Bulldog Paw Prints
November 22, 2024
Winter Weather; Outdoor Recess
As the weather changes, I'd like to send a couple recess reminders your way.
-As in past years, we will continue to have outdoor recess during the winter months so long as the weather permits AND so long as the real feel temperature is zero degrees or above. It will be important that students come to school dressed for the weather and that they have the appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear to stay safe and warm.
-At the times when we have snow, students will be able to head off of the blacktop to play in it. The key to that is that they are prepared. In order to play in the snow off of the blacktop areas, the students need to be wearing snow boots and snow pants/snowsuit.
Winter Weather Procedures in District 58
If winter weather requires schools to close, District 58 will promptly email and call all families and staff. The District will also post school closure information on the website, www.dg58.org, and social media channels.
District 58 has the option to use an e-learning day or an emergency day (also called snow day) during bad weather.
This year, District 58 will likely use e-learning days. E-learning days do not need to be made up at the end of the school year. District 58 needs to maximize the summer for referendum construction, so e-learning days would allow District 58 to keep on its construction schedule.
Learn more about District 58's winter weather procedures.
The Belle Aire Turkey
Our student council hosted an all-school activity as we prepare for Thanksgiving. Each student received one feather with a sentence starter to help them express what they are thankful for and why they are thankful for that. Our younger students who are learning to write created pictures to show what they are thankful for this year. Some examples of what students are thankful for include family, friends, school and pets because because they help them feel cared for, safe, loved and important.
November's All-School Meeting
We held our monthly, all-school assembly earlier this week, and we had a great time and got a lot accomplished.
*Two students from each classroom were recognized for being respectful, responsible and safe throughout the month.
Kdg. H: Andrew, Edison
Kdg. O: Ben, Lena
1S: Ella, Danno
1W: Lucy, Kate
2L: Inaya, Alex
2S: Aron; Adam
3F: Lucy, Nora
4C: Ava P, Ruth
4L: Angelique, Schaun Yiee
5DE: Evelyn, William
5DO: Kylee, Aaliyah
6B: Henry, Emma
6M: Martin, Ava
*We exceeded our all-school goal, and students will enjoy a special a board game in the upcoming month.
*The white team captured the school trophy for having the most amount of students dressed in their team's color.
*Ms, Amy won the championship belt for the white team during hte Minute-To-Win-It game (cup stacking), and those classrooms will share the belt during the upcoming month.
PTA Reflections Ceremony is Tuesday, December 3
Congratulations to the 11 Belle Aire students who advanced to the Council level of the PTA Reflections Art Program.
Hank P
Maggie M
Ahmir P
Brynn M
Kyla R
Henry H
Leonardo S
Nina G
Inaya M
Clara G
Lucy S
These students will be formally recognized at the District 58 PTA Reflections Ceremony on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at O’Neill Middle School. The public viewing of artwork will begin at 6:30 p.m., and the program starts at 7 p.m.
Please note: this week’s issue of Communicate 58 newsletter mentioned that all students who participated in Reflections would be recognized at the Reflections ceremony. The newsletter meant to say that individual school PTAs will recognize all student participants, but the Dec. 3 Reflections ceremony is intended specifically to celebrate students who advanced to the Council level. We are sorry for this mixup.
Through the Reflections program, young artists can create original artworks in a variety of mediums. Artwork submissions are judged and the finalists will advance to the regional level. Beyond the regionals, the top artworks advance to the state and national levels.
This year's Reflections theme is "Accepting Imperfection."
Report Cards Posted in PowerSchool Today, November 22
District 58 posted first trimester student report cards on the PowerSchool Parent Portal on Friday, Nov. 22. Printed report cards will no longer be sent home. Please use these instructions to learn how to find and view report cards.
You're invited to the Grove Express 5K Thanksgiving tradition
The Grove Express Foundation invites the District 58 community to join the annual Grove Express 5K family run/walk event on Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, Nov. 28, in downtown Downers Grove.
Since the Grove Express Foundation was established in 2021, it has proudly supported the Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58, the Rotary Club of Downers Grove, the Roadrunners Soccer Club, and its own scholarship program. Event proceeds will be invested in the Downers Grove community through education and youth programs, including in District 58.
Culver's Fun Lunch
PTA will be hosting an additional, bonus fun lunch in December. This one will be through Culver's! More information and the order forms are in the works, but I wanted to push the ingredients/nutritional information your way early as you consider this for your children. Stay tuned for the details.
Oreos as an alternate dessert option
Disclaimer from the restaurant guide:
Culver's restaurants are often busy and cross contact may occur between ingredients and between different menu items, including allergens, thus if you have any food allergies it is important that you are aware of the ingredients listed in all menu items.
Mark Your Calendars
Monday, November 25: 2:00 Dismissal; Field Trip (Grs. K-1)
Tuesday, November 26: Lunchtime Book Club (Gr. 4); PTA STEAM Club
Wednesday, November 27: No School
Thursday, November 28: No School
Friday, November 29: No School
Monday, December 2: School Resumes; 2:00 Dismissal
Tuesday, December 3: Lunchtime Book Club (Gr. 4); PTA STEAM Club
Wednesday, December 4: Lunchtime Book Club (Group 3B)
Thursday, December 5: Lunchtime Book Club (Group 3A); Kindness Club (Grs. 1-2); Student Council
Meeting (3:05-3:30 p.m.); Northside Schools Gr. 4 Orchestra Concert (7:00 p.m. at Herrick)
Friday, December 6: Culver's Fun Lunch (for those who ordered)
December 20: Classroom Holiday Parties
December 21-January 5: Winter Break