Principal's Newsletter
August 2024

Hello - this is a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have a student at, or have expressed an interest in, Glenbard West High School. Communication between Glenbard West and our families and community is very important to us. Don't forget to add gw_news@glenbard.org to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! Please email any questions directly to Glenbard Staff, we are happy to respond.
Hilltopper Community,
I know I speak for all of us here at Glenbard West when I tell you that we can’t wait to welcome students back to the hilltop for the 2024-25 school year. I look forward to greeting students in the hallways later this week for our back-to-school days and freshman orientation. You can find more information on both below.
As we shift our mindset from summer to school mode, I thought it best to once again highlight the changes for our students this year.
Later Start Time: First period will begin at 8 AM every day of the week. If your student rides the bus to school, you can find their updated pickup time in PowerSchool.
Hybrid Block Schedule: Glenbard is shifting to a hybrid block schedule for the 2024-25 school year. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays will look the same as they did last school year, with eight periods of forty-three minutes each day. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, students will attend four periods of ninety minutes each day—odd numbered periods on Wednesday and even numbered periods on Thursday. Today we shared a video with students that guides them through the week’s schedule as it appears to them in PowerSchool. You can see that video here.
Collaboration Hour: On block days, all students will be assigned a lunch (A, B, or C) during the third block of the day. Students' regular lunch period—either 4, 5, or 6—will become a free period to be used as a study hall or opportunity to seek additional resources. For juniors and seniors in good academic standing, this period can be an early release or late arrival with parent consent. The consent form can be found within the registration process in PowerSchool. Please note: this privilege is only available to juniors and seniors and can be revoked by school administration if there are academic or behavior concerns.
iPads, Internet, and Cell Phones: In an effort to help students focus on learning, our district has increased its web content filtering at school and limited some features of student iPads. Students no longer have access to the App Store or to FaceTime and iMessage. The only apps available to students come from Glenbard’s App Hub. Additionally, it will be an expectation that cell phones and earbuds are not visible or in use while students are in the classroom. I’ll send additional information next week on how this will be enforced throughout the building.
As always, thank you for reading our newsletter. Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions or concerns.
Go West!
Ben Peterselli
August 7th
Back to School Day
Sophomores and Juniors
Freshman Meet & Greet
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Glenside Public Library
August 8th
Back to School Day
Freshman and Seniors
August 9
Freshman Orientation
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
August 15th
First Day of School
Pep Rally
Ice Cream Social
August 16th
Circle Drive Dance
7:00 - 10:00 pm
August 29th
Back to School Open House
5:30 - 8:30 pm
August 30th
Early Dismissal
1:00 pm
Hello Students!
There is no better way to kick off the school year than attending our annual Circle Drive Dance! Students can only enter the dance if they purchase a ticket or if they have a West Nation membership pass. Please see the information and flyer below.
Tickets will be sold Friday, August 16th during all lunch hours in the cafeteria
Students will not be allowed to enter the dance after 8pm
Students who attend the dance must stay until 9pm
We look forward to seeing you there!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. We look forward to working with your student to make this year successful and rewarding. The comprehensive information below will make the process as simple and convenient as possible. Our first attendance day for students is Thursday, August 15, 2024.
Ready to begin registration through PowerSchool? Click here.
(If you have trouble creating a PowerSchool account, please view these instructions.)
August 9: Registration & Payment Due
August 7-8: Back to School Week
August 9: Freshmen Orientation
August 15: First Day of School – Full Day
Required Fees:
- $250 – Registration & fees (Prompt pay fee of $225 if paid in full by midnight on August 9, 2024) – fee includes registration; all course fees; student activity pass and digital handbook.
- $174 – iPad rental fee* for freshmen & sophomores (as a result of increased cost from our vendor).
- $149 – iPad rental fee* for juniors & seniors
- $85 – Digital curriculum fee
*iPad rental fee: Fee includes device, charger, case, insurance coverage, and loaner program. After the family has made four annual rental payments over the student’s career at Glenbard and the student’s account is paid in full the device will become the property of the student. In other words, this is a rent-to-own program.
