McClure Messages
September 9 - 13 and 16 - 20
Send a Note of Thanks
There is nothing that feeds a teacher's soul more than a thank you. If at any point you'd like to send a teacher or staff member a note of appreciation, this is one way to acknowledge the way they have positively impacted you or your child's experience at McClure. Click the button below to go to a quick form and the staff member will receive your note on a lovely digital stationary in their inbox.
Parent Messages this year
As you may have read earlier this year from Dr. Coffey, we are going to streamline our communications in order to deliver the same great information without overwhelming your inbox. Generally, Dr. Coffey and Mrs. Burger will send out an update on the weeks when I am not sending a parent update.
So, please enjoy this update for McClure events coming up during the next two weeks...
MAP testing
Looking forward , next week we will have our first MAP testing sessions of the year. As with all of our standardized testing, it is important to help students understand that the testing is one way that we can measure their progress, but it is not the only way growth is measured. We want them to get a good night's rest and try their best. MAP tests help us make sure that kids are receiving the right support to continue growing academically.
You can help at home by reminding your child of a few key facts:
1) There will be questions that they do not know the answer to. This is actually how the test adjusts and is able to find what a student is ready for next. It's not a test that anyone can "ace".
2) Comparison to others isn't helpful here; each student has their own path of growth It doesn't matter if someone else finishes earlier, it doesn't matter what anyone else's score is - what matters is that they tried their best.
3) They have plenty of time to finish the test. Our initial testing session is about 90 minutes. If students need more time after that, they have another 30 minutes. If more time is needed past the total 120 minutes, we'll give parents a call to determine next steps. We have found through data analysis that the vast majority of students finish within that window, and longer times give diminishing returns.
Rainbow Rally
Student Council is getting ready to paint the field every shade of awesome at this year's Rainbow Rally! Note: Students typically wear white to this event.
8th grade picture day is Friday, September 13th
It is recommended that students dress nicely for this photo. Boys generally wear a shirt and tie. For best photo results girls should avoid updos. Students' slacks or skirts will show in some poses. All students should avoid wearing green, as they will be photographed against a green background.
Proofs of photos will be sent home to families, no payment or order form is needed at this time.
Once proofs come home in a few weeks, you will have a chance to purchase any poses you wish, but even if not purchasing a graduation gown pose, you will need to indicate which gown pose you'd like in the yearbook.
Fire Drill - Monday, 9/9
Next Monday (9/9) we will have our first emergency drill of the year with a fire/evacuation drill. With all of our drills, one of the most important things that we practice is moving quietly and listening to adult instructions. Please take a moment to make sure your child is aware that a drill is happening next week and reinforce that we do drills so that in the rare case of an emergency we all know how to react quickly and safely. We would appreciate it if you would review at home the importance of staying quiet and following directions quickly during any emergency situation.
6th grade Bulldog Bash
Date: Tonight!
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: McClure School Gym
Admission: $10 (cash at the door)
Includes: A drink and a snack
Special Guest: DJ Maximus
Activities: Enjoy games in the gym!
Dress Attire: Casual School Clothes
Spectator Expectations
As our interscholastic sporting events get started, it is a good time to talk with your child about the expected behavior when they are a spectator. We hope to see them cheering on their fellow Bulldogs!
Etiquette for After School Events
1. All spectators/participants are asked to follow rules of good sportsmanship.We reserve the right to remove anyone from the gym for poor sportsmanship.
- Gum, food, and drink are not allowed in the gymnasium.
- Booing, loud whistling, and pounding on the stands are not allowed.
- Objects may not be thrown onto the playing floor.
- Students must remain quiet during free throws/serves.
- Students must keep off the playing floor at all times.
2. McClure students are encouraged to sit upstairs.
3. The gym will be open at 3:45 p.m. for spectators. Students may leave the building to take books home and then return to school.
4. Students who are ineligible to attend after-school events may not attend games. An adult must accompany small children.
5. The upstairs hallway, the first floor North hallway, and the hallway beyond Room 103 are off-limits. The balcony door is to be used only in an emergency. All locker rooms are off-limits to spectators.
6. A washroom is available near the main office.
7. Refreshments may sometimes be sold during half times and between games in the foyer. No food or drinks may leave the foyer area.
8. Students who need to be picked up after the games should make arrangements for rides ahead of time.
9. Students who have not been in attendance during the school day may not attend an extra-curricular event on that day.
Safety and Health with Tech
If you are wondering how best to approach the concepts and conversations around cell phones, smart watches, social media, and online health and safety - this D101 parent guide is a summary of research that can help get you started.
We also have an expert speaker from the Office of the Attorney General coming to speak with us on September 25th at 6:30pm in the McClure Gym. I hope you will join us for this informative presentation centered around cyberbullying and keeping kids safe online.
Upcoming Dates
9/9/24 ........... Fire Drill, 2nd period
9/10/24 ........... Pep Band rehearsal, 3:30pm
9/10/24 ........... MAP Testing - Reading test in ELA classes
9/11/24 ........... Pep Band rehearsal, 3:30pm
9/12/24 ........... MAP Math test (testing session in the morning, classes following)
9/12/24 ........... Pep Band rehearsal, 3:30pm
9/13/24 ........... 8th Grade yearbook photos
9/13/24 ........... Student Council Rainbow Rally
9/18/24 ........... Parent Council Meeting, 7pm
9/18/24 ........... Pack the Place - Girl's Basketball White Team
9/20/24 ........... Pack the Place - Girl's Basketball REd Team
9/25/24........... Half Day of School
9/25/24........... Guest Speaker on Cyberbullying and Online Safety (student and parent presentations)
9/27/24........... 6th/7th Yearbook Pictures
9/27/24........... 7th/8th grade Fortnightly
9/27/24........... Girl's Basketball Red Team Pack the Place
9/27/24........... Jr. High Band Night at LT Football game
9/29/24........... Parent Council Car Wash, 9am - 12pm
9/30/24........... Band and Orchestra ILMEA auditions due
McClure Student/Parent Handbook
The Student/Parent Handbook is a great place to go as a first stop for questions you might have about the day to day operations and policies at McClure.
This week's handbook highlight: Visitors
When visitors enter McClure they are required to check in with our front office. When visiting, please use the intercom on the right of the main doors (Door 1, by the flagpole) to call into the office. If you are dropping off a forgotten item, most times it should be left in the file cabinet in the vestibule. There is a drawer for each grade. If you are volunteering (thank you!), you'll check in with Mrs. Rotolo at the front desk to exchange your ID for a visitor lanyard.
Community News
Contact Us
McClure Junior High
4225 Wolf Road
Western Springs, IL 60558
Main Office Phone Number: (708) 246-7590
Office Fax Number: (708) 246-4370
Attendance Email: mjhattendance@d101.org
Principal Laura Broadnax: lbroadnax@d101.org
Assistant Principal Thomas Sturm: tsturm@d101.org