Superintendent's Newsletter
January 2025

Message of the Month
Dear School Community,
During one of my recent visits at the Junior High School, a student stopped me in the hallway and said, "Mr. Nelson, did you know we are already half way through the school year?" Turns out this student was spot on - we have passed the midway point of the academic year!
Since our students returned from school vacation, they have been busy in our classrooms. It is amazing to watch the academic growth over the course of the school year. I am excited about the next six months of teaching and learning - knowing just how much our students are going to accomplish.
It is my hope that the updates and information shared in this month's newsletter are helpful and informative for our families.
Thank you for your ongoing support and educational partnership.
Michael S. Nelson
Superintendent of Schools
Pictures of Superintendent School Visits
HS Genealogy Celebration
JHS Science Lesson
Mr. Regan's Social Studies Class
Office of Teaching and Learning
RMS Celebrates Music from Around the World
The grade 4 students at Rochester Memorial School engaged the members of the school and community with a concert celebrating music from around the world. With directors Ms. Audette and Mrs. Laprise along with piano accompanist Mrs. Sparklin, the students sang and danced to performances from across the globe and cultures. The variety of cultures included the countries of Uganda, Russia, Switzerland, Sweden, Israel, Tahiti, China, and Italy. Our student performers did an amazing job and showed so much pride in their performances! It was incredible to see how they were able to memorize all the different songs and dances from all the different countries. Thanks to our amazing music teachers the performance was an absolute success!
Curriculum Happenings
Our elementary teachers are into their second year of implementing the new IntoReading Core Literacy Program. As we continue to use this resource aligned with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, we are now starting to look at new High Quality Instructional Materials in mathematics for the elementary grades so that our math curriculum is aligned across all elementary districts before students enter our Junior High School (JrHS). Our JrHS math teachers are also working hard on their new Desmos Amplify mathematics which is one of the top HQIM we use with our students. Last, our grades 5-8 are in their last year of fully piloting all units provided for HQIM science. Thank you to all of our teachers not only for their hard work, but maintaining rigor and high expectations for our students.
Shari Fedorowicz
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
Office of Student Services
Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Intervention Plan
The Old Rochester Regional School District and MA Superintendency Union #55 is working to update their Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Intervention Plan. Each school district, charter school, non-public school, Department-approved private special education school, and collaborative school must create a Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (Plan) that prohibits bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation. The Plan is to include information on reporting, notice to parents and guardians, notice to law enforcement as necessary, and counseling strategies and procedures for creating safety plans for victims. Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plans must be updated every other year. (See M.G.L. c. 71, § 37O, added by Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2010.) When developing the Plan, school districts, charter schools, Department-approved private special education schools, and collaborative schools must give notice and provide for a public comment period.
The Old Rochester Regional School District and MA Superintendency Union #55 is seeking the public's feedback on the draft, proposed Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Intervention Plan. Please provide any feedback on this Google Form here by the end of the day today, January 31, 2025. Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback so far!
The Community Talks presentation titled, The New IEP- A Session for Parents, that was scheduled for January 27, 2025 was cancelled due to illness. We will share the new date and time once it becomes available.
As we continue to roll out the new IEP this year, please use the link provided in the meeting invitation you receive to view the new document. If you have any questions, please contact Jaime Curley at jaimecurley@oldrochester.org or 508-758-2772, ext 1942.
Superintendent's Goals
SMART Goal 1 – Supporting Teaching & Learning:
By June 2026, the Superintendent of Schools will collaborate with the Leadership Council to work towards the desired year five teaching & learning outcomes outlined in the adopted Vision2028 Strategic Plan and also supported by the two-year adopted School Improvement Plans.
SMART Goal 2 – Developing the Portrait of the Graduate:
By June 2026, the Superintendent of Schools will oversee and facilitate the engagement of school community stakeholders in the development and adoption of a system-wide Portrait of the Graduate – utilizing a strategic planning process. (A Portrait of the Graduate is a vision statement that outlines the skills, knowledge and attributes that students should have to succeed in college, career and life.)
SMART Goal 3 – Support Systems, Climate & Culture, Safe Schools:
By June 2026, the Superintendent of Schools will collaborate with the Leadership Council to work towards the desired year five support systems, climate & culture, and safe schools outcomes outlined in the adopted Vision2028 Strategic Plan also supported by the two-year adopted School Improvement Plans.
SMART Goal 4 – Professional Growth and School Community Communication:
By June 2026, the Superintendent of Schools through ongoing school visits and professional development learning opportunities will identify areas of growth for the school-system.
Kindergarten Registration Now Available
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Student Privacy in Schools
Our school community is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students regardless of their immigration status, the status of their family members, or any other measurable demographic. We are here to inspire all students to think, to learn, and to care.
Our school-system is fully compliant and supports Chapter 622 of the 1971 Massachusetts Legislative Acts, which prohibits discrimination in public school admissions and programs. The law reads as follows:
“No child shall be excluded from or discriminated against in admission to a public school of any town, or in obtaining the advantages, privileges and course of study of such public school on account of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, disability, pregnancy or a related condition, veteran status, age, or homelessness.”
The Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General has provided specific guidance and an informational flyer on ensuring equal access to education, ICE agent activity at schools and requests for information, protecting students and their information, and what to do if a student’s parents or guardians are detained. Our administrative team has received training on how to follow this guidance.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Superintendent's Office.
Project Grow Preschool Registration Now Open
Project GROW was established to provide high-quality pre-schooling to children in Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester. The program aims to provide children with a part-day, high-quality preschool experience in a public school setting and an inclusive learning environment for children with special needs. Read more.
Vision2028 Progress Update
At the Joint School Committee meeting, our administrative team provided an update on year one initiatives and plans for year two currently underway. View the presentation here.
Advertising Opportunity at ORR Campus
We are excited to launch our ORR Campus advertising opportunity! This opportunity allows businesses to advertise in visible locations on our campus while directly supporting our Bulldog Athletic Program. Please see the flyer below for more information or contact Chris Carrig at chriscarrig@oldrochester.org.
A Glimpse into the Engineering Courses at ORRHS
2025-2026 School Calendar
The 2025-2026 School Calendar was approved by the Joint School Committee earlier this month. We are grateful for the feedback received from stakeholders and the school committees' collaboration to approve next year's calendar. Click here to view the calendar.
In the School Community
DECA Advances to State competition in Boston in late Februray! Read more.
Grade 3 students at Sippican School recently learned about bee hives as part of our partnership with Marion Institute's Farm to School Grow Education Program. Read more.
Two talented artists from ORRHS are being celebrated for their artwork in the Emerging Young Artists and Designers 2025 Juried Exhibition. Works by juniors Alexis Barber and Dayvie Zuckerman were among 103 entries chosen from 800 pieces submitted by high school students around New England. Read more.
Did you know that our districts are served by five regular school committees? Recently, our school committees have been working on the FY2026 budget proposals for each town. Public hearings for each District's FY2026 budget will be held in March. Click here for the complete schedule, meeting resources and minutes. Upcoming meetings:
February 6th - Mattapoisett School Committee
February 27th - ORR School Committtee
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