Finger Lake Newsletter
November 2024
- November 4 - Parent Conference Day (No School for Students)
- November 5 - Professional Learning Day (No School for Students)
- November 11 - Veterans Day Holiday (No School)
- November 19 & 20 Books and Breakfast
- November 28 & 29 - Thanksgiving Holiday
- December 18 - Winter Music Concerts (During School Day Student's Specials)
- December 19 - End of Semester 1
- December 20 - Staff Work Day (No School for Students)
Parent Teacher Conferences
There is no school on November 4th and 5th. Teachers have sent information to parents to schedule conferences. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have questions.
School Closure Zone Info
Curious about a school closure or possibly about after-school activities? Click here for the most current information regarding school closures. This will also show you which zone your school is located in. For example, Finger Lake Elementary is located in Region 2 while Teeland Middle School is located in Region 3. This site would be a good one to have bookmarked and easily accessible as we move into the winter months with more inclement weather.
The link is also here:
The GoGuardian Parent app is a mobile app designed to provide parents/guardians insight and control over their student's online activity when on school-managed devices and accounts.
The GoGuardian Parent app provides you with an additional set of internet controls that you can set for out-of-school hours. GoGuardian Parent was created to help provide students with additional educational support and is a companion to the classroom engagement and internet filtering tools that our schools use.
To access the app, please follow the link below
Green Zone Survey Results
We appreciate your feedback on the recent survey. The majority of parents prefer to pick up their students in the gym rather than outside in the Green Zone, so we will continue this practice for the remainder of the year. Next year, we will implement the Pick My Kid app for check-ins in the Green Zone, similar to how we do for the Blue Zone.
Morning Drop Off Procedures
We are seeing some safety concerns in the morning and would like to review the expectations for morning drop off.
First, please decide what drop off area is right for your family.
If your student(s) can open their own door and have their backpacks and supplies ready to go once you stop, then curbside drop off is an option for your students.
Curbside drop and go procedures:
*Pull into the school and head towards the front office loop.
*Once you stop at the sidewalk, students are to exit cars immediately and then walk to the front entrance of the school via the sidewalk.
* Wait for the cars in front of you to move. Do not go around another vehicle to ensure the safety of the students.
* If your student cannot be ready when you stop, and cannot open their own door, please use the Park and Walk method.
If your student(s) are unable to exit the vehicle by themselves or are unable to be prepared to get out when your vehicle stops at the curb, then park and walk is the option to use.
Park and Walk:
*Pull into the school and park in the lower parking lot area
*Walk your student to the crosswalk (Do not allow students to walk through the parking lot without an adult)
*Students may cross on their own or with you when the crossing guard signals that it is safe.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with items. If your student is missing anything, please have them check the lost and found. It is located in the back hallway past the gym. Parents are welcome to check for lost items at any time.
Books and Breakfast
Please join us for this free Title 1 event in the Gym at Finger Lake Elementary on Tuesday, November 19th or Wednesday, November 20th from 8:30am-9:00am for a light breakfast and a book giveaway.
We have some great winter themed books to give to students that show up and will provide a light breakfast, at no charge to you.
This is a family event, so students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No drop offs allowed.
Our Principal, Mrs. Palmer and Instructional Coach, Ms. McDonald, will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding I- Ready, the Alaska Reads Act and our Title 1 plan.
Dress for Recess!
It is that time of year to pull out heavier coats, hats, gloves and winter boots. Recess is 30 minutes and we want to ensure all students are prepared for winter conditions. Please let us know if you are unable to provide appropriate winter gear for your child.
Per district policy, we go out to recess unless it is colder than -10 degrees (including windchill). Thank you!
Falcon Nest Meeting
Our next Falcon Nest meeting with Principal Palmer will be held at the begining of December!
More information will be included in the December Newsletter.
Do You Qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch?
Please take a moment to fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch application. Every application helps our school! Thank you!
FLE Winter Music Concerts! Mark your calendars!
Winter Music Concerts will be on December 18th
Concerts will take place during the school day.
Students will perform as grade levels during their regular specials time during the school day.
Congratulations to Our October, Students of the Month!
Students were nominated by their teachers for having H.E.A.R.T. by following the guideline for success!
Aria Murray- Mrs. Furlong
Desmond Mozingo- Mrs. Furlong
Ava Harding - Mrs. Sibal
Haven Ekle - Ms. Hesley
Addison Bahneman- Mrs. Samaniego
1st Grade
Jaxon Briles - Ms. Davis
Taysom Coombs - Mrs. Johnson
Isla Rathburn - Mrs. Allen
2nd Grade
Jaxton Pitot - Mr. Dressel
Jaxson Mouritsen - Mrs. Dorame
Cove Saxon - Mrs. Haugland
3rd Grade
Mercy Nunley - Mrs. Kane
Noah Lugo - Mrs. Lovejoy
Atigun Mackey - Ms. Holman
4th Grade
Jaxon Finch - Ms. Eckel
Gracyn Littlefair - Mrs. Carrington
Harper Gangstad - Mrs. Wolfer
Wyatt Henkel - Mrs. Vertel
5th Grade
Joseph Cook - Mr. Rhys
Chase Leatham - Ms. Maresh
Staff Shenanigans!
Students and parents may have noticed a few shenanigans happening in the building on October 15th! FLE staff held our first "Staff Shenanigan's Day". Each month there will be a secret theme. October was Staff in Black! Keep those eyes open wide and see if you notice which day FLE staff are sneaking in some shenanigans!