The Banks Bulletin
December 20th, 2024
Bulldog Blast: Message from Mrs. VanWagnen
Dear Banks Families:
I have encouraged the staff to use the winter break to rest, relax and enjoy time with family and friends, and I hope each of you will do the same. We look forward to returning and partnering with our families on Monday, January 6th.
Jennifer VanWagnen, Principal
We Are Banks!
Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays from our Banks Family to Yours!
Upcoming Events
12/23-1/3: Winter Break, No School for Staff and Students
1/8: Swim Meet @ WLN, 4 PM
1/9: Board of Education Meeting, Teacher of the Year Celebration
1/11: Orchestra Day of Strings
New Information
Announcing the 2025 Scripps School Spelling Bee!
Do you have a child who takes pride in their spelling abilities? Would they like to test those abilities in a school-wide spelling bee with other Banks students? If so, then they should enter the Sarah Banks Scripps Spelling Bee that will take place after school on Thursday, January 23rd. All interested students should obtain a permission slip from the Attendance Office and return it to the same office no later than Friday, January 10th. Those who return a signed permission slip will receive a list of study words to help them prepare for the School Bee. The sooner they turn in their permission slip, the sooner they can obtain the list of study words to prepare for the spelling bee. So be sure to pick up a permission slip from the Attendance Office as soon as possible.
Athletics Update from Ms. Smith
Winter II Season begins January 8, with the sports offerings of Wrestling and Girls Basketball.
Girls Basketball
Complete the sign-up below if interested in girls basketball.
Parents and Students are Invited to Join REMIND for Wrestling:
Text: 81010
Message: @bankswr
Wrestling practices will be in the Aux Gym 6-8PM Monday through Thursday. Students can sign-up at lunch or email coach Vaughn at Students are also welcome to come to open mat workouts on Monday and Tuesdays 6-8PM.
Keep up the great work, Bulldogs!
Previously Shared Information
UPDATE: 8th Grade Washington, D.C. Trip
Great news! As of Monday, December 2nd, the waitlist for those wanting to go on the trip had grown large enough to enable us to add a 3rd bus and open the registration portal again. But don’t delay! The 3rd bus is filling up quickly and has only 10 spots left. At this rate, we may have to close the trip to new registrations very soon. If you register, be sure to purchase the CFAR (Cancel for any Reason) insurance option. Don’t miss out on this memorable trip!
Please visit our Sarah Banks D.C. information and registration link through American Expeditions, click on "GO TO MY TRIP" and enter the tour code: sarahbanksdc2025. When you register, you will need to pay the initial deposit on the trip portal and the required CFAR insurance.
To view the meeting presentation from October 10th, please click here. If you have any questions about the DC trip, please reach out to Mr. Morrow at
Order Your 2024-2025 Yearbook Now to Save
Order early to save! There's nothing else like your school yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of our stories from the year. Share it with your friends today and hang on to it for years to come!
Walled Lake Schools 26th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration at Walled Lake Northern High School on Monday, January 20th beginning at 5:00 p.m.
This year’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration theme is Unity.
“Unity in diversity is unity between all individuals and groups, regardless of differences. It is unity without uniformity, and diversity without divisiveness. It is an understanding that the differences between people enrich our lives and makes our country the special, and unique place it is”.
Vaping Awareness Information for Families
The Walled Lake Consolidated School District is committed to supporting the health and well-being of our students and families. To help address concerns about vaping, we are sharing valuable resources that provide information on the risks of vaping and strategies for prevention. These tools are designed to empower families with knowledge and support meaningful conversations at home. Together, we can help every child make healthy choices every day.
- E-cigarettes and Vaping: What Parents Should Know - American Lung Association
- E-cigarettes and Youth: What Parents Need to Know - Centers for Disease Control
E-cigarettes/Vaping Facts - Oakland County Health Department
Signing up for SMS Messages in Skylert
In addition to receiving phone calls and email notifications from the school district in the event of a school closing or emergency, parents can also sign up to receive SMS Text messages.
Please find the helpful step-by-step instructions linked below as well as the video tutorial on signing up for SMS messages.
Connect With Us
Jennifer VanWagnen
Kellan Watkins
Principal's Secretary:
Becky Smith
Interim Assistant Principal:
Jennifer Dean
Assistant Principal's Secretary:
Important Phone Numbers:
Main Line: 248-956-2200
Attendance: 248-956-2290
Location: 1760 Charms Road Wixom, MI 48393
Phone: (248) 956-2200