HES Happenings
June 10, 2022
Second Grade At Buttonwood Park Zoo
Third Grade Learns Cape Cod Canal History
3rd-grade classes visited the Canal Visitor's Center this week to learn about the Cape Cod Canal and Massachusetts History. The rangers at the Army Corps of Engineers explained how the canal works, the history of the canal, about marine traffic control, as well as provided a tour of a replica ship. We learned through hands-on activities, scavenger hunts, and a game of trivia!.
Mrs Smith's Class Earns "Stuffie Sleepover" as Fish Bowl Reward
Math League
A group of 12 Fourth Grade students met after school weekly for 13 weeks, collaborating with each other to solve very challenging math problems in preparation for the annual New England Math League Contest. The students showed up each week ready to take on the trickiest of math puzzles. The students consistently demonstrated great command of math skills and strategies to help them accomplish their goals.
In April, the students then participated in the regional contest, working diligently to try to solve 30 mind-bending math questions.
Shown in the group photo at the top is the Math League team: Back row: Ms.Crowley, Lyla Miller, Grace Garganigo, Alli Coomber, Demetri Gooden-Trowell, Christopher Santos, Avante Tillman. Front row: Maggie Braz, Avery Griswold, Lily Gingras, Joshua Bassett, Mack Contonio, Owen Wilder.
Also pictured in the bottom picture are the 5 top-scoring students in the contest: First Place - Owen Wilder, Second Place - Lily Gingras, Third Place (tie) - Joshua Bassett and Christopher Santos, Fourth Place - Avante Tillman. Congratulations to ALL of our HES Math League students!
Field Day Dates:
Field Day for Grades 3 and 4 will be Wednesday, June 15
Grades K, 1, and 2 will be on Thursday, June 16
Engineering Challenge - Spaghetti and Marshmallow Towers!
Thank you to the Town of Harwich - Playground Progress !
100 Book Challenge - Last Day for Awards is June 17
The last day to submit names for awards is Friday, June 17th. This is so that classroom teachers have time to collect blue bags and organize the books for the summer. The June list of 100 Book Challenge Earners will be in the June 24 HES Happenings.
Next School Year: Family Drop Off and Pick Up will only be at Door 3 - please carefully read the message below
Please Ride the Bus Next School Year!
Next school year, family drop-off and pick-up will only be at Door 3 on the Sisson Road side of the school from 7:35-7:45am. HES will be returning to the "pre-COVID" use of the Parallel Street (Door 6) side of the school for preschool and Special Education transportation.
We encourage all families to sign up their Kindergarten through Grade 4 students to ride the bus for convenience, to reduce traffic around the school, and plus bus riders are never tardy! If the bus is late to arrive at the school, students are not marked tardy.
In order to create appropriate bus routes and stops, families are asked to complete the online Aspen transportation form. Click here to log into your family Aspen account, and select 'Start a new Bus Verification.' Please note that you must complete the form for each student.
There are no distancing or masking requirements in place, and we encourage families to use the bus to transport their students for the 2022-2023 school year.
Early Morning Drop Off will continue every school day from 7:15 - 7:30 am at Door 2. Families can drop off their students who will be supervised in the cafeteria until the bell rings at 7:35 am.
100 Book Challenge - Reading 30 Minutes each Night is our only Homework!
The only MRSD elementary homework expectation for our Grade 1-4 students is reading for 30 minutes at home and filling out their reading log. Each student comes home every school night with this blue book bag full of books at their reading level. However, any reading at home counts! Kids can snuggle up and read a book together, listen to an audio book or read to themselves.
For every 100 "Steps" (15 minutes of reading), each student earns a collectible coin, and their name is announced on Morning Announcements. Kids love collecting the coins and we love that they are reading! For every 500 steps read, students receive a special reading medal on a blue a white ribbon.
Please click the video link below for more information on the 100 Book Challenge from our very own Mrs. Cleary, Grade 4 Teacher.
MRSD is Hiring!
Monomoy Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Peanut and Nut Free Lunches from Home
In order to ensure adequate social distancing, we have added more seating area to accommodate our grade level lunches. As a result, we do not have the flexibility with seating that we have had in the past to allow for students to bring peanut and nut items in their lunches. It is extremely important that students bring peanut and nut-free lunches to school. This effort will go a long way to protect all students and is greatly appreciated.
Snacks in the classroom do not need to be peanut and nut-free unless your classroom teacher has made you aware of an allergy accommodation in your student’s class.
Mrs. Mary Oldach, MEd.
Mrs.Sharon Hughes, MEd.
Harwich Elementary School
Website: https://www.monomoy.edu
Location: 263 South Street, Harwich, MA, USA
Phone: 508-430-7216
Twitter: @monomoyHES