Muenster Elementary
From the Desk of the Principal: Mrs. Debra Sicking
October 2024: 2nd Six Weeks & School Holiday
Safe Routes to School
Throughout the month Muenster & Sacred Heart School joined together to promote Safe Routes to School. Materials from TxDot supplied our students with bookmarks, reminder cards, stickers, and a few received NEW bike helmets. We shared information in the daily announcements and placed signs around the campus. We hope this is a great reminder for routes to school and anytime our students ride or walk around Muenster.
Little Hornet Fun Run
2024 Muenster Elementary Library Design Your Own Bookmark Winners
Grandparents Week Success!!
Thank you to all the visitors we had for our students!!! We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to show your support for our students!
CASA of North Texas Presentations for 5th & 6th
During their CASA lesson this week, Muenster Elementary 5th & 6th grade students learned about digital dangers and how to be safe online. They created public service announcements that share online safety rules that will be on display in the elementary hallways for all students.
UIL Academic Teams
Elementary UIL in full swing! Chico Elementary will host for 2nd - 5th grades (Dec. 2nd & 5th) & Era will host 6th-8th grades (Dec. 10th & 13th). Parents look for information from UIL Coaches or check the MISD website for more information.
Hornet Spirit Ribbons For Sale
Muenster Hornet Spirit Ribbons will be for sale this Friday morning for $1.00 in the Muenster Elementary gym. Thank you for supporting Muenster Cheer!