Te Kura o Te Pāroa
• 34 Paroa Road, RD 1, Whakatane 3191
Easter Weekend
Hauora Day
Te Kura o Te Paroa school Buses
Tena Koutou
This is an IMPORTANT panui for all whanau whose tamariki travel to Te Kura ō te Pāroa by bus.
The behaviour on the bus is becoming a BIG concern as it is affecting the safety and wellbeing of the tamariki and the drivers.
We are managing more concerns lately and this panui is to ask Whanau to help the Kura reduce the number of concerns.
Current issues.
· We are currently experiencing a high number of behaviour incidents on the bus.
· Some of the contributing factors are the bus monitors. Senior students aren’t being as robust as they need to be to settle the students.
· We have junior students sitting at the back of the buses and not behaving. I am reinforcing with the bus monitors that juniors sit in the front, middle school in the middle and senior students at the back.
· Staffing. We are able to put teachers on the Town South bus to assist with supervision and behaviour because this bus returns back to the school.
· We are unable to place a teacher on the Town North bus as it doesn’t return to Kura
Incidents could be:
· Reported to the teachers from the bus monitors.
· Reported by another student to a teacher.
· Reported by a concerned whanau member.
What does the school do when an incident has been reported?
· Our first step is to use the attached behaviour management plan to identify the category of behaviour. (Major, minor or repeated minor)
· Each identified behaviour has a different action plan or consequence attached.
What happens next?
If the behaviour is major behaviour, a thorough investigation is conducted.
Not only are those who were involved interviewed but other students who observed the incident.
This strategy ensures that the information used is as accurate as possible. At this time whanau may be contacted to ask them to speak to their child and check the information that has been shared.
· All whanau are contacted and told about the event if the incident is classified as major.
· The incident is recorded in our student management system.
Who decides if a child has a strike against their name?
· If the behaviour is major such as physical fighting on the bus it is classified as a major behaviour and therefore managed by myself as the Deputy Principal or Principal.
What is the three strikes rule?
· After a student has been involved in a major incident on the bus, we put new rules and regulations around them. This could be moving them away from another student or moving to the front of the bus.
· All students are warned that it is a privilege to come to school on the bus and not a right. Therefore, they need to resolve the issues on the bus so they can use this transport.
· They are given three warnings before we contact whanau and ask them to transport the tamaiti to school on private transport.
Please talk to your tamaiti to make sure they understand.
1. The bus rules and that bus rules are needed to ensure everyone's safety, including the driver.
2. Coming on the bus is a privilege not a right and can be removed.
3. They are responsible for their own behaviour on the bus.
Finally, I thank our drivers for their work and effort in ensuring that our Tamariki arrive at school safely every day. We appreciate them and their mahi.
Attendance + Attitude = Achievement
Attendance + Attitude = Achievement
We have looked at our learning data and learning support register across Te Kura o Te Pāroa. A high number of students that are on these registers are students that aren’t attending school regularly. Socially when students are away from school for a long period of time they find it difficult to socialise back into classroom life with their kaiako and peers.
- Parents your job is to make sure your tamaiti is at school EVERY day!
Last week some of our Middle school tamariki had a Robotics session with Whaea Jessica from the Ministry of Inspiration. This is the same organisation that introduced our kura to Aquabots.
Tamariki had the chance to code a robot to move and over the year, we are hoping to enter a team into RoboCup Jnr Competition. This competition is where tamariki will use the robot to share a Ngati Awa purakau! Watch this space!
For more information go to https://ministryofinspiration.org/
Big pakipaki to Whaea Monique who has been working with a team of students after school to learn ePro8, an engineering problem-solving team activity.
The Year 5 & 6 team will be competing Tuesday 9th April at Whakatane High School, making different things that move, slide or lift!
So awesome that can offer new experiences to our tamariki!
Grand Opening - Whakatane Mill
Our Kura was asked to give support to Whakatane Mill Limited during the Grand Opening commemorating 2 years. Our tamariki consisted of Tau 6 - 8 from Owhatatiti and Te Pahitaua. Two years ago the Whakatane Mill was on the from the verge of closure, today it is Australasia’s only manufacturer of coated paperboard grades for the packaging market. It has been a long journey for the WML to get where they are currently. This was a proud moment to be invited to such a auspicious occasion.
Well done to nga tamariki from Owhataiti and Te Pahitaua.
Smokefree and Vapefree Kura
Our Smokefree and Vapefree school policy.
Te Kura o Te Pāroa is smokefree and vape-free, as required by the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 (s.7A).
