EMS - Quarter 3 Launch
January 5, 2025
Hello Falcon Families!
We hope this message finds you well and rested after a joyful and peaceful Winter Break. As we prepare to return to school on Monday, January 6th, we are excited to welcome our students back for what promises to be a vibrant and productive second half of the school year. We’ve missed the energy and enthusiasm that our students bring to the classroom, and we look forward to seeing everyone reconnect with their peers, teachers, and the exciting learning opportunities ahead.
As we embark on this new semester, we remain committed to supporting the academic, social, and emotional growth of each of our students. This newsletter provides important updates and reminders as we begin the year, so please take a moment to read through the information. Thank you for your continued partnership in making Excelsior Middle School a great place for all students to learn and thrive. We can’t wait to see what the second half of the year holds for our school community!
If you have any questions, email me at jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us.
Ms. Jamie Keith
EMS Principal
- January 6th - School resumes/Quarter 3 begins, Huddle in the gym
- January 7th - Boys basketball tryouts
- January 8th - PTSA Meeting, 7:00 pm on Zoom
- Week of January 13th - Report Cards/MAP Test Scores sent home with students
- January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
- January 23rd - BUSD Board Meeting, 5:30 pm in the Board Room or on Zoom
- January 29th - School Site Council. 3:15 pm on Zoom
- February 7th - School Dance, 3:00 - 5:00 pm in the Theater
- February 14th & 17th - Presidents Day Weekend (no school Friday or Monday)
- February 20th - BUSD Board Meeting, 5:30 pm in the Board Room or on Zoom
Quarter 3 Schedule Viewing Instructions
Many students will be starting new classes in Quarter 3. Here's a quick breakdown of what to expect:
- 6th grade students: If your child is in the elective wheel, they will be moving on to their next elective class.
- 7th and 8th grade students: These students will switch between Health and another elective. If they are in our 7th/8th grade wheel, they will also move on to their next elective class.
To make sure your student knows where to go tomorrow, please take a moment to review their schedule with them. You can find the schedule on Aeries.
Follow these steps to view your child's schedule:
- Go to the Aeries website (not the app): https://byronusd.aeries.net/student/
Log in using either your parent credentials (if you have an Aeries account) or your student’s credentials.
Student login info:
Username: First initial + last name initial + last 4 digits of their student ID, followed by @byron.k12.ca.us
Example: Jane Doe, ID 5091234, would have the username: jd1234@byron.k12.ca.us
Password: Their student ID number + "e" at the end.
Example: Jane’s password would be 5091234e
- After logging in, look for the menu on the left side of the screen and select "Classes."
- Once your student's classes appear, check the box labeled "View Only Current Term" to see their Quarter 3 schedule.
Reviewing this with your student this evening or tomorrow morning will ensure that your student knows exactly where to go on campus as we launch Quarter 3 on tomorrow.
Boys Basketball Tryouts
Our boys basketball tryouts are this Tuesday, January 7th, in our gym. 7th and 8th grade tryouts are from 3:00 - 4:30 and 6th grade tryouts are from 4:30 - 6:00 pm.
If your student is trying out, please ensure that they are wearing sneakers (no crocs or slides during tryouts, practices, or games).
New for Quarter 3 - EMS Attendance Contract
Good attendance, including arriving to class on time, is essential for academic success. Consistent attendance plays a vital role in a student's ability to engage with the curriculum, participate in classroom activities, and achieve their full potential. The school is committed to fostering a strong partnership with each student and their family, working together to promote excellent attendance and ensure every student is set up for success.
Starting in Quarter 3, students who are frequently tardy will be placed on an attendance contract. This contract is an agreement between the student, the school, and the family to improve punctuality and commitment to attending school regularly. If a student accumulates 7 or more tardies or 4 or more unexcused absences in a quarter, they will be placed on the contract. Continued tardiness or unexcused absences may result in the student being added to the non-activities list, which restricts participation in fun school events and extracurricular activities.
We believe that a strong partnership between parents, students, and the school is key to ensuring the success and well-being of each student. If your student is placed on an attendance contract, either Ms. Keith or Ms. Voqui will reach out to you to discuss next steps and ensure you are provided with a copy of the contract. With your continued support and engagement, we are confident that your student's attendance will improve, fostering a positive academic experience.
PTSA NEWS & Winter Clothing Drive
Does your student have gently worn or unused winter clothing items (sweats, hoodies, jackets, etc.) that no longer fit? If so, please consider donating to our Winter Clothing Drive this week (January 6th - 10th). Drop off any donations to the Excelsior Middle School main office. Donations will be offered to students in need on our campus as well as in the greater far east county community.
Our next PTSA Meeting is on Wednesday, January 8th at 7:00 pm on Zoom!
Interested in joining our PTSA? Please click HERE! The money collected through our PTSA memebership dues goes towards school activities and improvements!
Help Your Student Dress for Success and Safety!
As we move through winter, we’ve noticed some students arriving at school in clothing or footwear that isn’t suitable for the weather or our school’s dress code. For example, wearing Crocs or slides in rainy weather can be hazardous, and some students are coming without jackets to stay warm. We encourage families to check the weather each morning and help their students choose clothing that is both safe and appropriate for school.
Please also review our dress code:
- Undergarments shall not be worn as outerwear and must be concealed at all times.
- Tank tops must have shoulder straps and cover undergarments. No bare midriffs.
- Clothing, hats, and jewelry must be free of crude, vulgar, profane, or inappropriate content, including gang-related or drug/alcohol-related insignia.
- Pajamas are not allowed unless part of a designated spirit day.
- Blankets and slippers are prohibited for safety reasons.
We appreciate your support in ensuring our students are prepared for both learning and the elements!
Community Announcements
Excelsior Middle School
Email: jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.excelsiormiddleschool.us/
Location: 14301 Byron Highway, Byron, CA, USA
Phone: 925-809-7530
Twitter: @EMSFalcons