Deadline: Families must complete online registration and payment by midnight on August 9, 2024. Registration and payments received after this date will pay the $250 Registration & Fee charge versus the prompt pay fee of $225.
PE Uniform & Lock: PE uniform and & lock will be provided to all incoming freshmen. The PE uniform & lock charge of $24 will be directly billed to you for online payment. If needed, returning students will be able to purchase PE uniforms and lock once school is in session.
Advanced Placement (AP) Fee Process & One Free Test: Glenbard charges the AP exam fee through the registration process in the summer, along with the other student fees. The AP exam is $99 each; AP Seminar & AP Research exams are $147 each. Our School Board has made the investment to pay for the cost of the first AP exam for every student, so families will only be responsible for paying the AP exam fee for their student’s additional exams each year. Families will have the opportunity to ‘opt out’ of the exam and fee by November 15, 2024 or March 15, 2025 for 2nd semester-only AP courses. After these dates, families will be responsible for a $40 unused/canceled exam fee. If you are in need of financial assistance for AP Exam Fees, please contact the building Assistant Principal for Instruction, Sara Kush.
Optional Fees: The athletic participation fee is $175 per student, per year. The fee allows your student to participate in unlimited sports. Yearbooks are available for purchase through the online registration & payment process. Students that sign up for the Behind the Wheel portion of Drivers Education will be charged $350. Parking passes are limited and the annual fee is $200.
Payment of Fees: It is the policy of the Glenbard Board of Education that prior to the first official day of class families should pay fees in full. Payments are due by midnight on August 9, 2024 for families to realize the prompt-pay discount of $25. The online registration process will guide you through the registration and payment process. Families that cannot pay in full due to financial circumstances should refer to the Financial Assistance Programs referenced below.
Payment Plan: Glenbard allows families to set up monthly payment plans for school fees. Families can choose their monthly payment amount. We encourage you to select the optional $175 athletic fee if you anticipate your child playing a sport so it is included in the payment plan. If the payment minimum of $100 per month cannot be met, please contact the Business Office.
National School Breakfast and Lunch Program (Free Meals):
Families that are eligible for the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program (Free Meals) must apply each year for approval. Applications for the program can be submitted using our on-line application form by visiting this link. If you believe you are eligible, please complete the on-line application form for submission. If you have questions regarding this program, please contact the Assistant Principal for Student Services Office.
Waiver of School Fees:
Families that receive SNAP, TANF, or Income Eligible Medicaid should be directly certified for waiver of fees by our business office. Families can also apply for a waiver of student fees if they meet the household income eligibility requirements. Families can apply online for a fee waiver. Information can be found by visiting this link.
Extended Summer Hours: Daytime and evening hours are available this summer if you need assistance completing the waiver application. Staff will be available from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. to assist you on July 25 and July 30.
Residency Verification: All families must verify residency each year prior to registering for school. Residency verification was due June 13. Glenbard verified 95% of our students’ residency electronically. If we could not electronically verify your residency, you should have received a letter in the mail from us in May, requiring you to verify residency in person or by mail by the due date referenced above. Residency procedures are located in the Parents section of our website, under the Registration section. Verification of residency protects all of our families and ensures that only students that live in our school district boundaries attend Glenbard schools. It is illegal to attend school in a district where you are not a resident. Contact the Assistant Principal for Student Services (APSS) at school for more information.
Remember to send your student a form of payment for classroom materials for any past-due fees. Check, cash, or Visa/MasterCard are accepted. Please make checks payable to Glenbard West High School - students will fill in the amount owed and will receive a receipt for their purchase. If using a check as payment, be sure your student has multiple checks for all yearbooks, West Nation passes, Booster family Activity passes, Glenbard Gear, and any other items of interest, as they are all purchased separately.
PICTURES: Student ID photos taken during Back-to-School Days and will also be used as your student’s yearbook picture. Students should dress neatly and in good taste. We will communicate these details along with other Back-to-School Week information in the coming weeks.
STUDENT ID REQUIREMENTS: Students will be required to carry, and present upon request, their student ID to any Glenbard Staff Member. Student IDs are required for entry to the building, to get on the bus, lunch purchase, library and lab check-in, etc.
