Port Barre Elementary
Port Barre Elementary School’s Vision Statement
The vision of Port Barre Elementary School is to develop attitudes, skills, and ideals which will prepare all students for college and careers.
Port Barre Elementary School’s Mission Statement
The Leaders at Port Barre Elementary will follow the Three B's--be safe, be respectful, and be responsible.
Jean Day Reminders
Only jeans are allowed. Jean shorts are not allowed.
Sweatpants/Athletic pants (not shorts) are allowed.
Spirit wear must be PBES sprit wear. Shirts bought from the high school are not allowed.
Morning Drop Off and Breakfast
Morning drop off begins at 7:20. The gates close at 7:45. 7:45-7:50 is the late arrival period. Anytime after 7:50 is considered tardy and the student must be checked in at the office.
Breakfast ends at 7:45. The door to the cafeteria will be locked at this time. Students are to be in the classroom for 7:50 for the school day to begin. Please speak with your child about the importance of going to breakfast as soon as they get here.
Student ID Cards
All students have been issued a student ID card. This card is needed for breakfast and lunch. Beginning Monday, if your child does not have their ID card, they will need to get a temporary ID. Each day they do not have their ID card, it costs $1.00 for the temporary card to be printed. If your child loses his/her ID card, there is a $5.00 replacement fee.
If you attend Port Barre High School Athletic events, the ID card will also allow student discount at the entry gate.
Uniform Reminders
Monday and Tuesday - Uniform Pants (navy or khaki) and Polo Shirts (red, navy, white)
Wednesday, Thursday - Uniform Pant (navy or Khaki) and either a Polo Shirt (red, navy, white) or PBES current year spirit shirt.
Friday - Jean Day for $1.00 with any PBES spirit shirt or Uniform