January 12, 2025
Upcoming Important Dates:
- 13 - Roosevelt PTO Meeting: 5pm in RV Library | Click HERE to join Virtually!
- 20 - No School: Teacher Inservice; Virtual Book Study: Kickoff 6:30-7pm | Click HERE to join the discussion! (see flyer below)
- 23 - Family Game Night: Sponsored by Title 1 | 5:30-7pm | RV Cafeteria
- 24 - 5th Grade Field Trip
- 28 - 4th Grade Music Performance: 2 pm, Big Gym
- 29 - 3rd Grade Field Trip
- 3- School Counselor Appreciation Week
- 12 - Early Dismissal: 2:00 pm
- 13 - No School: Teacher Inservice
- 14 - No School
- 15 - SRO Appreciation Day: Shout Out to Officer Josie - Thanks for all you do! You Rock!!
- 17 - No School
- 20 - K Round Up: RV cafeteria 5:30-6:30 pm (enter through NORTH doors)
- 21 - K Round Up: RV cafeteria 9-10 am (Use NORTH doors) **No Kindergarten this day**
- 25 -1st Grade Music Performance: Flint & Bliss, 2:00pm, Small Gym
- 26 - 1st Grade Music Performance: Hanson & Karlgaard, 2:00pm, Small Gym
- 4 - Virtual Book Study: Check In; 6:30-7pm | Click HERE to join the discussion!
- 6 & 11 - Parent / Teacher Conferences: 4- 7:30pm | By Appointment
- 13 - Early Out; 2pm dismissal
- 14 - NO SCHOOL: Spring Break!
*View a copy of the Detroit Lakes School District calendar HERE.
**View a copy of the Detroit Lakes Public Schools lunch menu HERE.
Roosevelt Attendance and Statistics
Attendance numbers dropped significantly in December. Please try to be mindful of the breaks when scheduling appointments and vacations so your child(ren) don't have to miss valuable school days.
Your child will benefit greatly if they are consistantly at school and on time.
If you are having difficulty getting your child to school, we want to help!
Please call our office at 218-847-1106 and we will develop a plan together.
Here are some other useful resources:
Join us for our Virtual Book Study!
This book discussion will have three virtual meeting dates and an online platform where you can comment and discuss your own experiences and ideas.
Our first virtual meeting will be on January 20 at 6:30pm - we will be discussing how we will move through the book together, discussing and learning as we go.
Need a book? We have a limited number available to borrow - reach out to our office to borrow yours today!
Family Game Night!
* Good News!!! *
We would like to recognize some of our outstanding students who were nominated by their teachers for a Good News Call Award!!
These students go above and beyond to be KIND, SAFE & READY!
Great job, friends! Keep up the good work!!
Snapshots From the Week
PBIS hosted a Winter Refresh assembly where we reviewed school expectations.
We had a special visitor... ELSA stopped by!!!
🏆 ... and the Golden Award goes to...
We like to recognize classes for the extra pride they exhibit in various areas throughout the school.
Here are this week's winners:
The Golden Vacuum was awarded to Mrs. Flint's Class...
...for taking pride in their classroom and doing their part to keep it clean & tidy.
The Golden Book was awarded to Mr. Karlgaard's Class...
...for taking good care of the books in our school library and exceeding expectations.
Great job, students!
The Golden Spatula was awarded to Mr. Okeson's Class...
...for keeping the lunchroom tidy, following the rules and being KIND, SAFE & READY in the cafeteria.
Well done, class!
Flex Learning Day - aka. Weather / Snow Day
If winter weather impacts school this season, DLPS may call a "Flex Learning Day". Classroom teachers have sent home learning materials and plans for Flex Learning at each grade level.
Flex-Learning Guidelines for K-5 Students/Families
General Information:
Teachers will send Flex-Learning Day materials and instructions home in advance. (Lessons will provide students choice about which activities to complete and how to demonstrate learning.)
Students and parents can contact teachers during school hours by email or SeeSaw.
Teachers will check and respond to email and voicemail during school hours to address student and parent questions.
Student and Parent/Guardian’s Role in Flex-Learning Day:
Parents will have the teacher’s contact information and communicate if questions arise or the student needs assistance.
Parents will review the instructions for Flex-Learning sent home from the teacher.
For attendance purposes, e-learning activities must be completed and paper returned to school or a picture uploaded to Seesaw.
Ojibwe Word & Grandfather Teaching for January
Detroit Lakes Public Schools American Indian Education Department has provided age-appropriate resources and activities that introduce The Seven Grandfather Teachings at every grade level. Each month celebrates one of the teachings.
January: Manaadendamowin (Respect)
Spirit Moon: Minado Giizis (Min-ah-doh Gee-zehs)
Buffalo: mashkode - bizhikii (mosh-ko-day’ bi-zhi-key’)
Respect is represented by the buffalo. The buffalo gives every part of his being to sustain the human way of living, not because he is of less value, but because he respects the balance and needs of others. To honor all creation is to have respect. Live honorably in teachings and in your actions towards all things. Do not waste and be mindful of the balance of all living things. Share and give away what you do not need. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Do not be hurtful to yourself or others.
🔺 Click the Meeting Link Above to Join Virtually 🔺
Important Reminder from the Health Office:
A few reminders as we enter the cold and flu season:
- Reinforce hand washing, our most effective way to limit the spread of germs.
- Remind your child to cover their coughs. It's best to cough into a tissue or their elbow.
- Make sure you and your children are up to date with vaccinations.
- Regular cleaning and sanitizing of household high touch areas.
- As a general guideline, keep your child home 24 hours from the last fever (without medicine), vomiting or diarrhea episode.
Local Offerings:
*Click the photo to register*
Community Ed
Detroit Lakes Community Education offers various classes and activities throughout the year. The current offerings are listed in their catalog each season.
Click HERE or on the picture to access the Fall Community Education Catalog.
Important Links and Info:
After School Programs:
What's for Breakfast & Lunch?
- School Lunch Menus for 2024-25
- Application for Educational Benefits (online)
- Application for Educational Benefits (paper version, pdf)
- Online Payments Portal
Need a ride to activities?? Call Becker County Transit 218-847-1674
Roosevelt's Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Matrix
Detroit Lakes Public Schools Academic Calendar 2024-25
Connect with us!
Location: 510 11th Avenue, Detroit Lakes, MN, USA
Phone: 218.847.1106
Twitter: @dlpublicschools
Principal: Trisha Mariotti
Vice-Principal: Maggy Doll
Administrative Assistants: Connie Johnson and Jennifer Klein
School Social Worker/Counselors: Samantha Murphy and Mackenzie Hoffman