Weekly Update

September 12, 2024
Dear Winnona Park Community,
Over the years I have held Coffee Chats on various topics. It makes sense my first Coffee Chat for this school year focuses on school safety. It will be a high-level overview focusing on various aspects of school safety, but I really want to cover specific issues you really want to know about. Therefore, please email me with “School Safety” in the subject line, and let me know what you want me to cover. I will schedule this coffee chat after the fall break.
Greg Wiseman
Principal, Winnona Park Elementary School
Important Dates
Sept 12 - Spirit Night - Bad Daddy’s Burger
Sept 13 - Community Circle - Second grade families
Sept 20 - Short Community Circle (students/staff only); Early Release at 12:50 p.m.
Sept 23-27 - Fall Break
Oct 4 - Community Circle - Kindergarten Families
Oct 9 - Walk and Roll
- Oct 11 - Community Circle - First Grade Families; Read-A-Thon Book Swap
- Oct 14 - PTA Meeting- ALL Are Welcome
- Oct 14-18 - Read-A-Thon
- Oct 18 - Community Circle - Second Grade Families
- Oct 24 - Spirit Night - Naan Stop
Second Grade Parents Invited to Community Circle Tomorrow
We welcome second grade parents to Community Circle tomorrow morning! There is not enough room in the cafe to invite all parents at once, so we will we invite one grade level at a time each week. All Community Circles for the year are on the WP calendar, highlighting which grade level’s parents may attend.
If you are attending Community Circle, please gather by the pond outside the cafe after morning drop-off. Parents will be let in the cafe at the appropriate time. We will go over the parent expectations in the cafe, but here are some of the highlights:
All parents enter and exit through the cafe door near the pond.
Stand along the outside perimeter of the cafe. Please spread out.
Younger siblings (if brought) should stay with a parent, not with WP child’s class.
Be present, sing along, and participate. Please stay off phones and chat with your friends before and after Community Circle.
Put phones away. Don’t post school activities on social media.
Don’t impede classes as they exit by chatting with your child. Teachers want to get to their classes with the same number of kiddos they left with.
Important Information about Gifted Review
Each fall semester, the Gifted Review Team looks at existing student data to discuss students’ needs and determine if further evaluation for gifted identification is needed. If you are interested in having the team discuss your child’s needs, you may complete a Recommendation for Review Form (found at the website below) and turn in to the Gifted & Talented Specialists at your child’s school before Wednesday, October 2. No additional information is needed.
The Gifted & Talented Specialists for Winnona Park Elementary School are Martina Baerman and Michele Stroud. For more detailed information about the review process and to obtain a copy of the Recommendation for Review Form, please contact mbaerman@csdecatur.net and mstroud@csdecatur.net or visit the CSD Gifted website.
Winnona Park will host a Gifted Referral Process Coffee Chat on Tuesday, September 17, from 8-8:30 a.m. in Trailer C. Ms. Baerman and Ms. Stroud will review this process and answer any questions you have. This chat is for parents who are interested in the gifted identification process. Therefore, if a child is already identified as gifted, the meeting is unnecessary.
DHS Homecoming Parade
Friday is homecoming day for DHS, beginning with the DHS Homecoming Parade. Here is the route for the parade that begins tomorrow at 5:30 PM.
Winnona Park PTA
Please visit our PTA website to stay connected with upcoming events
We have a new website! Stay connected with upcoming events: https://www.wpespta.org/
Get Ready for the Winnona Park Read-A-Thon!
Mark your calendars for October 14-18 as we kick off the biggest fundraiser of the year—the Winnona Park PTA Read-A-Thon!
To get everyone excited about reading, we're hosting a Book Swap on Friday, October 11, from 4:30-6 p.m. This is a great way to freshen up your home library before the Read-A-Thon begins!.
How You Can Help:
Start gathering your gently used, age appropriate books at home and drop them off in the designated box at the front of the school. Your donations will help make the book swap a hit and ensure all students can find something to enjoy.
Volunteer Opportunity: Diwali Celebration
Our Diwali celebration is coming up. If you’d like to help share your information here or reach out at dei@wpespta.org. More details to follow. Thank you for your support!
We’ve got spirit! Do you?
Show your school pride in style with our Winnona Park Spirit Wear—now available online! From cozy hoodies to cool t-shirts, we’ve got something for everyone. This is your chance to rep our school spirit wherever you go!
Shop now and support the PTA with every purchase. Visit the online store and gear up in time for school events, community circle, and more. Let’s show off that Winnona Park pride in style!
Join the PTA and Support the School with our New Membership Drive
Thank you to everyone that has already joined the PTA this year. As a reminder, joining the PTA is an annual event. We’ve also combined our membership drive with a fundraiser, asking families to make a donation. All contributions from this annual drive will directly benefit our students and teachers by supporting essential programs. The funds will cover:
All field trip costs for the year
Support educational initiatives like the community garden, STEAM materials, Books-in-a-Bag, and DEI programs
Teachers will also receive a stipend for classroom materials at the beginning of the year
Ongoing teacher and staff appreciation activities
Yearbooks for every student
School social events
And so much more!
Your generous donation will ensure that these programs thrive and that our children continue to have enriching educational experiences. And your PTA membership is included in all levels.
Visit our website for more information or select your membership level!
Community News
A Season of Giving is a neighbor-led organization that brings joy to local children and seniors through gift-giving.
For Assistance: To apply for gift assistance, please complete our online application at Apply by October 31st. We are excited to support children through 12th grade again this year.
Sponsor a Gift: Donors can purchase gifts based on individual wish lists for children or seniors. If you would like to be a sponsor, please fill out the form at Sponsor.
Donate Directly: If you prefer, you can make a donation, and we will do the shopping for you. Simply Donate at our website!
Volunteer: We would greatly appreciate your help! If you're interested in volunteering, please go to Volunteer and sign up.
Need Help or Have Questions? If you encounter any issues with the forms or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at aseasonofgivingdecatur@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support and generosity of the Season of Giving!