We comply with the Act and have a smokefree and vape-free policy as part of our commitment to providing a physically and emotionally safe place for students, staff, and the school community (Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Education and Training Act 2020). We aim to promote a smoke-free and vapefree lifestyle to all members of the school community to help protect everyone from second-hand smoke and discourage students from taking up smoking and/or vaping.
Last year we had some tamariki vaping in our Kura and want to make sure it doesn't happen again.
We need your help Whanau.
1. Please make sure you put your vapes away out of reach of your tamariki and know where they are!
2. Talk to your tamariki about vaping and why it is harmful to them.
“Our tamariki are vulnerable to industry tactics that make vaping seem attractive and harmless. “Vaping is not harmless.
School Policies
Communicating with Parents
Our communication strategies help us inform and engage parents on matters related to the school. Current, clear, and consistent information helps staff, students, and parents feel connected and confident that they know how the school operates, and what is going on in the school.
We encourage parents to raise any questions or concerns with the school directly, so that any issues can be addressed and resolved for the whole school community.
Contact details
- Parent and caregiver contact information is updated by the school at the beginning of each year. Parents are responsible for letting the school know about any changes to their contact details, including details of parents who don't live with the child but who wish to receive school information and notices.
- Parents can access school and staff contact information through the school office and website.
Everyday communication
- We use a range of methods to communicate general information with parents and our school community including the school website, Facebook page, ClassDojo, Skool Loop, and regular newsletters.
- If the school has concerns about a student's welfare or behaviour, we will contact parents.
- We protect the privacy of our students and their families in our communications as appropriate.
- Parents are asked to contact the school if their child will be absent or late that day.
Urgent communication
- In the event of an emergency, disaster, crisis, or school closure, the school contacts parents and caregivers when it can, using the available communication options.
- Te Kura o Te Pāroa notifies parents/caregivers when a student has an illness or injury that requires rest at home or attention from a doctor. Parents are also notified of any head or spinal injuries, notifiable injuries, or any other injury that may cause concern. When in doubt, we contact parents/caregivers so they can decide whether any further action is needed. If parents/caregivers cannot be reached, we try emergency contacts. We decide at the time which staff member will liaise with whānau.
Reporting to parents
Communicating with parents about their child's progress and achievement is an important part of school life. Reporting methods may include parent interviews, written reports, and informal conversations.
The school also celebrates the success of students and shares achievements within the school community.
Sports Notices
- Outstanding sports fees need to be paid ASAP please.
Rippa Rugby fees per player - y1-2 - $ 7.00, y3-8 - $9.00
Netball fees per player -
$10 ea - Y1 - 4
$50 ea - Y5 - 6
$55 ea - Y7 - 8
RESULTS - EBOP Swimming Championship
Big congratulation to all our tauira who participated in the EBOP Swimming Championships. All races were timed and swimmers were placed to the fastest time. Thank you also to our awesome time keepers who filled in last minute to help our kura.
A special congratulation to Tristan O'Brien who was the only Paroa tauira that placed in a top three placing, coming in 3rd place for 9 year old Boys 1x Backstroke.
9Yr old Boys
Tristan O'Brien
3rd place - 1x Backstroke - 37.75
1x Freestyle - 30.28
10Yr old Girls
Harleigh-Rose Takiari
1x Freestyle - 27.05
Kahlea-Grace McCaull
1x Backstroke - 33.11
11Yr old Girls
Ryhlee Hobman
1x Backstroke - 35.97
11Yr old Boys
Jade Stewart
1x Freestyle - 31.89
Nikora Williams
1x Freestyle - 31.82
12Yr old Girls
Sharnae Porter
1x Freestyle - 30.15
12Yr old Boys
Vincent Tapsell - 1x Freestyle - 26.34
Sunday 24th March
Year 7-8 Team - A Grade
Tauira Interview
What were your HIGHLIGHTS?
Jade - Bullrush in the rain, food trucks & going on the slippery slide events.
What worked well and what can you work on for next time?
Libby - We did pretty good, it was our team work. In some events we could have done better in our communication.
Thank you to whaea Meri and all the whānau who were at the event supporting our tamariki.
Active Skating Program - Coaching with whaea Ivy.
From week 3-7 we were fortunate to have whaea Ivy come into kura to share her knowledge, skills, time and equipment with our tauira.
Thank you whaea Ivy.
Please check out her Facebook page for information on her up and coming sessions and events.
Let's Roll Coaching.
