Klatt Weekly NEWS
Be in the Know.......September 27th, 2024
🎉 What's NEW @ Klatt? 🎉
Klatts Tower & Box Gardens
Garden Boxes
We have all sorts of plants growing. Many of the classes have tomato & pepper plants, but just out front of the main office we have pumpkins, artichokes, beans, celery and more!!!!
HydroPonic Tower Garden
Kids are collecting data, collecting the PH and calculating the parts per million of the water, that flows through the system.
🚨 Time Sensitive ⏰
Believe Kids Fundraiser 9/13/2024 - 10/4/2024
HELP us reach our GOAL!!!!
Register and sell 1 ITEM- that's it!!
REGISTRATION Contest for Fundraiser
Packets have gone HOME!!!!
Encourage your kids to register and start selling!!!
THE CLASS with the most registrations, will have a party.
if 50% of our school registers, our school will be automatically entered into a $2,500 raffle
Register- WIN an immediate prize!!
For every 3 items sold- WIN an immediate prize!!
⏰ TIMES almost UP!!!! ⏰
You have until the Monday, September 30th!!!!!!
📆 September TO Do's 📆
After School Activities
Migrant Education Homework Help: Mondays & Tuesdays, 2:30 to 4:00 pm
(September 23rd - May 6th)
Orange Shirt Day
Coming to Klatt in October
GRADES 3rd through 5th
Starting Thursday, October 3rd
2:45- 3:45 pm
🌟 Student of the Week 🌟
Positive Attitude, Responsible Actions, Motivated to Learn and Practices Safety
Kendall Castro 💖
Student of the Week in Mrs. Sims Class!!!
Bonnie Doosuntia ✏️
Student of the Week in Mrs. Chang's Class!!!
Isaac Hernandez- Ramirez 🏆
Student of the Week in Mrs. Gamez Class!!!
Miles Ramsted 🌟
Student of the Week in Mrs. Stinnett-Voss Class
Mason Recinos 🎉
Student of the Week in Mrs. Gaines Class
Sebastian Romo 🧑🎓
Student of the Week in Mrs. Wilhelms Class
Ciara Baxter- Tejeda 💖
Student of the Week in Mrs. Stotts Class!!!
Elias Domingo ✏️
Student of the Week in Mrs. Davis' Class
Preston Vang 🎓
Student of the Week in Mrs. Cowles Class
Denny Lee 🎉
Student of the Week in Mrs. Andersons Class!!!
Grace Yang 💖
Student of the Week in Ms. Roehls Class!!!
Joselyne Villasenor Rangel 🌟
Student of the Week in Mrs. Rogers Class!!!
Santiago Veledez-Reyna 🌟
Student of the Week in Mrs. Edelmans Class!!
Matthew Phommachanh 🏆
Kenneth Walker 🎉
🧩 How can we HELP you? 🧩
Alison Young-Marquez
Klatt A.A
Katherine Bitters-Schwarz
Klatt School Secretary