice (SOC) application. Please note that the availability at each school may be limited due to class size and facilities/space.
Given all our schools offer exceptional programs, Simi Valley students often choose to enroll at their neighborhood schools. If you enroll in your neighborhood school, you do not have to participate in SOC. This boundary map below will assist you in identifying your neighborhood school.
Information about our schools is posted on the District’s website. SOC applications can be found at: www.simivalleyusd.org/soc. Applications must be submitted online by end of the day on Friday, February 7, 2025, to participate in the lottery held at each school (except Arroyo, Hollow Hills and Vista Elementary-see below).
*Please note: If your child receives Special Education Services through an IEP (Individualized Education Program), the final determination for school placement is determined by the IEP team.
Elementary schools will host tours on Jan 14, 21, 28, and Feb 4 at 9:00 a.m.
Visit the school website for additional information/meetings.
TK enrollment opens January 6, 2025. All TK enrollment is completed at the District Office located at 101 W Cochran, Simi Valley. The office is open for enrollment 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. daily. Priority enrollment is open until March 21, 2025. Priority enrollment provides families with the best opportunity to be placed at their neighborhood or sibling attended school.
For the 2025-26 school year, students who were born between September 2, 2020 and September 1, 2021 are eligible to enroll in the Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Program. TK is year one of a two year Kindergarten program. Participating students would be enrolled in a traditional Kindergarten Program the following year.
If you feel that your child would benefit from placement in the Simi Valley Unified School District TK program and has a birth date that occurs between July 1 and September 1, 2020, you may apply for Deferred Kindergarten enrollment. Only children with a birth date in this window who have not participated in a previous TK program may apply. Please contact the Elementary Education desk at the District Office, 805-306-4500 x4207.
TK is not a School of Choice program. Every effort is made to prioritize a student’s placement in their home/neighborhood school, as well as where siblings are enrolled, but we cannot guarantee placement due to required class size restrictions and availability of classroom space.
Our TK Parent Information Webinar will be held on December 10 at 6:00 p.m. This webinar will provide more information about the program and an opportunity to ask questions.
To register for the webinar, please use the following link:
You will receive a confirmation email from jake.finch@simivalleyusd.org with the final webinar link to be used on the night of the webinar.
California law for kindergarten enrollment states that a child must be five years of age on or before September 1, 2025*.
- If you would like your child to attend Kindergarten at your neighborhood school, enroll your child at that school starting February 10, 2025. Enrolling your child as early as possible will help us to plan for the coming year.
- If you would like your child to attend another school in the district for Kindergarten you are required to submit a SOC application online by February 7.
- Our Kindergarten Parent Information Webinar will be held on December 16 at 6:00 p.m. This webinar will provide more information about the program and an opportunity to ask questions.
- To register for the webinar, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/ydv3t6j4 You will receive a confirmation email from jake.finch@simivalleyusd.org with the final webinar link to be used on the night of the webinar.
*If your child has a birth date that occurs between July 1 and September 1, 2020 and feel they would benefit from TK, you may apply for Deferred Kindergarten enrollment. Only children with a birth date in this window who have not participated in a previous TK program may apply. Please contact the Elementary Education desk at the District Office, 805-306-4500 x4207.
Simi Valley Unified began offering an exciting new opportunity for students beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. A Dual Language Immersion (DLI) at Arroyo Elementary School focuses on developing bilingual fluency and biliteracy in both English and Spanish. In the 2025-2026 school year, the program will include Transitional Kindergarten (TK) through 1st grade with open enrollment in TK and Kinder. Each year, thereafter, we will add an additional grade level until all grade levels are part of the Dual Language Immersion Program (TK-5th).
Our Dual Language Academy is offered only at Arroyo Elementary. Please note, as a school of choice, students will need to provide their own transportation. All students must take a language assessment to be considered for placement in the DLI program. Interest forms are located on the district website. Please submit DLI interest by December 20, 2024.
For more information about the Dual Language Academy, please visit www.simivalleyusd.org/enrollment/dual-language-immersion-program or email Dr. April Jacobsen at april.jacobsen@simivalleyusd.org
Hollow Hills and Vista fundamental schools will hold lotteries for Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year. Only students who live in the Simi Valley Unified School District are eligible for this lottery. Interested families need to decide on ONE fundamental school and then submit ONE application to that school’s office. Families may participate in only ONE fundamental school lottery. We will not honor dual requests or accept transfers between the schools. Fundamental school information and lottery applications will be available beginning January 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and will need to be submitted by 3:30 p.m. on January 17, 2025 at the following locations (Parents/Guardians must come to the school office to pick up forms. They are not available online or by fax.)
Vista Elementary School: 2175 Wisteria Street, Simi Valley (805) 520-6750 www.vista.simivalleyusd.org
Hollow Hills Elementary School: 828 Gibson Avenue, Simi Valley (805) 520-6720 www.hollowhills.simivalleyusd.org
Students will be selected for enrollment by lottery on January 21, 2025. Numbered postcards will be mailed to all applicants the week of January 21. Results will not be given over the telephone. To learn more about the schools, parents/guardians should attend one of the following informational presentations: a school tour; or the parent information night. These presentations will provide information to help you make a decision about the fundamental school program. Students enrolled may not return to their home school during that school year.
Hollow Hills Elementary School: January 9 at 5:00 p.m. AND
Vista Elementary School: January 9 at 6:00 p.m.
If you are not selected in the Fundamental School lottery, applicants will be placed on the Fundamental School waiting list, in the order of the lottery selection. Parents may also apply to another school via School of Choice during the open enrollment period (November 1 to February 7, 2025)
**Kindergarten SIBLING enrollment for Hollow Hills and Vista will occur during the month of December.**
We understand that every family has unique preferences when it comes to their child's education, and we are committed to accommodating those preferences to the best of our abilities. However, it's important to acknowledge that we expect the middle schools to be operating at full capacity. If your child plans to attend their neighborhood school then there is no action required or application to complete. The student information system will automatically transfer the student to their neighborhood school based on the primary address recorded in Aeries.
If your child does not wish to attend the next residential school, then families should complete the school of choice application. If space allows, school of choice will be based on a lottery. Priority is given to those who will have a sibling currently attending 6th or 7th grade at the middle school of choice.
This form is only required if families wish to apply for a school other than the next residential middle school. It must be submitted on or before February 7, 2025. You will need the 6-digit student ID number. This is the ID number students use to purchase lunch (can be found in Aeries).
Please follow the link below to fill out the School of Choice Application or visit our website.
If you have any further questions, please call your current school’s office for assistance.