Principal's Page
Blackbird and Shay Elementary
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We have now marked a week off of our calendar and we hope that your family has fallen back into the routine of the school year. We are excited to see some familiar faces as well as many new faces!
Every two weeks I will be sending all families the Blackbird and Shay parent e-letter. I am hopeful that this communication tool will keep you more closely informed of the events and offerings at our schools. Please let the secretaries know if you are not receiving a newsletter via email.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
A note from Ms. Joelle (Our School Counselor)
September 6, 2018
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome back! I hope you have all had a great first week.
As your school counselor, my primary responsibility is to promote the academic, personal, and social development of all students. I would like the students here to think of my office as a warm, friendly, and safe place where they are always welcome.
I plan on working with students at the classroom level, small group level, as well as at the short-term individual counseling level if needed. I will also be meeting with parents, collaborating with teachers and staff, and consulting with community organizations to benefit and meet the needs of all students.
CLASSROOM LESSONS: We are so excited to start using the Second Step Social and Emotional Learning Program-stay tuned for more details!
GROUP COUNSELING: Group counseling is provided for small groups of students experiencing similar concerns. These may include making and keeping friends, anger management, coping with separation/divorce and/or loss, getting organized/study skills and/or improving self-esteem. The groups generally range from 4 to 6 students and last for 6 to 8 sessions. The students for these groups can be recommended by parents/guardians or by staff members.
INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING: Short term one-on-one counseling support is available to all students in grades K to 5. Students may self-refer or be referred to the counselors by teachers/staff and/or parents. Confidentiality is respected. If the need is greater than short term, a referral will be made to an outside mental health provider.
CONSULTATIONS: I am available to have meetings with teachers, administrators and/or parents to discuss the needs of individual students. I am here for all students and want to ensure that your child has a productive and positive school year. If I can support your child in anyway, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kindest Regards,
Joelle Drader MD, MA, LPC
231-526-4656 Blackbird
231-526-4556 Shay
Important Phone Numbers
Blackbird Attendance Line 526-4660
Blackbird Childcare Center 526-4602
North Country Kids Childcare 526-4604
Shay Office 526-4500
Shay Attendance line 526-4550
Bus Garage 526-5601
Early Morning Arrival/Dismissal
Please note that school starts promptly at 8:00am and ends at 3:00pm. Students should not be entering Blackbird prior to 7:40am. Staff are busy preparing for their day and children may be unsupervised. We do offer breakfast (for a fee) and parents may take advantage of this opportunity. Students needing to dropped off before 7:40am will need to attend one of our daycare programs. Please see that you drop and pick up your child/children off at the correct times as we want to keep everyone safe.
For daycare arrangements please contact: Tami Keller 231.526.4602
We Love Our Parent Volunteers
If you plan on volunteering at Shay and Blackbird please fill out our annual volunteer release form.
Health Issues
Excusing Students and Reporting Illness
Please call the Attendance Lines at 526-4660 (BB) and 526-4550 (Shay) to report your child's absence. Please include in your message your name, the best number to reach you, your student's name, grade, and the reason for the absence. If your student is absent because of illness, please describe the symptoms. If it is a doctor's confirmed case of strep, influenza or other infectious disease, please include in your message. We are required by the state to report illness to our local health department.
Welcome New Staff!
Mrs. Bowerman-2nd Grade
Miss Erxleben-Second Grade
Mrs. Sharrow-First Grade
Upcoming Dates
March 13th and 14th
School Pictures will be Thursday, October 4th
Preschool starts on Wednesday, September 12th
Fall Swim Lessons at Harbor Springs Community Pool
Upcoming Community Events
Rec Soccer(K-2)
Kid's Club
Kids Club is a free children’s program for kindergartners through fifth graders
offered by First Presbyterian Church of Harbor Springs. At Kids Club we hear
stories, play active games, sing songs, do crafts, learn science, and even do some
drama. We meet every Wednesday right after school until 5pm beginning
September 19th. If your child is interested in participating this year please, contact
Katie at or 526-7332.