Counselor Connection
IHS Counseling Center Newsletter
Welcome Back September 2024 Edition
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to IHS! The counselors are excited to see all of our new and returning students! There have been exciting changes in the Counseling Center and we have a new staff member to introduce. We are welcoming Raegan Herne to the school counseling team. She is replacing Mr. Palmer who left at the end of last year to return to International School Counseling. Please see the chart below to identify your assigned school counselor. Some students are assigned to a counselor out of alpha split based on special programming.
Here are some other important people to know in the Counseling Center:
Teisha Maldonado - School Social Worker
Lindsay Long - School Social Worker
Jessica Wollschleger - School Psychologist
Nicole Corcimiglia - Substance Abuse and Prevention Counselor
LaVon Bucciarelli - College and Career Center
Counseling Center Clerical:
Lesia Blyszczak
Katie Coleman
Donna Hefner
Jessy Cook - College and Career Center
We will be updating this newsletter throughout the year to provide you with important information, upcoming dates/events, and multiple resources that may be helpful. As always, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions as we start the 2024-2025 school year!
The Counseling Team
Schedules and Add/Drop Process
- Schedules are subject to change leading up to the school year, so please continue to review your schedule in Infinite Campus prior to the start of the year.
- Counselors cannot accommodate requests for schedule changes based on individual teacher preference, lunch, or peer groups.
- If you have a change request or question about your schedule you may reach out to your students counselor via email or phone prior to the first day of school September 5th.
- Students will be required to stay in their schedules once the first day of school starts for 4 school days before making a change (exceptions: your schedule does not reflect your course requests or there is an error).
- If a student would like to add a course and there is room in the schedule, you may reach out to your counselor to request the additional course anytime within the first two weeks of school.
- If dropping a course, students must maintain the required minimum courseload of 5.5 credits, and are encouraged to take a full schedule and advantage of our comprehsensive course offerings.
- Students will not be able to drop a course after the first quarter.
Once the add/drop period opens on September 11th, students will be directed to complete an electronic form for any schedule change requests. This will be available in their Class Schoology page as well as emailed to them upon request.
Welcome to your senior year Class of 2025! This is a year that can be fun and exciting while also challenging and stressful. Your school counselor is here to help you navigate the year and continue our work to ensure you have a plan for after graduation!
Students will receive an email/calendar invitation for an appointment with their school counselor staring mid-Septmeber. Counselors will meet individually with students to review their graduation requirements and discuss post high school planning. We will review the necessary steps for the college application process and answer any questions students have! New this year, we will be offering Common App Workshops for students to get additional support with their applications. Be on the lookout for more information once the school year begins!
Some things to be doing senior year:
- Utilize Naviance to continue your post high school planning/college research
- Log in through the Clever App on your IHS intranet home page
- Ensure you are meeting individual college application deadlines (be mindful of Early Action and Early Decision deadlines)
- Register for the SAT/ACT if you have not taken it yet or wish to re-take (see below for more information)
- Continue to work hard in your classes! Senior year grades do get reported to colleges upon request
- Check your Class of 2025 Schoology page for important updates and information regarding senior activities and events throughout the year
Resources for the college application process will be available in Schoology and posted in the next newsletter. Please don't hesitate to reach out to your school counselor as we go through the school year!
SAT/ACT Information
Attention Seniors! Below are the fall SAT and ACT test dates. Please keep in mind your college application deadlines when registering for your exams. Links to the websites are provided.
Attention Juniors! Save the date for the PSAT (Practice SAT) on Saturday morning, October 19th. More information to come!
Upcoming Events
Senior Families College Application Night
This presentation is intended for senior students and their parents to provide information on our IHS college application process. Counselors will be available to present information and answer any questions regarding post high school planning! This is at the beginning of the evening's Open House event.
Thursday, Sep 26, 2024, 05:00 PM
IHS Auditorium
Saturday, Oct 26, 2024, 07:00 AM
Post High School Planning Workshop
This exciting event is open to all families grades 9-12! There will be a variety of information sessions presented through the evening covering topics to support you and your student with their post high school plans. More information to come but save the date!