Up and coming events
Hockey - Y7 - 8 Social Team
Trainings have starting and will continue every Wednesday 3.30 - 4.30pm at Whakatane High School Turf.
Travel arrangements - Whānau to make sure travel has been arranged before training days.
Whakatane Softpitch Touranment
Week 11 - Wednesday 10th April
Year 5 - 8
Teams TBC.
If there are any whanau who is available to come into kura to share some knowledge and skills with our tamariki on Softball.
Nau mai, haere mai!!
Whakatane Athletics and Harrier Club
7 year olds boy Athlethics Champion 2023/2024
Kei runga noa o mahi Tai Te Aorua!
Whakatane Tai Mitchell Muster for 2024
When: Monday 8th April
Where: Rugby Park Whakatane
Time: 3:30pm - 5.00pm
Who: Boys AND Girls
All aspiring year 6, 7, 8 players are welcome to come along. Bring appropriate clothing, boots and mouthguard.
Na Matua Mark and Whaea Helen for the boys and Whaea Ihi for the girls.
Student Attendance
Whānau please contact the kura when your tamaiti is away.
When you are reporting absences please give students full name, class, reason and how many days away.
Ways of reporting student absences are:
Ring the school office - 3086652.
Send Txt message to 0274471900.
Send via skool loop app.
Send message to classroom teachers.
Every day counts.
Attendance + Attitude = Success.
Students on Private Vehicles
Tamariki pick/drop off
Please DO NOT park across the road when dropping off or collecting tamariki. You need to drive around into the bus bay area.
Drop off and pick up times in the bus bay area :
AM: Between 8am-9am
PM: Between 2.40pm and 3pm.
Some parents are still parking across the road waiting to collect their tamariki in the afternoons. We do not want to see any near misses or fatal accidents with any of our tamariki outside the kura.
We’d like to let you know that Whakatāne District Council’s draft Long Term Plan 2024-34 is currently open for submissions. The Long Term Plan is like a roadmap for the Whakatāne District for the next ten years, and outlines the opportunities and challenges Council is facing and how that affects rates.
We’ve identified the big issues and key questions in the consultation document, and your Mayor and Councillors want to hear from communities before making the final decisions. Submissions are open until 5pm Friday, 12 April. The consultation process also includes an opportunity for people to speak about their submissions to the Mayor and Councillors in a formal setting. After submissions have been considered, deliberations will take place before the final plan is adopted on 20 June 2024.
More information about the Long Term Plan 2024-34 (and the supporting financial policies and Climate Change Strategy, which are also open for submissions) is available on our website.
Up and coming events
Term 1
29 March - 2 April - Easter weekend.
3 April - Kura open.
4 April - Hauora Day.
5 April - Student reports go home.
9 April - Science of Sound Show.
10 April - Whk Softpitch Tournament . Y 5-6 & Y 7-8 teams.
April - Parent interviews week 11.
Term 2
Whanau engagement day - Whakanuia Matariki
Rangitaiki Kapa haka festival
Term 3
School Wide Extravaganza
Sept -Written reports weeks 9.
Sept - Parent interviews week 10.
Term 4 -
Whanau engagement day
Prize giving day
Health checks at Kura
The nurse from Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa will come into the kura every Tuesday from 10am to do student health checks, vision and hearing testing. If you would like your child to see the nurse, please ring the kura on 07 3086652 or go onto Skool Loop to complete the permission form.
Rheumatic Fever - Strep Throat.
Rheumatic fever commonly appears in school age children, it is a preventable disease by identifying sore throats caused by strep throat. Treatment is a course of an appropriate antibiotic. Team of trained professionals can ensure the prevention of this disease through early detection and are based in schools within Kawerau and the surrounding areas including Whakatane.
Nurses from Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauroa come into the kura every Monday from 1-2pm to do throat swabs.
If you would like your child to see the nurse, please ring the kura on 07 3086652.
Bus messages
Students who are on private vehicles need to be collected from kura before 3.15pm.
Class DoJo
Your child's teachers will need to invite you to join their class. They can either invite you by text, email, or send home a parent code. Easily stay connected with your child's classrooms on ClassDojo.
Skoop Loop
The app is completely free to use for schools and parents.
Student absences can be sent from your mobile phone.
Permission forms can be completed.
Keep up to date on what's happening in the kura by downloading the app now.
2024 Term Dates & Public Holidays
School Contact Details
Email: office@paroa.school.nz
Website: www.paroa.school.nz
Location: 34 Paroa Road, Whakatane 3191
Phone: 073086652
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/910834023142312