Spartan Newsletter
September 2022
Empowering & equipping the leaders of tomorrow in the disciplines of academic excellence & social responsibility
Standards Referenced Grading Update
Columbia Public Schools is working toward a goal that behavior be reported separately from academic achievement. Both are incredibly important to future success of our students. They are each so important that we'd prefer to communicate about each of them separately. So this year, you will see that almost all of the gradebooks in Home Access are separated into two categories: Evidence of Learning and Workplace Readiness.
Our "Evidence of Learning" category will be weighted between 90% and 100% of a student's overall grade. This category is a collection of artifacts (projects, assessments, essays, etc.) that represent student learning as measured by the learning standards.
The "Workplace Readiness" category will be weighted between 0% and 10% of a student's overall grade. This is a collection of academic or workplace behaviors/skills. IPRs and Report Cards will also have Conduct and Effort measurements included for all students in all classes.
Conduct & Effort
Battle High School Conduct & Effort Scoring Guide (for students and families)
SRG Gradebook Reminder
October 5th - Student Surveys
During the course of our Fall Semester, we have several surveys that we are required to administer at the high school level for all students. Each is uniquely valuable and relevant for your child’s education. In order to maximize instructional time for your student(s), we have made the decision to administer 3 surveys in a single school day spreading them out over the course of all 4 blocks.
On October 5th, your student(s) will spend approximately 15-20 minutes in all 4 classes completing three separate surveys. Below is some information about each survey.
· Student Checklist-This will help our school determine where students may need additional supports in developing strong social, emotional, and academic skills. This survey will be administered during Block 1.
· District Climate Survey-This survey is required of school districts by the state of Missouri. It asks 12 questions centered around the students’ school experiences, including “My opinion is heard and respected at this school” and “The school’s discipline rules are fair.” This survey will be administered during block 2
· EOS Survey-Survey questions will address students’ views on their coursework, their school experience, and the ways in which our school supports their educational goals. This survey will be split between blocks 3 and 4.
As with all surveys administered in CPS, families have the ability to opt out if they choose. (opting out instructions) If you’ve already completed this form for the 2022-23 school year, you do not need to do it again.
If your student is absent for any period on October 5th, they will be able to access the appropriate survey (all surveys) through their student portal.
The Future of CPS: Growth, Innovation, & Achievement .
Please join us. You're invited to be a part of an important conversation about The Future of Columbia Public Schools: Growth, Innovation & Achievement hosted by Columbia Public Schools.
Please join us on October 6th for a world café-style discussion about how we put our scholars first and measure success.
October 6, 2022
6-8 p.m. Community Conversation
Stoney Creek Inn
RSVP here:
Questions: Contact Community Relations (573) 214-3960 or
We’re focused on planning for the future and preparing every scholar to be college-, career-, and life-ready when they graduate from Columbia Public Schools. Participate and collaborate with our public schools in a world café-style community meeting, where small group discussions can take place and ideas will be shared about how to put scholars first in the areas of growth, innovation, and achievement.
Hope you can attend so we can gain from your input.
Thank you!
Columbia Public Schools