WBSD Weekly Update
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Transition Updates
Last week, our principals traveled to every WBSD elementary school so students could learn more about each of them and how they will work together to ensure a great year for ALL next year!
Students were asked what they saw as the role of a principal. Responses included
Keep people safe
Take care of problems
Watch the cameras
Take care of the school
If people get sick, call their parent
Help me do the right thing
The principals agreed their number one job is to keep people safe, and encouraged students to let them know if they have any questions or problems because they want students to be happy at school so they can learn. They said another big part of their job is making sure teachers have the educational resources, support and training they need so students can learn.
Our principals also shared some fun facts about themselves to start building connections with students, and students were encouraged to respond with the “me, too” sign.
Fun Facts about Principals the students appreciated
Mr. Spitzley, Doherty - has three kids, loves football - particularly the Lions and MSU, loves to eat good food, loves living in Michigan because of the water and beaches, likes to golf, likes reading
Mrs. Teal, Gretchko - her favorite part of her job is that she gets to be around kids all the time and she loves that, has 2 boys in high school and middle school, loves soccer especially the British Premier League (Go, Tottenham Hotspurs!), loves all animals and has 2 dogs and 2 cats, loves to read, and she taught students a little wave for when they see her in the hall next year
Mr. Scrivo, Scotch - had lot of jobs (removing toilets drew the most squeals), and he found a job he loves more than anything, started as a teacher in WBSD in 2001, was an assistant principal at Abbott Middle School, has been the principal at Scotch for 14 years, has 2 kids - one in college and a junior in high school, loves sports
Mrs. McDowell, Sheiko - was a teacher at Sheiko for 21 years, then a middle school STEAM teacher and Dean, and this year became principal at Sheiko. She is the oldest of 4 siblings, has 4 kids - 2 in college, a senior in high school, and a daughter in 8th grade who will be at Oakland Early College next year, loves to read, loves to go to football games (particularly WBHS and UofM) , and loves to bake chocolate frosted brownies with sprinkles
What do the principals most want students to remember? This tour is an opportunity for students to get to know a friendly face next fall, and that students can go to any one of them for help.
Upcoming Redistricting Transition Activities and Events
Thank you to all the parents who attended the Doherty and Sheiko parent/guardian meeting Tuesday. April 9. Here are more upcoming transition activities:
- Welcoming Parents/Caregivers to a New Elementary Building
- Gretchko and Scotch - April 11
- Student Mingle Field Trip
- Current K - May 20
- Current 1st/2nd Grades - May 10
- Current 3rd/4th grades - May 14th
- Preparing all Families for Launch
- Doherty: May 8th from 5:30-6:30 pm
Sheiko: May 8th from 5:30-6:30 pm
*Meet at the Abbott location
Gretchko: May 16th from 6-7 pm
Scotch: May 16th from 7:30-8:30 pm
- Popsicles with the Principal for Families (dates in August TBD)
We'd love your input. Please share ideas in this Transition Activity Ideas form.
Summer bond projects include Gretchko and Scotch playgrounds
WBSD is purchasing the play equipment directly through the Sourcewell Cooperative Program. These will include outdoor classroom spaces, a Music Garden, and their very own Apple Island to excite the imagination and bolster community pride.
Scotch Main Playground
Gretchko Music Garden
Scotch Sensory Garden
Update on the Roosevelt Property
Current events have raised questions regarding the Roosevelt property. Last week an Oakland County Circuit Judge ruled in favor of the School District by denying a motion for a preliminary injunction and dissolving the temporary restraining order, which had briefly prohibited the district from moving ahead with the demolition of the building.
We are grateful that the judge’s Opinion and Order acknowledged that the school’s procedures were fair and transparent. The School District will now move forward with the plan for asbestos abatement and demolition that was laid out last summer and approved by the Board of Education in September.
There have been questions raised as to the district’s plans for the property. This parcel of land, which is centrally located within Keego Harbor, is a valuable asset and the district has no plan to sell it at this time.
There are numerous reasons why the district is not continuing to maintain or use this building. Roosevelt is a three-story building with only four classrooms on the first floor. This does not align with the State of Michigan’s legal requirements to offer preschool through first grade on the ground level.
Additionally, the site is the smallest of our elementary school properties, sitting on 5.71 acres. The other elementary buildings in the district are on sites that average 15.7 acres, allowing for more flexibility of land use.
Currently, there are significant safety issues associated with the Roosevelt building. This includes a collapsed steel reinforced concrete and plaster ceiling. As the building has been unoccupied for some time and is in a state of deterioration, it presents a significant ongoing liability to the School District. In light of these and many other factors raised in the course of discussions over the last year, the district made the difficult decision to use previous bond funds in the buildings where our students are currently being educated, rather than investing such funds in maintaining a building that is no longer suitable for educational purposes and, at the same time, presents ongoing expense and potential liability to the district.
Our current and projected enrollment only requires four elementary schools. Students and staff have been notified of their placement for the next year and activities have started to make this a smooth transition for all. Please see the article below on the principal visits to our elementaries. We invite families to join us for transition activities throughout the spring and summer. Information on each activity will be sent in advance and we welcome widespread community participation.
