The Weekly Update 9/20/2024
The Weekly Update 9/20/2024

Kindergarten kicked off the SWPBIS assembly in their pod.
The positive behavior plans were reviewed, and the students were involved by answering questions and sharing ideas.
Mrs. Geers
Students are now receiving Tawanka Tokens and Certificates to recognize their positive behavior. Tawanka Teachers are watching to catch students being good everywhere. Please encourage positive behavior at home with your child.
Three students received prizes for turning in the slip that their parents signed for reviewing the school behavior plan.
Mrs. Banks
Mrs. Banks’ Kindergarten class showing Eagles pride.
First Grade
Mrs. Mannherz
Learning Centers are in full swing in Mrs. Mannherz's 1st Grade class! We are working on Encoding Practice, Spelling Sorts, Sentences, Vocabulary and Reading/Writing Words.
Second Grade
Mrs. Wendling
Scenes from Second Grade!
Third Grade
Mrs. Tryon
Mrs. Tryon‘s class has been learning about force and motion by using magnets. After completing several different investigations, they were challenged to find and use the magnetic field and create a “bouncing magnet.” We had some success!!
Fourth Grade
Mrs. Blaydon
Our Fourth Graders are busy working hard leading the way for Tawanka by being respectful, responsible,
and safe. These students were randomly selected to receive an award for turning in the SWPBIS contract!
Mrs. Cromwell
Mrs. Cromwell's Class is learning about energy and how electricity works to bring us light.
Ms. McHugh
The students in Ms. McHugh's room began experimenting with water on different surfaces as we venture into our water unit in Science.
Mrs. Woltemate
Mrs. Woltemate's class is having fun with their first science experiment of the year testing water on different surfaces.
Ms. Sherwin (Art)
Kindergarten is learning about lines and how they are used to create shapes. This is Mrs. Geers class working hard to finish their rainbows!
Mr. Wright (Gym)
Tawanka students are learning and practicing eye-foot coordination in the gym.
What to expect on picture day
- When an order is placed online, the parent/guardian will receive a camera pass via email. This can be printed for the student to bring to picture day. The photographer will photograph the printed camera pass along with the student.
- If a student is not able to print their camera pass, that is not a problem. We will match up the student to their order manually in the production process.
- A parent may order from the flyer up until 24 hours after picture day. After 24 hours, the online ordering access may close. This will allow our imaging team to "Pull" all orders submitted and match them with the students photographed.
- When pictures are returned to school, all students that purchased pictures will receive their prepaid package. Any student that was photographed but did not order a package, will receive a "Proof" (PX) of their picture that was taken on picture day.
All proof packages offer parents a second opportunity to order prints. All orders are subject to shipping and handling costs of up to $8.50 and will be shipped directly to home.
Access School Picture Day Flyer and Web Banner
Access the site by clicking here: www.pictureportal.org or copy and paste this into your Chrome browser. Be sure to bookmark this for easy use in the future. Google Chrome is the required browser to run this site, when logging in if you do not have Chrome you can safely download it from the link on the login page.
Then click on Photo Events on the left menu. Find the event for your upcoming picture day (school pictures, class groups, etc.). Click the View (first icon) to download the Flyer or to resend the email for your web banner link.
If you do not have your login information, on the login screen you can click Forgot Password to have your password reset and emailed to you.
Tawanka Book Fair & Ice Cream Night
October 15th
From the School Nurse
If your child has a fever, please keep them home until their temperature is less than 100 degrees for 24 hours without medication.
Do not send a child to school who has been vomiting during the night or in the morning before school. It takes more than a few hours to recuperate from an intestinal ailment. This is best for your child and reduces the exposure to other students.
If your child has an injury requiring a cast, brace, crutches, or other supportive devices, PLEASE ask their doctor for a note listing activity restrictions while at school. Contact the nurse’s office before your child returns to school.
Please consider sending in spare clothing and underwear for your child. Accidents and spills happen every day! They can be kept at the nurse’s office or classroom.
Required exams:
Dental exams are needed Kindergarten and again in third grade.
Physical exam needed upon entry to kindergarten.
OR for transferring students if exams were not completed or sent from their prior school. Reminder letters will be sent if we do not have the necessary forms on file.
Medication (prescription or over the counter) cannot be given at school without a doctor’s order/ note. Medication must be in a labeled pharmacy container.
Links for nursing forms: Nursing Department Forms
Please email calexis@neshaminy.org or call with any questions or concerns 215-809-6316 school fax 215-809-6353
PTO News
Community resources available for those in need!
If your family is in need of financial assistance, we have a few resources to offer that may be able to help.
Feasterville Rotary donates new coats to children who may need them. Please contact a staff member listed below by October 10th to order your coat.
Free lunch applications, list of Food Pantries, heating assistance, and other community resources are available as well.
We will be contacting clubs and organizations in the area on your behalf to make a truly “Happy Holiday” for your family. Since we do not know how many organizations will respond to our appeal, we cannot guarantee the type or the amount of gifts your children will receive. These donations may be in the form of food, gifts or gift certificates.
Please contact the nurse’s office or our guidance counselors for further information.
Nurse 215-809-6316 calexis@neshaminy.org ddisandro@neshaminy.org
Guidance counselors cdonnelly@neshaminy.org mkovak@neshaminy.org
Any information shared will remain confidential.
Title 1
Save the date for...
Soaring to Success: Connecting Home and School to Support Your Child's Reading and Math Skills
Join us on October 2nd for Tawanka's Annual Federal Programs and Title I Fall Meeting, where we look at ways to connect home and school to ensure our Tawanka Eagles SOAR TO SUCCESS this school year!
When: Wednesday October 2, 2024 at 9:30am on Zoom OR at 6:00pm in Tawanka's Library (immediately before the PTO Meeting)
Childcare and refreshments will be provided! We will also have raffles, parent resources, and FREE BOOK giveaways for all parents who attend! Contact Andrea Gansor (agansor@neshaminy.org) or Beth Smith (bsmith@neshaminy.org) with any questions.
Title I Fall Meeting Invite.pdf
Don't forget to apply for Free Lunch!
Your child might be eligible to receive free meals while at school! Families must reapply every year, so even if your child received free meals in the past, you must complete a new application for the 2024-2025 school year. Click here to complete an online application or visit the Neshaminy Food Services website for more information.
Tawanka Parent Resource Center
Did you know Tawanka has FREE RESOURCES for parents in the front office? Tawanka's Parent Resource Center is located in the corner of the front office, immediately to the left when you enter the building. There are resources available for reading, math, and child development, as well as a lending library for parents with books on a variety of parenting and child-development topics. Next time you're at Tawanka, be sure to check it out!
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year from Tawanka's Title I Team!
Tawanka is a Title I School, which means that we receive federal funding to improve educational opportunities and help our students meet the state performance standards in language arts and math. As a schoolwide Title I school, our Title I funds and services provide support to all students and families in our building. If you have any questions about Tawanka's Title I programs, please visit the Title I page on our school website or email one of our Title I Reading Specialists (Andrea Gansor - agansor@neshaminy.org / Beth Smith - bsmith@neshaminy.org).
Your child may be eligible for FREE meals at school! You can visit Neshaminy's Food Services website to learn more, or click here to sign up online to see if your child is eligible. If you need an application in a language other than English, please contact Tawanka's front office.
Below you will find a copy of Tawanka's Right to Know Letter for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review this letter to learn more about requesting information about the qualifications of your child's teacher and school and state assessments.