Teaching and Learning Innovation
Happenings and Resources
Fall 2013- ISLAS Workshops
Using Video to Engage Students- September 24th @5:00pm-7:00pm
This workshop will introduce 3 methods of creating and using personal video messages to increase student engagement and success in your course. We will examine, Eyejot, YouTube webcam recording and Screencast-o-matic as programs that can be used to send students video based communication.
A Closer Look at Blended Coursework-October 10th @3:00pm-5:00pm
This workshop will introduce faculty to the idea of blended learning in which a portion of course content is provided online rather than face-2-face. We will examine different models for organizing blended learning and look at examples of effective blended courses at CI.
Additional happenings will be announced via email.
Ongoing Resources and Support
Scoop It- The Scoop It site is a curated magazine about teaching and learning with technology.
ATS YouTube - The Academic Technology YouTube site houses tutorials for using CI Learn and a collection of videos created by CI faculty demonstrating how they use emerging technologies. Videos are added regularly.
CI Learn Support: If you need support for CI Learn email CIlearnsupport@csuci.edu or call (805) 437-3571.
Course Design Support: If you are interested in redesigning your course to integrate more interactive online components contact Jill.leafstedt@csuci.edu or Chris.mattia@csuci.edu.
Learning and Technology Blog: When time permits, this blog is updated by Jill with ideas for teaching and learning.
Blended Learning
Winter Break Blended Learning Preparation Mini (blpp) -3 day workshop in January. Dates to be announced.
Spring Semester Blended Learning Preparation Program (BLPP)- Semester long program that meets every other week throughout spring semester.
Want to know more...
Teaching without Walls Blog
Teaching Naked
Blended Learning Toolkit
The Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR)
Jill Leafstedt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Education
Email: jill.leafstedt@csuci.edu
Location: 1364 Madera Hall
Phone: 805-437-2792
Twitter: @jleafstedt
Chris Mattia
Email: chris.mattia@csuci.edu
Location: Solano 2212
Phone: 805-437-8924
Twitter: @cmmattia