Broncos Bulletin
December 2019 - Bernal Intermediate
Bernal Intermediate School
Mr. Garner, Assistant Principal
Location: 6610 San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Phone: 4085785731
Twitter: @BernalOGSD
Principal's Message
Dear Bernal Families,
The holiday season is upon us. It seems like it was just a few days ago at Bernal, we were welcoming new students and families on the first day of school; nervous seventh graders looking for their classrooms and lockers, as well as parents lined up at the office door, looking for the right room to take their student. Now a few months later, students and families have already made it to the third grading period, mastered the art of making sure PE clothes are washed over the weekend, remembering which Friday afternoon is the school dance, and memorizing what RISE behavior means.
Our new AVID program is off to a tremendous start this school year. As a reminder, AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is an elementary through postsecondary college readiness system that is designed to increase school wide learning and performance. The AVID system accelerates student learning, uses research based methods of effective instruction, provides meaningful and motivational professional development, and acts as a catalyst for systemic reform and change. At Bernal we have AVID in the 7th grade (as an elective) and we have plans to have the AVID elective in the 7th and 8th grade next year. Mrs. Fraschetti and her AVID students have gone on multiple field trips, including to UC Santa Cruz and Stanford.
This week and next, Bernal Language Arts and Math departments will be in the second round of iReady assessments. As a reminder, iReady is an interactive online learning program that helps students build essential skills in reading and mathematics. iReady starts with a diagnostic test that identifies the specific skills each student needs to develop and measures academic growth through the school year. It also provides students with personalized online instruction and gives teachers guidance on how they can best support the needs of students.
How can I help my child get the most out of iReady?
- Speak with your child about how using i-Ready will help him or her prepare for class work.
- Encourage your child to take each test question seriously.
- Discuss your child’s results
- Contact your child’s teacher about how often your child should practice at home, or with any other questions about i-Ready.
I’d like to recognize two exemplary staff members, as they have been recent recipients of the District’s Vision Award for Outstanding Communication and Service to students and families.
Jimmy Bui, Science Teacher
Jimmy Bui is the master of communication! He is highly skilled at facilitating team meetings and designing forms that help us stay organized and guide conversations. He always comes prepared with some creative tools that will enhance our discussion. He creates email groups to streamline communication, and frequently checks in with teachers on his team to see how he can support both students and staff.
Jessica Gamber, Resource Specialist Teacher
Jessica Gamber is an advocate for all of her students and truly cares about their families, as well as those she works with. She is a consistently effective communicator amongst students, staff, and families. Jessica actively is helping to promote effective group interaction and opinions in ways that are sensitive to the feelings or knowledge base of others. Ms. Gamber always looks for the positive side and effectively uses techniques for the best possible outcome, especially for student body at Bernal. She is an asset to our site.
In closing, I’m appreciative of our community, our parents, teachers and staff and all of the hard work put in over the first few months of school. Parents, teachers and staff have worked hard in partnership and together at making sure Bernal students are successful and remain at the center of WHY we do what we do.
Have a great holiday season and as always, take care of yourselves and others.
Jamal D. Splane, Principal
Assistant Principal's Message
Dear Bernal School,
As we near the end of 2019, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the Bernal Intermediate family and to the belief in public school education. The success we have experienced since the opening of the school year owes a great deal to teachers, parents, and families like yours. We are among the season of winter breaks and plenty of time off. Instead of playing video games and surfing social media; here are some ideas that students can do to keep their brains sharp:
1. Read a book… that they like
2. Visit someplace new, and do it like a local
3. Write a review of an article, restaurant, or park
4. Watch Jeopardy.
5. Practice speaking a new language
6. Visit museums.
7. Number games and words with friends.
For the upcoming New Year, I wish you health and happiness and hope the winter recess provides a countless of opportunities for you and your student(s) to do things you might not be able to accomplish when school is in session.
Miles Garner, Assistant Principal
Helping Children Cope with “Big Feelings” - Counselor's Corner
Name the feeling(s)
Help your child figure out which feeling they are having/were having. Putting a name to it can help validate their experience. Having a feelings poster or reading children’s books about feelings can be helpful to identify their own feeling.
Normalize the feeling(s)
It can be confusing for a child who’s feelings take over and lead to behaviors they may not usually have. Explain that all people have these feelings sometimes, and we all have to learn how to manage them.
