Woodbrook Elementary
Bobcat Bulletin Date: November 2024
Building Updates/Principal's Note:
November 2024
Woodbrook Families,
Happy November! I would like to thank the PTO for the organizing the Woodbrook Movie Night last month. It was a wonderful evening and it looked like our students had a wonderful evening!
This month the Elkhorn Public Schools will undergo an external review as part of our 5 year accrediation process. I am exicted to share with this team a little about Woodbrook's School Improvement Process. This includes an indepth look at our school data, the SMARTgoals we have written and the building action plans we have created and implemented over the past 4 years. Literacy and numeracy instruction continue to be our focus at the District level as well as at Woodbrook. I am anxious to hear the recommendations that the team provides for Woodbrook. I know as a building we will be able to grow from what they recommend..
No school for students on Wednesday, November 27, Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th for Thanksgiving break. I hope the Woodbrook Families have a safe Thanksgiving holiday! I am grateful to work with the Woodbrook community. Thank you for sharing your student(s) with us.
It is my daily goal to have a positive impact on the learning of all Woodbrook Elementary students. Please feel free to contact me at any time. If I am not available, I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Pam Wahl
Woodbrook Principal
Fall (Halloween) Parties
Thank you to our PTO and Room Coordinators for organizing and implementing the Halloween Parties.
Upcoming Dates: Mark your Calendars!
Nov. 5th 6:30 PM PTO Meeting
Nov. 20th Author Visits Woodbrook
November 21st 3rd Grade Wax Museum
Nov. 26th Mid Quarter Reports Sent Home
Nov. 27-29th Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Dec. 2-20th Winter Assessment Window
Dec. 2nd 6:30 PTO Meeting
Drop-off and Pick-Up Procedures
Here are few reminders to help traffic flow smoothly and keep our students and families safe!
- All drivers need to follow the rules and pull forward. Pulling forward is the key! If you are first car in the lane pull up to the flag pole.
- Always use the crosswalk at the main entrance to cross traffic in the pick up lane. Student should ONLY cross at that location without an adult.
- Drivers parking along Purple Martin Parkway will need to walk down the hill to pick up student or students.
- If your child is unable to unbuckle/buckle him/herself, please practice at home. This is a skill he/she needs to be able to do independently if you plan to use the pick-up/drop off lane.
- Students should enter and exit vehicles curbside only.
- Please do NOT get out of your vehicle if you are in the pick-up/drop off lane.
- The front lane of the building is wide enough for two cars. If you pick up your student and you are able to pull outside of the curbside lane you may pull around and exit the lane by staying to your left. If you curbside you will need to exit by staying to the right and looping around the west end of the building.
- Please be patient and be a positive role model for our children. These procedures are in plsce to maintain a safe and respectful environment.
- Drive slowly.
- Stay off cell phones.
- If you have a nanny, grandparents, friend etc...that will be picking up your student or students please share these procedures.
Pets at drop-off and pick-up
I love four legged furry friends! Please leave these friends at home during pick and drop off. We appreciate you being cognizant of those with allergies or fears. Because they are so cute they are also a distraction to our students during a time that we need to be extra careful for the safety of all our students. Thank you for understanding.
Visitor Guidelines
At Woodbrook, the school doors will remain locked during the school day and all visitors will gain access using the security camera/access panel outside the school's main entrance. Over the summer all Elkhorn schools added an additional layer of security. Once visitors have entered the front vestibule a second check in will be required before being able to enter the main office. Office staff will grant access after you do the following the steps.
1.)Push the button and wait for an identification request.
2.)Give your name and purpose for entering the school.
3.) Access to the front vestibule will be granted.
3.) To enter the school, a second access point is located in the vestibule.
4.)Sign in on the visitor sheet and take a visitor badge.
5.)When leaving the building, return to the office and sign out and return your visitor badge to office personnel.
If you need to drop something off that your child forgot at home, there is a table in the vestibule to leave items. We are happy to take items your child. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us to minimize classroom disruptions.
