Global Learning & Engagement
Weekly Newsletter
Monday, October 7 - Sunday, October 13, 2024
You must have an appointment to be seen in our office.
LewerMark “Make Your Mark” Fall Scholarship
The Fall “Make Your Mark” Scholarship is now open! The theme for this Fall’s scholarship is “If the kitchen is the heart of a home, food is the heart of a country. Show us how food reflects your home!” Applicants may submit a video, literary, visual art, or musical entry. There will be six prizes of $3,000 each. Winners will be announced the first week of January! To submit or get more information, students can visit www.lewermark.com and scroll to the middle of the page and click “Go Now!”. The link is also here (https://www.lewermark.com/international-scholarship-fall-2024/).
Teladoc Registration Bonus
Teladoc is currently sponsoring a Registration Campaign. Register on the Teladoc app or online between now and the end of October to have your name entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card! As a reminder, Teladoc provides virtual medical care 24/7/365 at no additional cost to students. It is a great first stop if you are not feeling well due to common ailments such as sinus infections, headaches, fevers, rashes, and more.
If you are traveling outside of the United States please make sure page 2 of your I-20 or page 1 of your DS-2019 is signed for travel.
In order to get your I-20/DS-2019 signed you must follow the following instructions:
1. Fill out the travel signature form
2. Drop off your I-20/DS-2019
3. Wait for an email for when to pick up your I-20/DS-2019
Your travel signature is valid for 1 year (EX- January 9, 2023- January 8, 2024). If you have further questions please email Sarah Habtemariam shabtemariam@uca.edu or Patti Carson pcarson@uca.edu.
Metro Shuttles
Please go here https://rrmetro.org/services/metro-connect/ for information about downloading the Metro Connect App. or call METRO Dispatch at 501-476-3761 to schedule your pickup.