What's Happening At The Hive!
October 20, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, 10/22: 6:30 pm Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) Meeting at Parker Jr. High
- Wednesday, 10/23: Fall Picture Retakes
- Friday, 10/25: 4:00 pm report cards posted
- Monday, 10/28: 6:00 pm Board of Education Meeting at 41 E. Elmwood Drive, Chicago Heights, IL
- Wednesday, 10/30:
- HH PTO -Sponsored Pumpkin Patch
- 5:00-7:00 pm HH PTO-Sponsored Trunk or Treat in the HH Parking Lot
- Thursday, 10/31:
- Fall Fest Parade and Celebration (more information to come!)
- 11:40 am EARLY DISMISSAL (Half day School Improvement Day)
- Monday, 11/4: NO SCHOOL Veterans Day Observed
- Tuesday, 11/5: NO SCHOOL Election Day
News and Notes
Last week we celebrated Breast Cancer Awareness through a "Think Pink" day. The students of Heather Hill wore pink on Friday and presented a donation total of $216 to both Project Kennedy and The Cancer Support Center. We were so proud of our Hornets for supporting such worthy causes! In the morning we were honored to invite community members and survivors to gather in fellowship around breakfast and hear more about the services offered by both organizations to spread the word of hope, perseverance, and support.
We are incredibly grateful to the Heather Hill Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) for their generous donations of a catered Panera breakfast, Pink Day bracelets for all HH students, and Pink Day pinwheels to show support for this worthy cause. Thank you to the PTO for all you do to support the HH community!
Finally, a huge-shout out to Ms. Danielle Callahan, 2nd teacher and survivor, for developing the idea and working to organize the events of the day! Ms. Callahan's strength has been an inspiration to us all. We are so grateful for her passion in bringing our community together around this cause. Thank you, also, to Mr. Small who provided a great deal of behind-the-scenes support for the day!
Think Pink Breakfast for Community Members
Thank you to Ms. Evans who spoke on behalf of the The Cancer Support Center and the founder of Project Kennedy!
Think Pink Day: Donation Checks Presented to Project Kennedy and the Cancer Support Center
Board Briefs. 10/18/24---NEW Update!
Long Range Construction Plan
The planning work for the Summer 2025 construction work continues. The Board of Education discussed the recent bid opening results and the tentative construction schedule moving forward. As a reminder, Heather Hill and Serena Hills are scheduled for renovation next year and Flossmoor Hills, Western Avenue, and Parker Junior High will follow during the summer of 2026. An overview of the work can be found here and the full presentation can be found at this link. For the 2025-26 school year, we are anticipating starting two weeks later than normal in response to the construction schedule. A draft of the school calendar, created in conjunction with our staff, Homewood Flossmoor High School District 233 and Homewood School District 153, will be discussed with the Board of Education in the coming weeks.
Outdoor Education Program
The Outdoor Education Program for 5th grade students will remain at Irons Oaks moving forward. Other local programs were reviewed and while they offer some different activities, Irons Oaks effectively provides team building and conservation-focused activities. We are proud to partner with a local organization to provide effective and fun learning activities at a reasonable cost point.
Security Camera Projects
The Board of Education approved the main security camera project at its recent meeting. The specific report with the cost of the project can be found here. This project will update our camera system to address camera coverage issues, simplify the user interface, and provide more effective, realtime information to first responders. Meetings with the Village of Flossmoor are ongoing regarding additional camera coverage for the Heather Hill Detention Basin and that will return for a Board review at an upcoming meeting.
District 161 is Hiring!
Flossmoor School District 161 is searching for a Special Education paraprofessional to work with our dedicated staff at Western Avenue. In addition, District 161 is always hiring guest teachers who wish to pick up assignments on an as-needed basis when our staff are absent. Please follow this link to learn more and apply!Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC)
The next meeting for the Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) is on October 22nd from 6:30-7:30 pm at Parker Junior High. Please click on the link in the attached flyer for the registration link!
Digital Citizenship
Student Spotlight
Do you have a student accomplishment you'd like to celebrate with the Heather Hill community? Please email Principal Carol Humm at chumm@sd161.org and include a description and picture of only your student. We love to celebrate students' accomplishments!
Birthday Treats
In order to ensure the safety of all students, families may only bring non-edible birthday treats to school to share with classmates. We cannot accept any food items to distribute to students as many students have serious food allergies. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
HH PTO Room Parent Sign-up!
Are you looking for a fun way to support HH? Our HH PTO room parents support classroom parties and activities! We are still looking for parents to sign-up for several classes. Please take a look at HH Room Parents 2024-2025 Sign-up! The first event is the Fall Fest Celebration on 10/31!
Crossing Guard
We are looking for a crossing guard for at least the next few months! Crossing guards would need to be available from 7:30-8:15 am and from 2:45-3:15 pm each day. If interested, please visit the Job Opportunities website with the Village of Flossmoor. Thank you!
Health Information
Just a reminder that Kindergarten and students that transferred into the district this school year need updated physical exams. These records need to be current with updated immunization information. This is mandated by the state of Illinois. If the required medical documentation is not provided by October 15, students will be excluded from school. They will be not be able to return until the documents are submitted. If you need resources for health care facilities in our area, please contact the front office at 708-647-7200.
Flossmoor Public Library
Attendance Matters!
We are continuing to work towards our goals of increasing student attendance to increase learning goals! Check out our attendance percentages from the Week of 10/7. We are working towards a goal of at least 93% attendance each week. Of course we encourage parents to keep children home if they are sick. Students should stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever subsides. Please consult a medical professional as needed for other symptoms including cough, vomiting, etc.
SD161 Student Handbook
Please view the SD161 Student Handbook for important information.
#Above and Beyond
Want to show your appreciation for outstanding work from a staff member? Nominate them for #AboveAndBeyond! Use this form to nominate a staff member today!
Flossmoor School District 161 23-24 Calendar
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please view the Heather Hill breakfast and lunch menus here!
PTO Happenings!
If you would like to participate in the PTO or have any questions please email them at heatherhillhornets@gmail.com.
Also, Please click on this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/2466905720251155 to join our Heather Hill Families page.
Email: chumm@sd161.org
Website: https://www.sd161.org/o/heather-hill
Location: 1439 Lawrence Crescent, Flossmoor, IL, USA
Phone: 708-647-7200
Facebook: facebook.com/gohornets161
Twitter: @TheHornetsHive