"Knightly" News
Washington Street Elementary - October 17, 2024
Upcoming Events
- 21: Fall Break - No School
- 22: PTO - Decorate Lobby for Halloween, 3 pm
- 23: No Delayed Start
- 28: PTO - Halloween Snack Prep, 9 am
- 28: Pumpkin Decorating Contest
- 29: Picture Retakes
- 29: Flavor Adventures - food sampling during lunch
- 31: Trail for Treaters (set up - 1:45 pm) & Halloween Parade - 2:15 pm
- 8: Popcorn Friday
- 12: 1/2 Day - Evening Conferences
- 13: 1/2 Day - Afternoon & Evening Conferences
- 14: 1/2 Day
- 15: No School
- 18: Stars Performance, OHS Auditorium - 7 pm
- 18-22: 4th & 5th Grade Swimming Unit
- 25-29: Thanksgiving Break - No School
New Visitor Sign-in Procedure
Our continued efforts to enhance security to keep our students and staff safe will include the implementation of a new visitor sign-in procedure called Raptor. This is for those visiting and spending time in our buildings.
Starting next week, if you are visiting the school, you will stop at the main office as usual.
With this new system, we will scan your ID to create a Visitor ID Label.
This label will have your photo, name and location within the building that you are visiting.
This allows others in the building to immediately know you are a welcome visitor in the school and have been checked in at the office.
At the end of your visit, stop back in the main office to sign out.
With Raptor, IDs will be screened against the registered sex offender databases and a custom database created/maintained by each school that could include banned/restricted visitors, individuals with restraining orders, etc. Adding this level of security does not add a lot of time to the sign-in process, but will provide an added layer of safety and comfort.
Bulldog P.R.I.D.E
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen as their classroom's PRIDE winner this week!
P - Positive Attitude
R - Responsible Actions
I - Integrity Within
D - Determination to Succeed
E - Expect Excellence
Kindergarten: Fordson Stender, McKenzie Bowe, Whitaker Froelich
1st grade: Brielle Herman, Mya Bushee
2nd grade: Wesley Weber, Gibson Bronkema, Earl Strope V
3rd grade: Parker Kuiper, Audrey Null, AJ Shumaker
4th grade: Adelia Fullam, Claire Planck, Keegan Knight
5th grade: Elijah Simonds, Thulay Paw, Seminole Root
Recess Dress Code
Flavor Adventures!
School Photos and Picture Retakes
Student pictures were sent home this week. Please check your child's take-home folder if you haven't received them.
Picture retake day is scheduled for October 29. Order forms are available in the office. If your child is having their picture retaken, please return the original picture package to the photographer on retake day.
Literacy Campaign Survey
Halloween is just around the corner, and we are thrilled to bring back our Halloween Parade & Trail for Treaters on Thursday, October 31! The costume parade will take place inside the building, at 2:15 pm, with spectators watching from the gymnasium.
The Trail for Treaters will feature stations throughout the building, giving parents a chance to hand out candy to students. Click on the sign up below to reserve a spot along the parade route to set up your station for candy distribution. Think of it as a "Trunk or Treat"—just without the trunks! 😉 Please plan to bring 460 treats. Set up begins at 1:45 pm.
Students should bring their costumes to school and will change before their classroom parties and the parade. It is important that your child can put on their costumes independently.
A quick reminder: Costumes must be non-violent, and weapon accessories or scary masks are not allowed. Additionally, due to allergies, spray-painted hair is prohibited.
We can’t wait to celebrate with you!
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Downtown Otsego Halloween Happenings...
Thanksgiving Baskets
Counselor's Corner
10 Tips to Boost Your Child’s Friendship Making Skills
Friends play an enormous part in our kids’ lives. The good news is that making friends involves skills which can be learned. Here are ways you can make a difference in your child’s social life.
Reinforce smiling! A trait that well-liked kids use often is to smile, so reinforce your child’s smiling efforts. “What a great smile!” or “That smile of yours always wins people over.”
Boost manners. When it comes to friends, manners do count and are appreciated by other parents.
Encourage listening. Listening lets a friend know another is concerned about their needs. Tell your child, “Focus on what your friend is saying. Hear their words!”
Teach deal breakers. Learning “Rock, Paper, Scissors,” flipping a coin, and “Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe” are great for reducing conflicts, breaking ties, and deciding who goes first.
Stress assertiveness. Encouraging kids to “look at the color of the speaker’s eyes” helps them appear more confident as well as interested in the speaker’s words.
Make time for play. Carve time into your child’s schedule for play dates and social interactions to expand social competence.
Practice introductions. “Hi! My name is John.” “Glad to meet you.” “You’re good at soccer.” “Do you live around here?” “Do you go to school here?”
Teach kindness. Popular kids care, share, and are helpful. Praise your child’s prosocial behaviors so she knows kindness matters.
Talk about emotions. Kids can’t care about others if they can’t recognize feelings. So, use emotions and words, and point out facial expressions, voice, tone, and body language.
Teach friendship skills. Friendship consists of skills like taking turns, having a conversation, joining a group, problem solving and listening. Choose one skill, explain the value, show how to use it and practice it until your child can use it alone. Add a new skill when that one is mastered.
Watch D.O.G.S.
Dine to Donate
Mileage Club
Milk is $.50 if your child brings a cold lunch and wants milk.
Sign Up for Mrs. Knight's Remind ASAP!
Washington Street Elementary Contact Information
Attendance Line: (269)694-7880
WSE BASE: (269)694-7835
Email: jknight@otsegops.org
Website: http://wse.otsegops.org/
Location: 538 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, United States