St Charles Newsletter
31st January 2025
Message To Parents From Our Executive Headteacher
Dear Parent/Carer,
Uniforms remain a valuable tool for fostering equality, safety, and a sense of community and pride within schools. We continue to promote high expectations in every sense and that includes wearing FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM. I have noticed in classrooms, playgrounds, assemblies and in and around the school building that there a number of children who do not wear a tie. The school tie is an essential part of our uniform code. It is compulsory to wear a tie. There have been complaints about the metal clip attached to the top of tie, therefore you will soon be able to purchase elasticated ties and non-elasticated ties from the school office. Please ensure that your child comes to the school in their correct school uniform INCLUDING THEIR TIE and all clothing items are labelled. PE kits should be worn only on PE days. Please see below for a full school uniform list. Coats should also comply with the uniform code. Next week, staff will monitor the situation and we will report back to you in next week’s school newsletter.
On a separate note, both schools launched the beginning of the Jubilee Year with a Jubilee Mass in their respective parish churches. The children are aware that they are pilgrims of hope and we are on a journey to live out our golden rule, treating others as we want to be treated. Both schools are in the process of designing and creating a new holy door. As a sign of hope within school, the door will now serve as a reminder that we need to be a pilgrim of God spreading hope to others whilst helping us to develop our relationship with God too.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support and I wish you a very happy and restful weekend.
Best wishes,
Geraldine Hampton
Executive Headteacher
New diary dates will continue to be included weekly
Catholic Life Of The School
Jubilee Year 2025
On Wednesday, we celebrated a special mass at our Parrish Church to marked the launch of the Jubilee Year. This year, we are called to be 'Pilgrims of Hope'. Look out for news about our journey of hope.
Prayer Bear
Each week, a child in Nursery will be selected to bring home Polly, our Nursery Prayer Bear.
Polly is helping Nursery to show their love to God through prayer and caring deeds.
Pray bear was at home with Louie last weekend. They went to oxygen jump, and Louie taught his family how to say their prayers throughout the day .
We look forward to seeing where her adventures take her this weekend!
RE Home Learning
Gospel: Jesus is presented in the Temple (Luke 2:22-40)
Using the Wednesday Word link below, read this Sunday’s Gospel
and reflect on the questions below with your family.
You will have an opportunity to discuss them again next week in School during the Gospel/Well done Assembly.
- What was about to happen to Jesus?
- What made Simeon got to the Temple that day?
- What special gift did Jesus receive at the end of the service?
- We go through a similar Rite as this as Catholics. What do we call it?
- Why did Simeon say he could now die in peace?
- Jesus was given Wisdom by the Holy Spirit. Can you find the names of the other gifts of the Holy Spirit? When can we receive more gifts?
Our whole school attendance is currently at 93.5%
We are working towards achieving 96% attendance this academic year. Please help us to achieve this by ensuring that your child attends school each day and by not booking any holiday during term time. Please be aware that holiday leave in term time cannot be authorised.
In line with the Department for Education guidelines, where pupils miss school without a good reason (including a holiday), the Local Authority and schools can intervene, and you may be issued a fine.
There is strong correlation between good attendance and good progress. So together, let’s give our children the best possible chance of reaching their potential.
Children's Mental Health Week
Next week, our school will be marking Children’s Mental Health Week in our classes. This is an annual event organised by the children's mental health charity Place2Be. The theme this year is “Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.” This aims to encourage children to explore their emotions and develop a better understanding of themselves. Place2Be have partnered Disney to use the film Inside Out, which shows children the importance of recognising and expressing feelings. We believe fostering awareness and emotional literacy is essential for our children's overall well-being.
To support your child during this week, here are some helpful tips for families from Place2Be.
Pre-Loved Uniform Sale
Thank you to our PFA who organised a uniform sale after school with help from our Year 6s. It was very well supported. Thank you to everyone who came along. We raised £55.
We are currently looking for volunteers to join the PFA and support the School by organising fund raising events throughout the year. If you are interested, please join us for a coffee/tea after School on Friday 7th February at 3.20pm. We will arrange child care during the meeting. If you cannot make the meeting but you would like to help, please contact Sophie in the Office.
Calling All Singers!
There are a few spaces available for the Triborough Music Hub's Junior Voices Choir
Junior Voices (years 3-6) is a non-auditioned ensemble where students learn and perform music from a range of musical styles and through various teaching styles, including notation. The students develop key musicianship and performance skills, whilst engaging in regular performance opportunities throughout the year.
Thursdays 4.30pm–5.30pm
Ages 7-11 who are in school years 3-6
Venue: Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith
Number of sessions: 30
Cost: £60 per term*
*50% remissions for eligible families (pupil premium) or 25% sibling discount
You can find out more information using the link Junior Voices and apply via this link - Registration - Tri-borough Music Hub (speedadmin.dk)
Look What We Have Been Doing! -Early Years and Key Stage 1
After hearing the story of the feeding of the 5000, Nursery had a go at making their own bread. It tasted great and there was plenty for everyone. The children loved sharing it with members different of staff.
activities, we had a great time practising our counting skills using a number
track! ❤️
In RE, 1D have been learning about the life of Jesus.
This week, we enjoyed retelling the story of Jesus calling his first disciples through role-play.
Then we spoke about the ways that we can welcome Jesus into our lives just like his disciples did.
Year Two have been learning to recognise that everyone is tempted to make bad choices, but that God loves and forgives all people. To reflect on our learning, we held a small service of Reconciliation where the children wrote personal prayers of apology to God and then threw them away as an act of freeing themselves from their sins.
Gratitude and Learning Hero's
Congratulations to the following children who were recognised for making good choices during the week beginning 27th January.
Term Dates 2024-25
First Half Term
Staff Training – Monday 6th January – School Closed
First Day of School – Tuesday 7th January
Last Day of School – Friday 14th February
Half Term – Monday 17th – Friday 21st February
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 24th February
Last Day of School – Friday 4th April - School Closes at 1.45pm
Easter Holiday – Monday 7th April – Monday 21st April
Summer Term – 2025
First Half Term
Staff Training – Tuesday 22nd April – School Closed
First Day of School – Wednesday 23rd April
Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May
Last Day of School – Friday 23rd May
Half Term – Monday 26th – Friday 30th May
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 2nd June
Staff Training – Monday 30th June – School Closed
Last Day of School – Tuesday 22nd July - School Closes at 1.45pm
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St Charles Catholic Primary School
Email: info@st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Website: www.st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Location: St Charles Square, London W10 6EB, UK
Phone: 020 8969 5566