Talk about the brain
Our brains and our bodies are connected, and our brains send out signals when we experience certain “big feelings.” Explain that we have a part of our brain (thinking brain) that’s in charge of making decisions, thinking things through, and managing our emotions. Explain that another part of our brain (emotional brain) is in charge of important things like breathing, digesting food, and holds onto big feelings like anger or anxiety; this part of our brain also reacts to any threats, and can make us feel like we need to run (flight), fight back, or freeze. Sometimes this part of our brain overreacts, and we need to try strategies to calm it down. (For a full script of the brain conversation, visit
Practice self-regulation skills
When children are calm, their thinking brain is on, and this is the best time to come up with a plan for when their emotional brain tries to take over. Encourage taking a break (not a timeout), deep breathing, releasing angry energy by exercising, and relaxation strategies such as progressive muscle relaxation, coloring, calm down jars, music, etc. Practice these repeatedly when they are calm. Helping your child begin to recognize their body’s early signs of a big feeling (heart racing, clenched jaw, etc.) can help them learn when to employ their self-regulation skills.
Reference: Kayla Marston, M.Ed.
Important Dates
iReady Diagnostic #2 Testing Window: December 2 - December 20
Super Saturday: December 14 (8:15am-12:30pm)
Upcoming Spirit Days!
December 20th - Holiday Wear! (holiday sweaters, santa hats, etc.)
Winter Band Concert - All Bernal Bands
Join us for Bernal's Winter Band Concert on Tuesday, December 17th at 6:30pm in the Big Gym!
Panda Express - Dining For Dollars Fundraiser!
Where: Panda Express on Cottle
When: Wednesday, December 11th ALL DAY
Why: To enjoy a meal out with your family while supporting Bernal!
Don't forget to show the flyer attached below!
Have an Absence? Attend Bernal's Super Saturday!
Saturday, Dec 14, 2019, 08:15 AM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA
12/14/19 Super Saturday Session
Have an absence? Please attend Bernal's Holiday-Themed Super Saturday Session on Saturday, December 14th from 8:15am - 12:30pm! Attending the Super Saturday will allow students to make up one absence from this school year.
Permission slips will be sent home on Thursday, December 5th and must be returned by Tuesday, December 10th.
Students will participate in activities such as: Ornament Decorating, "Nailed It!" Cookie Baking & Decorating Contest and Holiday Trivia!
Students need to turn in their permission slip by Tuesday, December 10th and attend the full session so they can:
Earn 10 Bronco Bucks!
Be entered into a raffle to earn a pizza party for them and 5 friends!
Earn an In-n-Out certificate!
Be entered into a raffle to win a mile pass for P.E.!
Please email Allison Crawford at if you have any questions!
*Permission slips may be turned in late (by Thurs. 12/12), but students will NOT be able to order a lunch if it's turned in late. They will need to bring their own lunch.
The pictures below are from out last session! Don't miss out on another Saturday of fun!
Boys Basketball Games in December
Dec. 10th - Bernal @ Russell
Dec. 18th - Jamboree 3:20-6:45pm (7th @ Bernal; 8th @ Britton)
Dec. 19th - Quimby @ Bernal
B Team Games: (3:30 start time)
No games until January
Five Star Pizza Fundraiser EVERY THURSDAY!
49ers STEM Field Trip!
AVID Students Take on Stanford University!
Our First Rally was Amazing! GO BERNAL BRONCOS!!!
Would you like to have you're student's birthday announced on the marquee? See info below!
Kaiser Permanente Educational Theater
On Tuesday, February 11, 2020, Bernal Intermediate will be having students benefit from Kaiser Permanente Educational Theater. Please see the attached Parent Guide for additional details.
If you do not want your student to participate in the Nightmare on Puberty Street live theatre production, please send a note to Bernal Intermediate office one week prior to assembly (no later than February 4, 2020).
Sign up to bring treats!
HSA has put together a sign up sheet if you would like to bring treats for our teachers during their staff meetings. Please use THIS LINK to sign up! Thank you!
**HSA Donation Drive!**
Donate online today using THIS LINK or pick up a flyer and envelope in the front office if you'd prefer to donate with cash or a check.