CES Compass
Newsletter ~ April 2024
Looking for a way to get involved? We have the Spirit Lap- one of our most favorite days of the year coming up on 4/26/2024. We can always use more adults to assist in counting laps and cheering on our runners! Let us know if you would like to come and volunteer that day- come in your extreme green and gold!
We also have field day coming up on 5/24/2024- the last half day of school. If you are interested in volunteering on this day, more information will be coming out in May. This day is a fun time where we find joy in being together as we end out a fantastic year.
Youth Connections and Student Council
These student leaders had a part in presenting to the panel during our Instructional Program Review.
Trailblazer Service Learning Project
Molly shared her learning experience through the service learning project with the Instructional Program Review panel.
Trailblazer Service Learning Project
These ladies shared their learning experience through the service learning project with the Instructional Program Review panel.
April Focus: Putting it all Together!
This month, we will be watching for and identifying our skills and traits in action! We have worked hard this year in living them within the classroom. Oftentimes, students will be demonstrating them, but not know it. We can help strengthen their knowledge of the skills and traits by naming them/calling them out when we see them living them!
Gardening Club!
These students are hard at work preparing for our raised garden beds in back and our outdoor learning space in front!
All in a day's work!
It's so exciting to watch the progress!
Looking Forward:
March Memories:
March flew by! We held our Instructional Program Review and will receive results in May, and will share them out with you! That week also encompassed Exploration presentations on the elementary side and career presentations in the middle school. Mrs. Saffold and I had the opportunity to go do MN to tour Exploratory schools and bring back ideas for possibilities in our own school when the renovation project begins. That trip was a whirlwind of about 24 hours. Needless to say, we had a fabulous and exhausting time, fully welcoming spring break upon our return! These two weeks since spring break have been back with kicking off 4th quarter units and learning. Here we go!
This Month:
This month, we will be participating in the CMAS state assessments and getting out and about with various field trips, some in our own back yard and some venturing out as far as Denver. We will continue to work on our state standards and grow our brains while growing in our skills and traits as well.
Grades 3-8 will be participating in the CMAS state assessment during the weeks of April 8 and April 15, 2024. This testing provides a large snapshot of skill strengths and needs, not just for your student, but collectively as a class and grade level. We use this data to look for trends- where is our curriculum strong? Where might there be holes in the curriculum? What are some trends over time? We can review, refine and tweak instruction with this information.
Ways parents can help:
1. Student attendance- this is the most important part of how you can support you student. Research shows that students test best when testing in their learning environment.
2. Please make sure your student eats breakfast at home or gets to school in time to eat breakfast here. (This is important every day, not just during testing. :)
2024-2025 School Year:
We are accepting applications for next year- for all grade levels. If you know anyone who is interested in attending CES, please direct them to the website or to our office to get an application.
Kindergarten- We are in the process of gathering applications and will then be getting our kinder applicants scheduled for a Face-to-Face with the first day of Face to Faces being April 4, 2024.
Face-to-Face conversations for other grade levels will occur later in April and May.
4/5- No School
4/8- CES to host Board Meeting
4/8-4/18- CMAS Testing
4/22-4/26- CMAS Make Ups
4/11-PTO Meeting
4/19-No School
4/23-4/24- Kindergarten Round Up
4/26- Spirit Run
Scouts using the outdoor learning space!
More outdoor learning!
Exploration Presentation
One of our students brought in an artist and had an interactive presentation where the students from 3 classes got to learn and create abstract art!