Regarding the coming months and years, Dr. Bazzi stated, “We look forward to focusing our time and energy on the education of all our community’s children; this plan helps us keep funding concentrated on the people and programs that make WBSD an amazing school district.” As we move forward as a team, we have many things to look forward to and celebrate in our wonderful school community.
Learning about the Total Solar Eclipse
Thank you to West Bloomfield Township Public Library, our PTOs, and the curriculum department for helping to supply eclipse glasses for students.
Tickets for the WBHS production of Mamma Mia! are available for purchase on the website https://wbhstheatrearts.ludus.com. Show dates are April 25-27 at 7 p.m., and one ASL interpreted matinee on Saturday, April 27 at 1 p.m. All WB student tickets are only $5! All WBMS 8th grade students are invited to the Sat matinee at 1 p.m. for no cost at all. This show stars Carley Law and Emelia Duffield, as well as features the Scotch Elementary student Thea Maher. Please consider supporting the high school theatre department, and just great theatre in general, by booking tickets today! They are selling fast! We hope to see you there!
Questions: email wbhstheatreprograms@gmail.com
West Bloomfield Athletics Headlines
Youth Assistance Camp and Skill Building Scholarship
Information about the scholarship
Apply here for the Youth Assistance Camp and Skill Building Scholarship! Parents/Guardians of applicants will be notified within two weeks of eligibility after the completion of this application. Please apply three weeks prior to the start of the camp/program to ensure payment of the scholarship is received by the camp/program before its start date. Please email info@wbyouthassistance.org if you have any questions.
The purpose of the West Bloomfield Youth Assistance (WBYA) Camp and Skill Building Scholarship is to offer enrichment opportunities to economically disadvantaged children between the ages of 5 - 17 years old. This application can be used for the following:
- Summer Camp
- Skill Building/Workshop
- Educational and Enrichment Activity
Process and Guidelines:
- Application must be completed and submitted to West Bloomfield Youth Assistance.
- The recipient must reside in the West Bloomfield School District.
- WBYA will award scholarship money on merit and a first come, first served basis while funding is available, and until all available funding is exhausted.
- Families may apply for more than one program per child. However, the maximum awarded is $250 per child per calendar year.
- WBYA agrees to cover ninety percent (90%) of the total cost, while families are responsible for the remaining ten percent (10%).
- Please apply three weeks prior to the start of the camp/program to ensure payment of the scholarship is received by the camp/program before its start date. WBYA will pay the program provider or vendor directly. Funding for scholarships is limited, as is the number of students able to attend each camp/program, so please apply as early as possible.
- Applications must be accompanied by a copy of the determination letter (or email) sent to the Parents/Guardians of the applicant(s) by the Food Service Department or State for free/reduced price meals.
- If the scholarship is accepted and not used, or the applicant is a no-show for the camp or program, then the applicant must contact WBYA to let the organization know the reason(s). The applicant may apply for a different program using the same application form (subject to Board approval).
- Families are encouraged to submit a thank you letter and/or a drawing/photo of the applicant at the activity, to share with WBYA Board. If the family chooses to remain anonymous, WBYA will accept the notes without identifying features.
Friday, May 10, 2024, at 7 a.m. TEMPLE ISRAEL
Greater West Bloomfield volunteers give their time, talent, and personal resources on a daily basis without regard for recognition or promotion. We invite you to help us celebrate and recognize these individuals and organizations that serve our community year-round.
To purchase tickets, click here.
West Bloomfield Township Public Library
Book Lists
· Arab American Heritage Month (Teen)
How to Pay for College, Free of Debt
Sunday, April 14 from 3pm –5pm
Main Library Meeting Room
Join us for a special Money Smart Week discussion and book signing with Gwen Thomas, author of The Parent’s Smart Guide to Sending Your Kids to College without Going Broke.
For grades 9-12 and Adults, No Registration Required
Read to a Dog
Wednesday, April 17 from 6-7pm
Main Library Youth Activity Center
What happens when you bring children, dogs and books together? You get happy, confident children who love to read. Trainers with their well-behaved, certified therapy dogs will be on hand so elementary students can practice independent reading skills while reading to a friendly canine companion. For grades K-5. No registration required.
Community Partners Offer a Free Info Session
Mark Your Calendar
April 24 - Late Start
April 26 - Half Day
For a full calendar, use this link: https://www.wbsd.org/calendar
WBSD half day April 26th
WBSD has added a half day to the school calendar for these purposes:
elementary teachers to meet with their new principals at their new building for transition activities
middle and high school teachers to receive important professional development including student wellness and safety training
Please plan for all students to have a half day April 26th.
Half day dismissal times for students are:
WBHS - 10:40 a.m.
Oakland Early College - 11:14 a.m.
WBMS, Roosevelt, Transition Center - 11:22 a.m.
Doherty, Gretchko, Scotch, Sheiko - 12:12 p.m.