Dear student and parent(s),
Welcome to Glenbard West! We know that the transition into high school is exciting, but also has its challenges. For that reason, West has designed a mandatory new student orientation to provide our incoming freshmen and new students with the best opportunity for success. New Student Orientation will take place on Friday, August 9, 2024. Orientation will begin at 8am in the Biester Gym. All freshmen/new students are required to attend New Student Orientation.
All freshmen/new students will attend orientation sessions led by the Glenbard West Staff and West Mentor Leaders. Our Mentors have undergone several hours of training so that they can assist freshmen students with this transition and provide them with the information needed to successfully begin high school at Glenbard West.
Sessions held at the orientation will acquaint students with members of the staff, allow students the opportunity to meet other freshman students, provide an overview of the academic resources available to students, explain extracurricular opportunities, introduce students to the culture and traditions of Glenbard West, and provide recommendations for academic success and practical tips to help your student succeed at Glenbard West.
On August 9th, bus transportation to orientation will be provided. At Registration on Thursday, August 8th, freshmen will receive information about their bus routes and times (if applicable). Buses will pick students up at their assigned stops, and will transport students back to their regular stops at the conclusion of New Student Orientation.
Please encourage your student to eat a healthy breakfast before attending orientation. Students do not need to bring anything to orientation, including iPads. Students will be asked to put their cell phones away during the program. Students should wear comfortable shoes and clothing for walking around the building and being active.
On behalf of the Senior Mentors, Faculty and Staff, we welcome you to the Glenbard West Family and look forward to meeting you on August 9th.
Peter Baker
Assistant Principal for Student Services
August 8: Registration
August 9: New Student Orientation
Senior Mentor PLC Meetings: On these days, freshmen are required to remain at school from 2:20 p.m. to 3:05 p.m. for additional enrichment activities. Buses will be provided for students at the conclusion of the meetings.
Tuesday, August 27th
Tuesday, September 10th
Tuesday, October 15th
Tuesday, November 19th
- Tuesday, December 10th
iPad, Charger & Case:
All incoming freshmen and transfer students will receive an iPad to manage coursework. Glenbard will ship your iPad and training information to your residence after you have registered, paid your fees and/or signed up for a payment plan. We strongly encourage families to register as early as possible so that your student has more time to train on their device prior to the first day of school.
Returning students that had an iPad for the 2023-24 school year are responsible for maintaining their device in good working order and will use their device for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. Returning students should run all software updates prior to the first day of school. If you experience technical issues with your iPad contact the technical support help desk at 630-942-7777.
Digital Curriculum/Applications: Glenbard provides students with digital curriculum (digital textbooks, digital novels, digital workbooks) and applications (Schoology, our learning management system; etc.) that the student will use for their coursework.
Note: Certain courses may still require non-digital materials (hardbound textbooks; paperback novels or workbooks). If your student needs these non-digital materials, we will provide them at no additional charge. Textbooks must be returned by the student in good condition at semester end (semester classes) or by year-end for (full term classes), or fines could apply. These materials will be provided to your student once school is in session.
Providers: Glenbard contracts with Safeway Transportation for regular education transportation services. Hopewell Inc. provides transportation services for our special education transportation needs.
Routes: Glenbard uses transportation routing software to lower transportation costs and increase efficiency. Bus routes may be different from one school year to the next as routes are re-evaluated. Route information for your student will be available online, on your school website.
Bus Route Information: Students that are eligible for free transportation (living 1.5 miles or further from Glenbard West High School) will find their bus route number as well as pick-up and drop-off times and locations on their schedules at Back-to-School Week. Additional transportation information can be found on Glenbard’s Bus Information page.
Student ID - Ridership Requirements: Students are required to present upon request their student ID to any bus driver or Glenbard staff member. Students not able to produce their ID will be required to receive a temporary pass to ride the PM bus. Students not able to produce their ID will be referred to the Deans Office for appropriate consequences. Students will be responsible for riding their designated buses. Bus drivers and school administrators will deny requests for students to ride other routes than previously assigned unless pre-approved by the Deans’ office.
Freshmen Only: All freshmen students are required to provide an updated school physical for freshman year as part of enrollment. This physical is to be turned into the health office by July, 15 2024. This physical must be less than 1 year old at the start of the school year (freshman physicals can be accepted that are dated on/after 8/15/2023). click here for physical specifics and needed immunizations.
