Monthly Newsletter
May 2024

December SLV 4-H Monthly Newsletter
Important Dates:
SLV Extension Office will be closed December 24 and 25 for Christmas and January 1 for New Year's Day.
January 7 6pm Mandatory Club Leader Meeting Extension Office
January 13 7pm Fair board Meeting Ski Hi
January 14 7pm District 8 Meeting Extension Office
If your 4-H club has any important dates or announcements, please email them to mollie.wells@colostate.edu by the 10th of each month.
2024-2025 4-H Dates
2024-2025 Fair Schedule
District 8 News
District 8 delivered Christmas Cards and Reindeer Candy Canes to Homelake Veteran's Center December 15th
District 8 meetings are every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm at the Extension Office. Dist. 8 represents the 4-H members across the San Luis Valley.
Call 719-852-7381
Sponsorship for the SLV 4-H Livestock Judging Team
Want to help sponsor the SLV 4-H Livestock Judging Team?
Mid-American Results
Overall Sr. Team-3rd
Jr Team (Green)-7th
Jr Team (White)-8th
Individual Placings-
10th Durae Naranjo
17th Emily Seger
21st Elena Escobedo
5th Durae Naranjo
20th Emily Seger
21st Elena Escobedo
16th Durae Naranjo
18th Emily Seger
20th Tiffany LePlatt
21st Elena Escobedo
22nd Tynnley Buhr
24th Elly Entz
11th Durae Naranjo
16th Tynnley Buhr
17th Emily Seger
18th Elena Escobedo
22nd Darian Vance
8th Durae Naranjo
17th Darian Vance
19th Emily Seger
20th Tiffany LePlatt
22nd Elena Ecobedo
25th Tynnley Buhr
9th Durae Naranjo
20th Emily Seger
21st McKenna Shawcroft
22nd Tiffany LePlatt
24th Elena Escobedo
SLV 4-H Livestock Judging Team
Look at this team growing and going places!
4-H Enrollment has begun!!
If you need help enrolling as a family or as club, please reach out to Cody and me. cody.groff@colostate.edu mollie.wells@colostate.edu
Colorado 4-H Project Information – Colorado 4-H Youth Development is part of CSU Extension
Please use the link above to learn more about all the 4-H projects that Colorado 4-H has to offer!
Leadership Development Conference
2025 Leadership Development Conference registration is now open on 4honline!
LDC is offered to 4-H Members 14 years old and up and is scheduled for January 25th - 27th in Denver.
You must have an approved enrollment for the current 4-H year in order to register.
4-H Online Registration is now live! – State Deadline is January 5 @ 11:59PM
No cancellations after the deadline.
Registration Fee: $215 for 4-H Ages 14 & up and Adults, this does not include hotel. Meals that are included will be Saturday Banquet (Dinner) and Sunday Lunch
Ask us about scholarship opportunities to assist with participant cost.
Cloverbud December Meeting
Our first Cloverbud's meeting was full of holiday spirit! We decorated gingerbread men and made gingerbread houses!
Monte Vista Chamber of Commerce Holiday Bazaar
SLV Extension had a ton of fun making gingerbread houses at the Monte Vista Chamber of Commerce Holiday Bazaar!
Dairy Goat Giveaway
Want to show a dairy goat but need a goat? No problem!
District 8 T-shirt Fundraiser
Club Plaques!
4-H Enrollment Open
Deadline for New Members March 31st