The OWL News
October 2024
From the Administrative Team
Dear Oakdale Families,
We can't believe it is already October! Our school year has started off well with your children. We are exicited to watch your child learn and grow throughout the school year. Exciting events will be happening soon, such as, Owl Sprint, Veteran's Day Celebration, and fall parties.
Parent-Teacher Conferences concluded yesterday. It was wonderful to see many of you as you came to meet with your child's teacher. During conferences academic and social-emotional information was shared with you. Parent-Teacher conferences is always a great time to discuss student successes, needed supports and celebrate the learning that happens each day! If you were unable to attend conferences and would like to have a conference with your child's teacher, please send them an email.
We appreicate your continued support as we all work together to ensure your child's success.
#OES together
Leigh Warren, Principal
Lana Dayhoff, Destinie Hartman & Kristian McKnight, Assistant Principals
Attendance is important!
Please know we recognize that when your child is sick you keep them at home.
It is important for you to communicate the absence via email.
If your student needs to be out due to illness, appointments, etc. be sure to send an email to Oakdale.ES@fcps.org so we can code the absence properly.
Please include your child's first and last name, as well as, your child's teacher's name.
It is almost OWL Sprint time!!
October 24, 2024 is our annual OWL Sprint!
Please continue to raise donations using the information linked HERE!
Please be on the lookout for volunteer slots from the PTA!
Owl Sprint Times
9:30-10:15 : Grade 2 and Pre-K (9:30-10:00)
10:20-11:05 : Grade 5
11:10-11:55 : Grade 4
12:00-12:45 : Kindergarten
12:50-1:35 : Grade 1
1:40-2:25 : Grade 3
Day of Timeline:
5 minute warm up/ 20 minute walk/ 15 minute cool down
**Lunch times will remain the same.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to watch the race and cheer outside.
Dogs are not allowed on school property when school is in session.
If you want to enter the building you must go to the front office, check in and your
volunteer training must be completed.
Friday, October 18: Schools Closed for Students
Wednesday, October 23: Picture Day 1 (see schedule below)
Thursday, October 24: Picture Day 2 (see schedule below)
We recognize that the Owl Sprint is on the same day as our second picture day. We will do our best to make sure students are ready for their picture to be taken and remember picture retakes will occur as well.
Thursday, October 24 (Rain Date: October 29): OWL SPRINT!
Monday, October 28: Schools Closed for Students
Friday, November 8: Fall Parties - Save the Date - More Information to Come! Remember, if you would like to attend the Fall Parties, you must have been accepted into the Volunteer System. See below for more information about Volunteer Training!
Monday, November 11: Honoring our Veterans Breakfast and School Visit MORE INFORMATION AND SIGN UP HERE!
Fall Picture Days
Grab your best shirt and get your smile ready! Oakdale Elementary will have TWO days for individual Fall pictures.
Wednesday, October 23: PreK, Kindergarten, First and Second Grade Classes
Thursday, October 24: **Ms. Free's 2nd grade class**, Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade Classes
Students will be bringing home paper copies of the picture form, but it is also linked below if you would like to purchase online.
Understanding iReady Scores
These links will give families information about the program:
i-Ready Family Guides
i-Ready Diagnostic Results
Volunteer & Visitor Training
This is a friendly reminder that all VISITORS and VOLUNTEERS must complete the FCPS volunteer training to enter the building past the front office while school is in session.
This is FCPS policy to keep our students safe.
This includes coming into the building for school parties, volunteering throughout the building, and chaperoning field trips.
Remember, you must complete the entire training 5 days prior to the event.
Please make sure to follow all directions. We have noticed that many parents complete the trainings, but fail to complete the final, most important piece. See below from FCPS:
It has come to our attention many are completing the training but failing to register to the FCPS Volunteer Center. Please read the information in the email you recieve upon completion of the training for further instructions to register in the FCPS Volunteer Center.
If you want to double check and see if your registration is complete, please email Lana.Dayhoff@fcps.org
Oakdale Phone Number Change
Beginning on July 1, 2024, Oakdale Elementary School's phone number changed to a new telecommunications system.
The new OES phone number for the main office is (227) 203-1420.
School based staff can be reached by calling the school's main number and choosing the appropriate option from the call menu or by dialing a staff member's extension at any time:
- Front Office
- Attendance
- Counseling Office
- Health Room
- Cafeteria
Phones calls to classroom teachers will be directed directly to their voicemail during the school day.
Toys for Tots!
OES is once again a drop off site for Toys for Tots. There is a box in the front lobby for all unwrapped toys. Please no weapons of any kind. We will be collecting up until Thursday, December 1st.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Lynn Gibbons (lynn.gibbons@fcps.org)
Front Office Reminders:
A parent/guardian is required to come in to the office to sign their child in if they arrive after 9:10 am. It is for your child's safety that this is an expectation.
If you need to pick your child up early, please arrive at the school before 3:15 pm this allows the front office staff to focus on a safe and orderly dismissal.
Reminder: All absences need a parent note or they are unexcused and marked unlawful. Be sure to include the child’s first and last name. Even if you have called the school to report an absence, we still require a note upon returning to school. Please send the note to OES.Attendance@fcps.org.
If your child is leaving early or has an appointment, a written note to the office is appreciated. This not only lets the teacher know to have them ready, but assists the office staff with identifying the parent/guardian of the student and prevents delays.
Any changes in your child's transportation home needs to be shared with the front office. Please send a note or call the office. If you email the teacher please also email the office at the following email address Oakdale.ES@fcps.org.
Oakdale PTA Corner
Please join the PTA!! We need YOUR help to make it a successful year!
School-Home Support
FCPS Link for Information Regarding Bus Transportation
FCPS has provided a link for parents to
view whether your child's bus is late or not running.