Seniors Only: All seniors must show proof of having two doses of the meningococcal vaccine with the first dose on or after the 10th birthday and the second on or after the 16th birthday. If the first dose was given after the 16th birthday only one is required. Proof of the meningococcal vaccine is to be turned into the health office by July, 15 2024. click here for additional information.
Insurance: District 87 provides “school-time” accident insurance protection for your student as part of its current insurance program. “School time” includes the school day while your student is attending academic school sessions and up to one hour before and one hour after regular classes. Your student is protected during school-sponsored activities as well, which further includes travel directly or indirectly and uninterruptedly to and from such school activity. Note: This coverage does not include interscholastic tackle football. Benefits are secondary to all other collectible insurance policies. Accidents or injuries must be reported to the appropriate teacher, coach, trainer, or nurse as soon as possible. Accidents that are not reported within 30 days of the accident will not be covered by the insurance carrier. Medical insurance is the responsibility of parents. This insurance program is for “school-time” accidents only. Optional coverage can be purchased for two programs: 24-Hour Optional Student Accident Coverage and Grade 9-12 Interscholastic Tackle Football. Insurance brochures are available during Back-to-School Week or can be received by calling the school.
AP Guide for Families, Volume One
If your student is planning to take any AP courses this year, please be sure to read and familiarize yourself with Volume One of our AP Guide for Families. You’ll find all relevant information about exam registration for year-long and first semester AP courses, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. For any other questions, please contact the office of the Assistant Principal for Instruction: 630-942-7471. For AP-related updates, please join our Remind by texting @gbwaptest to the number 81010 or clicking here.
Annual Freshman Meet & Greet
We hope all of our incoming freshman students and families can join us at the Glenside Public Library at 25 E. Fullerton Avenue in Glendale Heights on Wednesday, August 7th starting at 6:30pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet some of our staff members and mingle with other incoming freshman families. There is also a raffle for students to win Glenbard West gear. We hope you can make this wonderful event for incoming freshman families!
Save the Date for Our Back to School Open House: Thursday, August 29th
We are excited to welcome parents to Glenbard West with our annual Open House on Thursday, August 29th from 5:30 PM to 8:25 PM. Please plan to join us for this opportunity to hear from school counselors, walk your student’s schedule, meet their teachers, and learn more about course content and other school programs. Additional details will be communicated later in August. The following day, Friday, August 30th, we will run an early dismissal schedule with students released at 1:00 pm.
State Testing Information
It is important to note that, beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the state of Illinois will require students to take the school-day ACT as a graduation requirement. This will necessitate some changes to the testing calendar for the class of 2026:
Friday, October 25, 2024: Optional PSAT/NMSQT. Students will be required to complete this opt-in survey before Friday, August 30th to ensure testing materials can be ordered before the deadline. There is no additional cost for this exam.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024: Practice ACT for Juniors. Students will be automatically registered at no additional cost.
Wednesday, April 9, 2025: preACT testing for freshmen and sophomores.
Thursday, April 10, 2025: School-day ACT for Juniors. Students will be automatically registered at no additional cost.
We are confident this plan will help students to both prepare for the ACT in their Junior year and understand their own strengths in the knowledge and skill targets that are central to the exam. Both the ACT and SAT are aligned with Glenbard West’s curricula.
Welcome back to another exciting school year at Glenbard West! We are thrilled to have your child as a valued member of our community. At our school, we take pride in offering a wide range of enriching extracurricular activities that fit the diverse interests of our students.
Our mission is to foster a strong sense of belonging among all students by encouraging them to explore their passions and engage in various activities, clubs, arts, theater, and athletics. Research shows that involvement in organized activities plays a crucial role in improving mental health and overall well-being. Students who pursue interests or passions are going to experience reduced stress levels, increased mood, and a decreased likelihood of suffering from depression.
In addition, participating in extracurriculars provides an excellent opportunity for students to get active and involved, promoting feelings of happiness and relaxation. Whether it’s through sports, artistic endeavors, or club participation, these group activities contribute to improving social awareness, enhancing relationship skills, and creating a sense of belonging to the school.