Photos and Videos During School Hours:
- If you are taking photos or videos duirng school hours (including class trips and events), please note these are allowed for personal use only. Videos and images should not be shared in any form without appropriate consent from the student's parents/guardian. Obtaining consent is the sole responsibility of the person taking the photos and video.
- Elkhorn Public Schools is not responsible for obtaining consent for controlling how such images are shared.
- Please be respectful of all students and families in our school community by not taking or sharing photos or videos of students other than your own.
Celebrating Birthdays At Woodbrook!
Birthdays are important milestones in each child's life. At Woodbrook Elementary, we look forward to sharing in the students' excitement over their own special day. Each morning birthdays will be read over the announcements and students will be invited to come to select a book from the office to keep, compliments of PTO. Summer birthdays will be announced on the students 1/2 birthday to ensure each student enjoys this special recognition during the school year,
If you would like to send a special treat or token for your child to pass out to classmates, please send non-edible tokens or treats (most preferred). If you send an edible treat please send store bought and indvidually packaged treats to be sent home with students at the end of the school day. Please do NOT send donuts or cupcakes or other edible treats that are not individually wrapped. This decision has been made with considerable thought to healthy eating habits, good allergies and convenience for teachers and parents. I appreciate your support as we create a healthy and safe environment for all students.
How can you get involved at Woodbrook? Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Woodbrook PTO website
- Facebook page
- PTO email address: epswoodbrookpto@gmail.com
- Our PTO website offers an online Directory that families can choose to have their information published in at no cost. There is a nominal $5 fee for families to access the directory. This can be a great resource if families are wanting to connect with other families in their class or grade-level.
- Next PTO Meeting October 1 @ 6:30 pm in the Woodbrook Media Center. We would love to see you in attendance!
Sodexo Information
Breakfast and Lunch Information/Menus
Parents are welcome to come to have lunch with their children during lunchtime, If you would like one of our school lunches, please call the office by 10:00 am of that same day to order a lunch. Thank you for your cooperation. The breakfast and lunch prices for 24-25 are below.
Elem: $1.80
Middle: $2.00
High: $2.15
Elem: $3.00
Middle: $3.65
High: $3.85
Milk: $0.55
The October breakfast and lunch menu can be found below.
District Information:
EPS Text Messages
EPS utilizes text messaging to communicate with families to ensure timely communication of important information, including inclement weather and bus delay announcements. As part of this process, EPS families interested in receiving text messages must opt-in by texting “Yes” to 67587. Doing so will provide the permission we are required to secure in order to send text messages to your mobile device. Once you have sent “Yes” to 67587, you will receive a text confirming your participation.
Tech Tip: Wait Until 8th Pledge
The Wait Until 8th pledge encourages parents to delay smart phones for students until at least 8th grade. Learn more at https://www.waituntil8th.org/.
Now Hiring
Now Hiring
Are you interested in driving EPS athletics and activities participants to their events? Please contact Ryan Lindquist at rlindquist@epsne.org for additional information, including training requirements.
Community/EPS Events:
Upcoming District Events
ENHS Fall Craft Fair -- Saturday, November 23, 2024, from 9:00 - 3:00 at Elkhorn North High School. Click here to view additional details.
- ENHS Jr. Cheer Clinic: Saturday, December 7, 2024, from 9:00 - 11:30 AM at Elkhorn North High School. Click here to view additional details.
Schedules/Calendars/Other Information
Stay Connected:
Woodbrook Elementary
18520 Purple Martin Parkway
Elkhorn, NE 68022
Our Mission
Woodbrook Elementary
Our mission is to develop a strong family bond by fostering positive, meaningful relationships with each other. We will use our strong relationships to establish a safe learning environment with high expectations where the staff, students and parents work together to create a respectful and responsible community. We will ignite a passion for continuous improvement with a growth mindset to be confident learners today, tomorrow and into the future.