The Dragon's Tale
The Biweekly Newsletter of the Kaohsiung American School
2020-2021, Issue #16: April 12, 2021
Parent Opportunities in the weeks ahead
IB Bits
IB Exams begin April 29th. Students have received schedules. They should arrive for their exams at least 30 minutes before, and should be outside the door of the assigned test site at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time. Students who arrive more than 1 hour late will not be allowed to take the exam, as per IB rules. I have experienced students who have missed exams when they stay up too late the night before studying and sleep through their alarm. It is important for students to get a reasonable night’s sleep, if they are to perform well. During the weeks of IB exams, students will have no classes.
If you have any questions, please contact me at dhaines@kas.tw.
Good luck to all our KAS IB students. Years of dedication to education culminate in these three weeks of testing, and the payoff is coming soon! And thank you to all the parents who have supported our students in their educational endeavors.
Class of 2021 Updates 2021 畢業生近況
Acceptances to many incredible universities are finally here! Seniors now have the exciting opportunity to consider their offers and make a final decision about where they want to attend. Counselors are here for families and students through every step of the way to compare schools, consider financial packages, and research majors and programs in depth. Please carefully check your email and deadlines to secure your decision with a deposit.
終於有許多令人難以置信的大學錄取回覆了!現在,準畢業生們有絕佳的機會好好考慮他們的錄取通知,並決定他們最終想入學的地方。大學顧問在這裡為家長和學生提供諮詢,比較各學校的每個階段,考慮財務方案,並深入研究專業和課程。請仔細確認您的email 和截止日期,確保您的決定並支付保證金。
We have invited Mr. Clarence from the U.S. State Department's EducationUSA to present very important information and answer questions on applying for visas to the US as a student. Parents and students are encouraged to attend this session if you intend to study in the U.S.
我們邀請了美國國務院EducationUSA的 Mr. Clarence 介紹非常重要的信息,並回答有關學生赴美申請簽證的問題。如果您打算在美國唸書,我們鼓勵家長和學生參加本次說明會。
Seniors, please join us for KAS Senior University Day on April 28 during HS Break in the Exhibition Hall to celebrate your college acceptances on the last day of school. Wear your favorite school hoodie or t-shirt, or school colors, and come have some celebratory cake. We will have a green screen digital photo booth to take a few snaps of you in your college gear with a virtual background. Congratulations!
Class of 2022 Updates 11年級資訊更新
On Thursday, May 13 at 3:15 - 4:15 PM in the Lecture Hall, G11 parents and students are invited to meet with college counselors for a short presentation on what students should be working on over the summer, followed by informal time to chat and answer questions. We welcome your participation!
邀請11年級家長 5月13日星期四下午3點15分~4點15分到學校3樓演講廳和大學輔導老師見面。屆時將會有一個簡短的簡報向您解說學生暑假時應完成哪些事項,隨後將會開放時間來做問與答。歡迎您來參加!
College Essay / Personal Statement 大學論文/個人陳述
The importance of the application essay varies from university to university. Generally speaking, the more selective the university, the more important the essay. Memorable, outstanding essays that demonstrate excellent craft of writing can showcase a student very well, giving the admissions reader a good sense of how a student communicates and more importantly, who they are as a person and potential student on their campus.
申請論文的重要性因各個大學而異。 一般來說,大學越熱門,論文就顯得更重要。 令人印象深刻,表現出色的寫作技巧可以很好地展示學生個人,使大學招生部對學生的溝通方式有更深入的了解,更重要的是,他們能藉此了解學生個人和未來校園裡的潛在學生。
Starting next week, college counselors will offer several essay writing workshops either during English class or as small group sessions. Resources and tips for college essay writing are provided to each student and also available in the college counseling office for students reference. College counselors provide individualized counseling and editing services for each student throughout the entire process.
從下週開始,大學輔導老師將在英文課或小組會議中提供一些作文寫作技巧的研習課程給學生。 大學輔導室為每位學生提供關於大學論文寫作的辦法和技巧。 大學輔導老師在整個過程中將會為每個學生提供個人化的輔導和論文修改服務。
Find your student’s college counselor. Last name letter starts with:
A - L Cerise Roth-Vinson, crothvinson@kas.tw
字母A-L Cerise Roth-Vinson, crothvinson@kas.tw
M - Z Jill Newman, jnewman@kas.tw
字母M-Z Jill Newman, jnewman@kas.tw
We invite you to meet with us in person to answer questions and plan for higher education.
We Are KAS
KAS challenges students to achieve academic excellence and prepares them to be balanced individuals, independent learners, and global citizens.
Kaohsiung American School (KAS) is a private, non-profit, co-educational Pre K – 12 institution offering an American, college preparatory program leading to a US high school diploma and the opportunity for an IB Diploma.
KAS is located in the northern area of Kaohsiung city, the second-largest city in Taiwan with 1.5 million inhabitants. Kaohsiung American School was established in 1989 as an elementary school serving the needs of local and expatriate families with children.
Email: admissions@kas.tw
Website: www.kas.tw
Location: 813, Taiwan, 高雄市左營區翠華路889號
Phone: 07-586-3300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KaohsiungAmericanSchool/
Twitter: @kaohsiungas