We truly believe that by taking part in our extracurriculars, your child will not only grow academically, but also develop essential life skills that will benefit them both in and outside of the classroom.
Together, let’s make this school year a great one! It is our sincere hope that all students at Glenbard West have a great experience. If your student is interested in becoming more involved, please check out the Clubs and Activities Page.
In addition to being involved in extracurriculars, we place a high emphasis in wellness and mental health. If you recognize that your student is struggling, please feel free to contact the appropriate staff member listed below to seek support, guidance, and necessary resources.
Back row: Max Hufnagle, Nisa Gabbidon, Jaclyn Reeves, Pam Hagstrom, Deandra Bass
Front row: Lisa Cunningham, Jessica Walters, Peter Baker, Amanda Meyer, Bridget Mazzone
All fall sports begin on Monday August 12, 2024. Fall sports include Boys and Girls Cross Country, Boys and Girls Golf, Football, Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball, Girls Tennis, Girls Swimming and Girls Field Hockey. Please look for specific practice times that will be posted on our athletic website as we get closer to the season. Information will also be available at registration week.
In order to participate, registration must be completed on the parent portal for PowerSchool which includes the Athletic Code agreement and concussion awareness agreement. A physical is valid for 13 months from the examination date and must be on file and remain up-to-date with the Athletic Office for the entirety of the season. The Glenbard West Athletic Handbook can be found on the Athletic website as well.
Please note that our mandatory Fall Parent Athlete Meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 20, at 6:30pm scheduled for the Auditorium. You will learn important updates with regards to fall sports, Booster involvement, and our District wide GPS series. This will help both new and returning athletes and their families familiarize themselves with Glenbard West Athletics as we get ready for a great year.
Glenbard District 87 is pleased to partner with OrganicLife as our new food service provider. Information regarding OrganicLife, menu offerings, and nutrition/allergen information will be available on your high school’s website this summer.
After July 1, 2024, we encourage you to visit www.pushcoin.com to sign up for the prepayment option with their easy-to-use system.
Please note that for the 2024-2025 school year, free meals will be available to those who qualify. Please see the “Residency, Fees, and Financial Assistance Information” page for more information.
Glenbard West Boosters is primarily a fundraising organization with more than 350 members and 125+ Board members that plans various Booster-sponsored events and fundraising activities. The funds raised enhance academic programs, athletic programs and extra-curricular activities that enrich the student experience at Glenbard West.
You can keep up with Glenbard information throughout the year by signing up for Glenbard News, our district-wide enewsletter, at this link.
Each week, you will receive district-wide news about students’ achievements in school-sponsored activities; upcoming events; fund-raisers; school board information and more.
West Nation proudly supports Glenbard Parent Series (GPS). Visit www.GlenbardGPS.org for information on the nationally recognized speaker series for parents, students, educators and community members. The series is free and open to the public.
Please visit www.gbwnation.com to purchase a membership, make a donation and to volunteer. We invite all students and parents to be a part of WEST NATION!
Follow us on Twitter/@GWWestNation or Facebook/GlenbardWestNation
Crisis Text Line - Text REACH to: 741741
This sends information to a Crisis Counselor, a real-life human being trained to help individuals return to a healthy/stable level of functioning.
Safe2Help Illinois Call 844-472-3345 or Text 72332(SAFE2)
Safe2Help Illinois offers students a safe, confidential way in which to share information that might help prevent suicides, bullying, school violence or other threats to school safety. This program is intended to get students to “Seek Help Before Harm.”
Students who wish to report a potential act of school violence at Glenbard West may also leave an anonymous message with our School Resource Officer at (630) 681-3177 or call the Bullying Hotline Call (630) 942-7406
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call/Text 988
This number has trained staff to answer calls and respond to texts from individuals at risk for suicide as well as those experiencing other mental health and substance use-related emergencies. Specialized services will be available for veterans, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other groups.
Glenbard West High School
Email: gw_news@glenbard.org
Website: glenbardwesths.org
Location: 670 Crescent Blvd.
Phone: 630-469-8600
Twitter: @GWHilltoppers