Tiger Prints

Winfield School District 34
Where Learning is Personal
Friday, October 18, 2024
From the Principal
As October continues, I want to highlight the ongoing importance of Bullying Awareness Month. This is a time to address bullying and actively promote positive, respectful behaviors throughout our school community. Encouraging kindness, empathy, and inclusion helps to build a culture where every student feels safe, valued, and connected. Focusing on these proactive behaviors can contribute to a positive environment where students learn and grow together. I encourage everyone—students, staff, and families—to continue having conversations about how we treat one another and our actions' impact.
With fall sports and activities underway, and celebrations just around the corner, there’s a lot of excitement in the air. The start of November will also bring the election, followed by our traditional Veterans Day assembly on November 11. We know this is a busy time for everyone, and it’s easy to feel pulled in many directions.
I'd also like to remind everyone about the importance of driving safely in school zones, especially during drop-off and pick-up times. Please be mindful of speed limits, crosswalks, and school buses to ensure the safety of all our students. Safe driving habits help protect children and families and set a positive example for our students. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to making our school a safe place, inside and out.
Substitutes Needed
We continue to look for additional substitute teachers. Please share with anyone interested. Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. $130 per day for the first 15 days/ $135 after. The form is available online at www.dupageroe.org.
Student Leadership Team News
We look forward to honoring the military veterans in our community at our annual Veterans Day assembly next month. If you have a past or present service member in your family that you would like to see featured in our annual slideshow, send in your photo to Mr. Leisering, one of the school's Student Leadership Team sponsors at bleisering@winfield34.org. Please include in the email their name, rank/branch of service, and relation to Winfield student (for example, grandfather of ____, aunt of ____, etc) so that we can properly identify them on the slideshow. If you submitted photos last year, they have already been added to this year's slideshow. Thank you!
Friday, October 25 is a very special day! Our spirit day theme is the color PINK in honor of breast cancer awareness month. Wear your favorite shade of PINK and don't be afraid to be creative! Shirts, dresses, pants, socks, ties, spray-on hair color, hair accessories, glasses, shoes, accessories...to show your support of our many district friends, family, and loved ones who have been touched by breast cancer (in any way, shape, or form).We look forward to seeing all the pink on Friday, October 25!
Upcoming Events
Wear Pink on Friday, October 25th for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Band Concert
There will be a Band Concert on Monday, October 28th beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Central Gym.
5th Grade and Middle School Bands will be playing.
Retake Picture Day
Tuesday, October 29
Pictures will arrive home sometime next week. If you did not order photos you will receive a postcard with a preview picture of your child. The card will also include a special number you can use to order.
Halloween Parties K-5th Grades
Halloween Parties will be held on Thursday, October 31st.
Parade 2:00 at the Primary Playground - All welcome
Parties 2:15-3:00 p.m. Only pre-registered adults will be allowed at parties.
Check in at Primary or Central offices.
Scholastic Book Fair is Coming Soon!
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming up! If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49AFAC2FA5F8CF8-52264278-scholastic. To learn more about the Book Fair or start adding to your eWallet, check out https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/winfieldprimaryschool1.
PTO & WEF News
Donations Wanted for Parent/Teacher Conference Survival Bags
PTO is putting together “survival bags” for teachers ahead of Parent/Teacher conferences (Sign up for your conference here if you haven’t already)! The teachers will receive their bags before the first conference date. Please sign up on the Survival Bag Signup Genius and drop off items to Karen Sabados’ house (0S770 Garfield St.) by November 1st. We thank you for your generosity in providing the teachers with snacks for these extra long days!
Pre-K-5th Grade Classroom Parties
We are getting closer to the first classroom party of the year, which will take place on Thursday, October 31st! The AM-Pre-K party will be from 10:00-10:45 a.m. and the PM-Pre-K party will be from 2:15-3:00 p.m. Kindergarten-5th grade will participate in a costume parade on the primary school blacktop at 2:00 p.m. and the classroom party will begin at 2:15p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend the parade outside, but only parents signed up for the party (using the signupgenius links below) will be allowed into the building. Please have your State ID/Driver’s License available when checking in at the office.
Preschool parties--Sign up here!
Kindergarten-5th Grade parties--sign up here!
Box Tops For Education:
Don’t forget--we are having a contest this month! A small prize will be awarded to the top Pre-K, primary, intermediate & middle school classes. Make sure to give your class credit when scanning your receipts!
Save the Date- Fall Blood Drive
Our next blood drive is on Giving Tuesday, December 3 from 3:45-6:30 in the Central School cafeteria. More information is coming soon!
Community Spotlight: Are you making your Halloween plans already? The businesses of Prairie Trail Shopping Center (Corner of Geneva & County Farm Roads) invite you for trick or treating and family fun from 2-6 p.m. on 10/31. Get your candy bags ready!
Next PTO/WEF Meeting: Wednesday, November 6th at 7 p.m.
Thanks for your support!
Kelly Kurzer, PTO President
Mary Campbell, PTO Vice President
Lesley Gena, WEF President
Gina Christensen, WEF Vice President
Primary Team Scoop
Last week our kindergarten students took their first walking field trip to the Winfield Fire Station to learn about fire safety for Fire Prevention Week! Think about it: When is the last time you changed the batteries in your smoke detectors?
Intermediate Team News
In math, third graders developed their problem-solving skills with three-digit addition and subtraction. Students also brainstormed ways to improve our community in social studies. In 4th grade, students learned about biographies, reading a text about Pablo Picasso. They then created their own Frankenstein art piece imitating Picasso's famous Cubism art style. 5th graders wrapped up their unit on adding and subtracting decimals by applying their skills to real world situations involving money. They also analyzed introduction paragraphs, looking at different ways that author's "hook" their reader.
Middle School Stories
We end Hispanic Heritage Month this week with our music bracket grand finale. Throughout the month, the students got to listen to a song from each Spanish-speaking country and vote on which song advances. We advanced “El Sapukái” from Paraguay and “Toj” from Guatemala to the finale. On Wednesday, 8th, 7th, and 6th graders voted for the ultimate winner. The Guatemalan song “Toj” took the crown as our top Hispanic Heritage Month song.
Specials Team Stories
This week in STEAM, students participated in a fun LEGO partner challenge that involved communication, creativity, and collaboration. One student created a design and then had to explain to their partner how to build it without the partner having a visual of the design. The class did an amazing job with this LEGO challenge.
This week in 5th grade digital citizenship class, students designed an image or animation in Keynote because it is Digital Citizenship Week. We had a wonderful discussion about what we learned in 4th and 5th grade and brainstormed what we could put in our designs. Students gave great suggestions about phrases that we have learned about digital citizenship.
Information You Need to Know
Preschool Screening
School Board Elections
This Spring there will be three seats for the Winfield 34 Board of Education up for election. Our school board guides our strategic focus for the district and helps ensure that our school district works towards helping our students learn and grow. For individuals interested in running for the school board, here is the 2025 Candidate’s Guide for Elections in Illinois. The Election Day will be Tuesday, April 1st, 2025. Board of Education member information is on page 52 of the candidate guide. Here is a link to the petitions and to the statement of candidacy. Paper packets are also available from Amy Watson in the Winfield Primary Office. Candidates need at least 50 signatures on their petitions. The signature gathering window is officially open. Petitions can be filed between November 12th and 18th at the Du Page County Clerks office.